- AO3必须建立在AO2的基础上
- AO3不是重复AO2
- AO3和AO2的写作重点不同
- AO3不能太过笼统
Examiner's report也非常明确地指出了这一点:
Q1: which factor is most important for PED.
如果你在AO2只写了degree of necessity和proportion of income,那AO3就只能比较这两个factor,而不能说number of substitutes是最重要的factor.
Q2: whether maximum price is always advantageous
如果你想在 AO3 中通过empirical evidence来说明maximum price is not always advantageous,那么在 AO2 必须先分析导致这些disadvantages的原因.
- 如果AO3的例子是New York rent control, 那AO2必须解释market distortion.
- 如果AO3的例子是Venezuela price control, 那AO2必须解释shortages以及对应的问题.
Q3: whether direct provision could be justified
如果你想在AO3提到如果gov没有钱因此没法被justify, 那必须在AO2先分析cost of policy.
AO3不是简单重复AO2很多同学考试的时候想不出AO3, 但又想拿一点AO3的分。
他们的策略是重复AO2的arguments.这完全是浪费时间:repeated arguments是不可能重复给分的。
举个例子:题目问economic growth是不是always beneficial,在AO2已经写了好处坏处的基础上,AO3写因为有坏处所以growth不是always beneficial是不会给分的。
我们要做的是讨论什么情况下benefits会超过costs, 什么情况下costs会超过benefits, 然后再给出judgement.如果你想不出AO3的内容,那直接空着就行了。
AO3和AO2有不同的写作重点AO2是positive statements, 写作的重点是严谨解释.举个例子,如果从maximum price推导到black market,需要做以下几步:
1. Maximum price increases qd and decreases qs.
2. Price is not allowed to increase so shortage exists.
3. At qs, consumers are willing to pay a higher price.
4. Aware of this, producers may charge this price in black market.
AO3是normative statements, 并不存在对错。
因此,得分的重点是让考官觉得有道理。举个例子,如果题目问应该用indirect tax还是education campaign来减少alcohol consumption, 那AO3我们可以这么说:In low-income countries, demand for alcohol is elastic because it takes up a large share of people's income. Consumers with lower education levels may not understand education campaigns due to low literacy rates. As a result, using indirect taxes is a more effective way to reduce alcohol consumption because the effects are more certain, as higher prices directly discourage consumption.
在这个论述中,我们并不需要证明PED是不是真的elastic, education是不是真的没用。我们只需要基于这个前提来比较两个policy即可。
上面减少alcohol的consumption的题,在解释了indirect tax和education这两个policy之后,大家给出所谓的万能evaluation模板:We should use a combined policy because one policy can serve as a price incentive while the other can improve consumers' knowledge and solve the root cause. This combination could enhance the overall effectiveness of the policies.这个段落看起来貌似还不错,但是如果题目换成任何一个别的demerit goods,这都是适用的。