AP语言Question 3作文范文赏析


客观说Q2 Rhetorial analysis才是最难写到1/4/1的作文——CB每年公布的essay mean score也几乎一直是Q2分在考生中最低。不过近期有越来越多的声音反馈Q3更难




若想不通,在freshmen year写第一篇long-ish essay就明白了

AP语言Question 3的底层逻辑为何?


其实2022年的考生,比2019年的考试要幸福很多。如果你善于观察生活和用脑子思考问题,BLM/Covid impact这两个"素材" 几乎可以通吃

请看以下2021 Q3题目 "Value of Striving for Perfection"


你要是写Thomas Edison也可,官网也有样本用这个例子,一篇文章一个cliche例子也无妨。不过明年上大一,想考到Lang 5分和申请前30学校的人,和学前儿童在认知层面是不是该有更突出的区别?

以下两个主体段源于我下午随手40分钟写出的2021 Q3范文,没有但也不用proofread

粗体 = specific, approprirate evidence

黄色高亮 = cogi reference

style = vivid and persuasive as always

However, not every endeavor in life is a contest, and on matters more germane to everyday life, the value of striving for perfection is much more open to doubt. COVID has shone a light on this to a remarkable degree. Given the transmissibility of the virus and its ever mutating tendency, measures that were largely successful at containing the Wuhan strain can no longer be deployed to contain Omicron—at least not without incurring huge social and economic costs. China is a case in point: despite relatively small case numbers and zero Omicron-induced fatality so far, heavy-handed measures have been rolled out in recent weeks by the central government to curb the spread of infections.

In Shanghai, China’s biggest commercial hub, residents are being welded to their apartments for weeks on end as all services, including ride-hailing, grind to a halt. Ostensibly to contain the virus in service of the country’s vaunted “dynamic zero covid” policy, these measures have produced fatalities in other ways, such as when hospitals refused treatment of non-covid patients needing critical treatment. The latest outrage came as a pet corgi, whose owner was put to quarantine, was beaten to death by anonymous, baton-wielding workers in hazmat suits. 

It seems that, by defining the acceptable number of covid cases as precisly zero, rather than reconciling the epidemiological aspect of the disease with social and economic realities, the value of China’s achievement of “zero covid” is negative in the final analysis. 


Another aspect in which achieving perfection is counterproductive concerns ideological purity. Twentieth century history offers plenty of proof.

In the early days of the Soviet Union, for example, Stalin sought to establish a socialist utopia in which everyone had equal amount of everything. Attempts to erase economic inequality, however, ended in political and moral catastrophe. In the dekulakization campaign of the 1920s, forced confiscation of rich farmers’ crops produced the deaths of six million Ukrainian farmers as resentment against the well-to-do was dressed up as a moral virtue.

In seeking to realize the perfect socialist state, Stalin unleashed a system of tyranny that no capitalist form of exploitation could rival in cruelty.

As if this isn’t evidence enough, look no further than Hitler’s pursuit of racial purity by wars of conquest, and Maoist China’s obsession with eliminating class enemies and heterodox thought by way of the “Cultural Revolution.”

Whenever human beings strive to create the perfect system of thought or of running the economy, disaster is on the cards. The road to hell, it seems, is indeed paved with good intentions.










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