AP 2024美国历史 FRQ解析(上)

AP 2024美国历史 FRQ解析(上)

考情分析 -- Set1 p1


AP 2024美国历史 FRQ解析(上)


1a. 本题主要考察考生对Melder与Lerner就19世纪上半叶女权运动起源的不同解读的理解。注意,题干只要求考生分析二者解读的不同点,而非异同点。通过阅读所给材料,考生不难发现两者在分析女权运动起源时的侧重点不同。Melder强调了宗教运动中形成的“Sisterhood”的重要性: “...[threw] women into the company of other women and created new bonds of sisterhood between then...” “Sisterhood”成为了女性群体的共同自我认知,其构成的纽带将女性群体紧密团结在了一起,女性越来越意识到人为施加在她们身上的种种限制与不平等的不合理性,于是作为她们抗争的手段,各种改革运动,即女权运动,应运而生。而Lerner倾向于将该时代女性按middle class与lower class这两种不同的阶级分开考虑。“[While lower-class women]... tended to join men in their struggle for economic advancement, ... the concerns of middle-class women... [dominated] the women’s rights movement.” 很明显,Lerner认为,相较于同男性一样致力于提升自己经济地位的下层社会女性,对自己在权力的分配中处于边缘地位更深有感触的“propertied women”,即有一定经济地位的中产阶级女性,才是开展女权运动的主力军。总结,Melder指出了“religious movement”与“sisterhood”在团结女性、推动女权运动兴起方面的重要作用,而Lerner更强调中产阶级女性在开展女权运动中的领导地位。

1b. 本题考察学生对文献可靠度的判断能力和批判性思维。题干变相地告诉了考生第一篇材料缺少了相关史料或历史案例的支撑,要求考生分析若加入相关例子会使得文献得到怎样的提升。建议考生从增加史料对学术写作的重要性及史料与作者观点如何相互映证契合两方面作答。文章提到,“The experience of autonomy [within reform movements]... encouraged proponents of women to organize...”, 却没有举出相应的改革运动例子来说明女性是如何体验到“autonomy”,即认识到当家作主的重要性的。考生可选择这一思路进行作答。

此外,文章还提到了 “In terms of sisterhood the religious movements added substantially to American women’s collective identity”,却没有提供相应的宗教运动例子来说明“sisterhood”这一理念是如何融入进美国女性的共同身份认同中并对女权运动兴起产生积极影响的。考生也可选择这条思路进行作答。

1c. 本题仍然考察学生对文献可靠度的判断能力和批判性思维。同上题,题干这回要求考生分析第二篇材料所缺失的案例证据或史料对于文献的影响,故答题角度应与上题一致。文章提到,“Propertied women felt this deprivation more keenly... [This] sense of frustration led them to action”, 有一定经济能力的女性反而更为政治权力的缺失与社会地位的低下所恼,便有了开展女权运动的动机,但文章并没有给出相应的案例或史料来证明中产阶级女性在女权运动中有重要的领导作用这一观点。考生可根据这一点进行作答。

此外,文章还写道, “In the urbanized and industrialized Northeast the life experience of middle-class women was different in almost every respect from that of the lower-class women”, 即作者认为,在当时由于城市化与工业化的发展差异,美国东北地区的中产阶级女性与其他地区的下层社会女性在生活的方方面面都有着差别,并据此阐述了相对于有很大经济困难的底层女性,中产阶级女性更有对平等的政治权力与社会地位的追求,从而更有开展女权运动的内在驱动力。然而文章并没有给出相关例子来说明城市化与工业化是如何将女性分化成了两个不同的阶级以及她们的生活状态又有着怎样的显著差别。考生也可按该条思路进行作答。


AP 2024美国历史 FRQ解析(上)

AP 2024美国历史 FRQ解析(上)


2a. 本题考察考生对美国社保体系建立的历史背景的掌握情况。根据海报的图文信息 (age 65, social security account number...),考生不难判断出这描述的主题为 Social Security Act, 这一由罗斯福总统 (FDR) 于1935年签署的社保法案。由此,该海报所处的历史背景显然是考生应熟知的重要考点经济大萧条(Great Depression), 而该法案也正是第二轮罗斯福新政 (Second New Deal) 中的重要举措之一。因此,考生只需要简要描述Great Depression发生的时代背景及作为应对手段的该法案与当时的经济颓势的关系便可。

2b. 本题考察考生对美国在19世纪后半叶至20世纪前半叶的政治经济理念变迁的理解。题干要求考生根据海报描述的历史背景阐述1877-1936年美国社会对政府应当扮演怎样的角色的观念变化。结合上题已分析的Great Depression背景,考生不难意识到题干所要求解释的“change”便是由laissez-faire 自由放任主义经济到罗斯福总统执政期间的国家干预经济模式。至此,本题的答案呼之欲出:作为罗斯福新政的一部分,海报中所描述的Social Security Act 正是国家干预经济的典型表现之一。1930年代席卷全美的Great Depression使得美国社会意识到政府放任经济的弊端,从而转向“国家干预经济有其必要性”这一观念。

2c. 本题考察上题所分析的国家干预经济理念在二战后的表现形式,考生需要举出相应的例子并加以分析论证。结合所学美国历史,1945年后,即罗斯福政府后,美国先后进入了杜鲁门 (Truman) 与艾森豪威尔 (Eisenhower) 领导的时期,而这两位总统在执政期间均延续了罗斯福新政的相关政策,在社会保障方面发挥出了国家政府的作用,考生任举几点即可。

可供参考的实例包括但不局限于 :

1. President Truman approved the Social Security Act Amendments of 1950 which greatly strengthened the elderly and survivors insurance system.

2. President Eisenhower expanded the coverage of Social Security Act to the self-employed and disabled who used to be not covered by this legislation.

3. President Eisenhower established the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

4. President Eisenhower signed legislation increasing the minimum wage by a third.

5. President Eisenhower funded public works project such as building interstate highways through the Federal-Aid Highway Act.


AP 2024美国历史 FRQ解析(上)

答题重点 Q3:

3a. 本题考察考生对美国大革命 (the American Revolution) 爆发前的英国在美洲殖民历史的掌握情况。题干要求描述一项1763-1776年英国在其北美殖民地施行的政策, 时间范围恰好是英法北美战争 (French-Indian War) 后至美国大革命前,考生在众多引发美国大革命的法案政策中任取一项即可。


1. 1764 Sugar Act

2. 1765 Stamp Act

3. 1765 Quartering Act4. 1767 Townsend Acts

5. 1773 Tea Act

6. 1774 Coercive Acts

3b. 本题考察考生对大革命时期不同群体(两大派别)对英国其中一项政策作出反应的异同之处的理解。题干所给的时间范围为1763-1783,恰好为美国人民开始走向革命至胜利建国这段时期,那么题中的 “a British policy”即可被理解为上题中一系列促进大革命爆发的英国殖民地政策中的任意一项,而 “two groups”自然是指拥护英国殖民统治的一派 (loyalists) 与反对的一派 (patriots)。

以1765 Quartering Act 为例:

Patriots strongly objected to this act and refused to provide British soldiers with housing and supplies, considering it as an unacceptable tax and burden on them, while loyalists supported this act since they believed the soldiers were there to protect the colonies.

3c. 本题考察考生对美国独立战争胜利原因的了解程度。题干要求考生阐述 “how one specific historical development contributed to the American colonies’ victory”, 考生需要对1775-1783年中重要的历史事件进行描述并说明它如何促成了独立战争的胜利。其中,最重要且便于作答的一个因素便是法国的援助 (alliance with France) 了。


1. France secretly provide weapons and funds to the American colonies during the first years of the war.

2. France officially declared war against Great Britain and announced alliance with American colonies after the victory of Saratoga, and the support given to the colonies were largely increased thereafter.

3. France lobbied other European powers into supporting American colonies’ cause.

4. French civilians and soldiers came to American colonies and directly fought in the frontier with the Continental Army. For example, Marquis de Lafayette brought ships of soldiers and money to the colonies, helping Washington train his army and fought with him.

答题重点 Q4:

4a. 本题考察考生对美国冷战时期相关政策的掌握情况。题干要求考生描述1945-1991中美国的一项冷战政策即可。其中影响重大也是本科目重要考点的便是杜鲁门主义 (Truman Doctrine)与马歇尔计划 (Marshall Plan), 考生选自己最为熟悉的进行描述说明即可。

Truman Doctrine: announced by President Harry S. Truman in 1947. The doctrine aimed to contain the spread of communism by providing political, military, and economic assistance to countries threatened by Soviet influence or communist insurrection.

Marshall Plan: officially known as the European Recovery Program, which was initiated in 1948 to provide extensive economic aid to help rebuild European economies devastated by World War II, while its underlying goal was to prevent the spread of communism in Europe.

4b. 本题考察考生对冷战时期美国内部政治派系的不同主张 (Truman Doctrine vs. Isolationism) 的理解。题干要求考生就一项美国冷战政策分析两个派系人士的不同政见。自然,考生会选取上题中所作答过的冷战政策作为解题思路。如,以Marshall Plan马歇尔计划为例,该计划是Truman Doctrine杜鲁门主义的典型外在表现之一,其受到了杜鲁门主义者们的支持,同时也遭到了Isolationists隔离主义者们的反对。


Marshall Plan as one of important United States policies during the Cold War was supported by many internationalists and proponents of Truman Doctrine who considered it a strategic step to invest influence in Europe and curb the idea of communism from Soviet Union from spreading in Europe, while other isolationists who wanted the US to stay away from European affairs opposed this plan in the fear that it would make the country further entangled with international conflicts.

4c. 本题考察考生对冷战结束的相关进程及原因的掌握情况。题干要求考生分析1980年促成冷战终结的一项历史进程或事件。考生可以从 reform and new polices made by Gorbachev, dissolution of Soviet Union, fall of communist regimes in Europe等角度任取一个进行阐明。

供参考:At the end of 1980s, a series of revolutions swept through Eastern Europe. Countries such as East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Romania saw the collapse of their communist governments. The Berlin Wall, a symbol of Cold War division, fell in November 1989, leading to the reunification of Germany. These revolutions signaled the end of Soviet control over Eastern Europe and the collapse of the Eastern Bloc, effectively dismantling the communist presence in Europe, which further accelerated the ongoing breakdown of the Cold War framework.







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