





Marbury v. Madison(1803)

This case established the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review—the power to determine whether or not a law or other government action is constitutional. This power has become part of the “unwritten Constitution” and one of the Supreme Court’s most important roles.



Gibbons v. Ogden(1824)

The court decided that the power to regulate interstate commerce, granted to Congress by the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution, encompassed the power to regulate navigation.

美国是由独立的各州联邦组成的国家,因此联邦制使各州拥有广泛的权力。管理州内的工商业的权利在每个州自己的手里,但管理州与州之间的经济活动(interstate commerce)的权利却不得不让渡给联邦政府。因此美国宪法规定了管理对外贸易、州际贸易和与印第安部落的贸易是属于联邦政府的权利。但纸上的规定要化为实践还需要一个过程,而此案就促进了这个法律的落实。


Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)

Dred Scott, an enslaved man of "the negro African race" who had been taken by his owners to free states and territories, attempted to sue for his freedom. The Supreme Court denied Scott's request, and held that "a negro, whose ancestors were imported into [the U.S.], and sold as slaves",whether enslaved or free, could not be an American citizen and therefore had no standing to sue in federal court, and that the federal government had no power to regulate slavery in the federal territories acquired after the creation of the United States.



Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

This case gave the legal green light to “separate but equal” public facilities for blacks and whites. It legitimized the Jim Crow segregation laws that would characterize racial policy for the next half-century.


最高法院裁定“隔离但平等”并不意味着对黑人的歧视,而只是确认白人和黑人之间由于肤色不同而形成差别。该案的裁决事实上确认了种族隔离政策的合法性,直到1954年的 Brown v. Board of Education,这一政策方才失去其合法地位。


Korematsu v. US(1944)

The Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of detention camps for Japanese-Americans during World War 2.



Brown v. Board of Education(1954)

Essentially undoing Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled that “separate but equal” facilities for blacks and whites were “inherently unequal.” This case outlawed racial segregation of public schools and paved the way for the integration of other areas as well.

此案判决种族隔离本质上就是一种不平等,因此种族隔离的法律因为剥夺了黑人学童的入学权利而违反了the 14th Admendments所保障的平等权而违宪。此案终止了美国社会中存在已久白人和黑人必须分别就读不同公立学校的种族隔离现象。从本判决后「隔离但平等」的法律原则被推翻,从此美国开始废止一切有关种族隔离的措施,民权运动和种族融合也因为本案迈进一大步。


Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)

This decision expanded the guarantees of the Bill of Rights by ruling that the 6th Amendment right to an attorney regardless of ability to pay applies to state cases as well as federal ones.



Miranda v. Arizona (1966)

This case is designed to make sure that those accused of a crime know their rights before they are interrogated by police.  This is known as the “Miranda Warning” or “Miranda Rights.”



Roe v. Wade(1973)

The Supreme Court used the 4th Amendment as the basis to legalize first trimester abortion.



US v. Richard Nixon (1976)

This case resulted in a unanimous decision against President Richard Nixon, ordering him to deliver tape recordings and other subpoenaed materials to a federal district court. The decision was important to the late stages of the Watergate scandal, when there was an ongoing impeachment process against Richard Nixon. United States v. Nixon is considered a crucial precedent limiting the power of any U.S. president to claim executive privilege.








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