2023年暑期初高中经典文学精读写作课程《1984》by George Orwell

2023 暑期 | 初高中经典文学精读写作

《1984》by George Orwell

2023 暑期 | 初高中经典文学精读写作《1984》by George Orwell

2022 春季初高中经典文学精读写作系列课中的其中一本书,是英国著名作家乔治·奥威尔 (George Orwell) 写于1949年的反乌托邦小说类三部代表作之一,《1984》。

这本书同样无一例外是纽约顶尖私立学校初高中英语文学主课必读书目;是 AP Literature 考试中最经常被考到的书目(Most Frequently Cited Books in AP Literature Exam);是 SAT 考试官方推荐阅读书目。从另一个角度,这部经典巨作在文学史上的地位可见一斑。


2、AP Literature 考试最常考书目

3、SAT 考试官方推荐阅读书目

一部经典巨作,一场文学和思想的盛宴,让我们以哲学家和学者的角度来讨论文学,并磨练文学分析写作(Literary Analysis Writing)和创意写作(creative writing)能力。

2023 暑期 | 初高中经典文学精读写作《1984》by George Orwell


1984 by George Orwell

2023 暑期 | 初高中经典文学精读写作《1984》by George Orwell


奥威尔在小说中创造的老大哥、双重思想、 新话等词汇都已收人权威的英语词典,甚至由他的姓衍生出奥威尔式 (Orwellian)、奥威尔主义(Orwellism)这样的通用词汇,不断出现在报道国际新闻的记者笔下,足见其作品在英语国家影响之深远。对于这部天才而富于洞见的著作,再说任何话都只能是多余的。每个人都自会在书中找到共鸣。


让人晕头转向的开卷第一句,"四月里的一个阳光明媚冰寒彻骨的日子,时钟指向十三点",定义了现代暴政的独特表征。主角温斯顿(Winston Smith)的职业是"真理部"的审查员,为了适应国内当前的政治需要和风云变幻的国际联盟,天天篡改历史。他和他的同事被全面监视和全面领导的"老大哥"圈养在一个被控制的单位中。

在《1984》的故事里 ,电视屏幕监视着每个人,人人相互监控,相互告密揭发。今天的社交媒体也正是在收集我们的每个举动,记下我们买了什么东西,在网上发表了什么言论。监控在我们生活中无所不知无所不在,它甚至可以预测我们下一个选择。模拟消费者的选择,用户才是正被推销的商品,而服务于政治目的而收集起来的这些数据,眼下就在扭曲民主的真实含义。

George Orwell (1903 - 1950)

在这十二节的课程中,学生将精读讨论乔治·奥威尔 的经典巨著《1984》,并对其进行分析和写作。本课程将分析奥威尔在其小说中描绘的凄凉的反乌托邦未来,并将这部虚构作品与现代和历史事件,人物和政府进行比较分析


Course Description

Throughout this course, students will spend time reading, writing, analyzing, and discussing George Orwell’s monumental text, 1984. This course will analyze the bleak dystopian future that Orwell portrays in his novel and compare this fictional work with modern and historical events, people, and governments. Students will refine and develop their thematic analyses, focusing on themes of individualism, social class disparity, and the abuse of power. The class will also spend time analyzing technology, surveillance culture, and form opinions on the present and future of our society. The course will blend elements of analytical, creative, and persuasive writing while also enhancing speaking and listening skills.

Course Outline

Class One:

Reading: Chapters 1 & 2 (Part One)

Topics: Plot overview and introductory analysis, paradoxes

Writing: Analysis of party slogans and societal elements

Class Two:

Reading: Chapters 3 & 4 (Part One)

Topics: The effect of government on an individual

Writing: Societal gains and losses in 1984 and today

Class Three:

Reading: Chapters 5 & 6 (Part One)

Topics: Manipulation of history and war

Writing: How can history be altered or completely rewritten?

Class Four:

Reading: Chapters 7 & 8 (Finish Part One)

Topics: Doublethink and using language to manipulate

Writing: Creation of paradoxes

Class Five:

Reading: Chapters 1 & 2 (Part Two)

Topics: Part One analysis and recap

Writing: Censorship and individualism (themes)

Class Six:

Reading: Chapters 3 & 4 (Part Two)

Topics: Newspeak & Hate Week

Writing: Hatred and fear as unifying factors, irony

Class Seven:

Reading: Chapters 5 & 6 (Part Two)

Topics: Character development

Writing: Julia & Winston, character comparison and contrasts

Class Eight:

Reading: Chapters 7 & 8 (Part Two)

Topics: Family, confession, and betrayal. Class disparities

Writing: Living within the Outer Party versus the Inner Party

Class Nine:

Reading: Chapter 9 (Part Two) & Chapter 1 (Part Three)

Topics: “The Book” analysis, linking fictional government with past tyrants

Writing: Hitler and Big Brother

Class Ten:

Reading: Chapters 2 & 3 (Part Three)

Topics: Imprisonment and using imagery to enhance writing

Writing: Imagery analysis and imitation writing

Class Eleven:

Reading: Chapters 4 & 5 (Part Three)

Topics: How is power maintained?

Writing: Modern connections & thematic analysis

Class Twelve:

Reading: Finish Novel

Topics: Room 101, atmosphere, & Big Brother

Writing: Theme, irony, & paradox

2023 暑期 | 初高中经典文学精读写作《1984》by George Orwell





Analytical Writing

Creative Writing

2023 暑期 | 初高中经典文学精读写作《1984》by George Orwell


2023 暑期 | 初高中经典文学精读写作《1984》by George Orwell


2023 暑期 | 初高中经典文学精读写作《1984》by George Orwell


2023 暑期 | 初高中经典文学精读写作《1984》by George Orwell



2023 暑期 | 初高中经典文学精读写作《1984》by George Orwell


  • G7-9 年级
  • G9-11 年级 (组班请联系顾问老师)


  • 6 人 Zoom 在线小班授课

  • Google Classroom 作业管理

  • 课前预习阅读布置章节,课后提交作业

  • 老师详细批改写作作业



Class Dates Time

Close Reading

- G7-9



8:00-9:00 PM


5:00-6:00 PM






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