2023 暑期G34 创意写作系列课程之 Writing through Novel Study

2023 暑期 | G34 创意写作系列课程之

Writing through Novel Study

《 James and the Giant Peach》

2023 暑期 | G34 创意写作系列课程之 Writing through Novel Study


机构 2023 暑期继续推出众多学员慕名而来参加的作家老师 Ms. Kari创意写作课程

三年级至八年级的创意写作的五个级别的课程包括从创意写作入门,到独立撰写完整的短篇故事,再到有效地参加 Writers Workshop,到如何运用各种文学手法(Literary Devices)来为作品增色,再到最后的如何投稿出版自己的作品。通过五个进阶课程的学习,孩子循序渐进扎扎实实地提高写作水平。具体为以下五门课程:

G3-4 Creative Writing: Introduction to Fiction


G3-4 / G4-5 Creative Writing: Writing through Novel Study - James and the Giant Peach, Holes, Wonder, Anne of Green Gables

以作家的方式去阅读(Reading like a writer),将小说作为范文(Mentor Text),创作出自己的优秀小说作品。

G5-6 Creative Writing:Writers Workshop


G5-6 Creative Writing:Literary Devices in Fiction and Poetry

通过学习各种文学手法技巧来为作品锦上添花。每一节课都会将具体的文学手法(Literary Devices)和一种写作风格(Writing Styles)进行配对学习。

G6-8 Advanced Creative Writing:Publishing a Short Story

这是一门给热爱写作的学生设计的以出版为目的的课程。作家老师将一步步地教学生从哪些方面来修改完善自己的作品,如何找到适合自己作品投稿的出版刊物,甚至会教如何写给编辑部的 cover letter,如何回复编辑部的信件。课堂上通过阅读分析同龄人出版的故事,学习为什么这些作品能得以出版,我们能从中学到什么,并运用到自己的作品中来。课堂结束后学生将给三个出版刊物投稿。

本篇公众文具体介绍 G34 Creative Writing: Writing through Novel Study。


G34 Creative Writing: Writing through Novel Study


适合年级:G3-4 年级

机构 创意写作系列课程中最受欢迎的一门课就是通过小说精读来学习创意写作 - Writing Through Novel Study。该课程设计之初的想法是:读书的输入到底如何才能体现到写作的输出上来?经常困惑家长的问题就是阅读(输入)和写作(输出)的不对等。我们的设计团队给家长们推荐过一本非常有启发性的书 - Reading Like a Writer by Francine Prose。读完后令人豁然开朗,这就是真正应该如何读书的方式 - Reading Like a Writer 以作家的方式去阅读

2023 暑期 | G34 创意写作系列课程之 Writing through Novel Study

2023 暑期 | G34 创意写作系列课程之 Writing through Novel Study

基于这个理念,Writing Through Novel Study 课程既不是一个单纯的精读课,也不是一门只讲解教授写作技巧的课程。在这门课程中,我们的作家老师将带领学生们以作家的方式,深入研究经典儿童文学,真正学习如何 Read Like a Writer,具体学习小说中各种创作手法的使用方式,譬如:语言,背景,角色发展,对话,观点,象征主义,和情节等等。学生们将这本小说作为一个范文(Mentor Text)来学习创意写作的方法和技巧,并在自己的创作中模仿运用,最终创作出自己的短篇小说!

2022 暑期机构首次推出G34的Writing through Novel Study。选用的正是被称为讲故事第一人 Roald Dahl 的特别适合三四年级阅读的经典小说 - James and the Giant Peach! 这不仅仅是一部脍炙人口的经典文学作品,也是一部经常被搬上舞台表演的故事,譬如,在一些顶尖私校的英语和戏剧学习中。

2023 暑期 | G34 创意写作系列课程之 Writing through Novel Study

Roald Dahl 1916-1990

顶尖私校 Collegiate 的学生在表演 James and the Giant Peach

本课程将专注于研究故事中的情节和人物是如何相互联系的。在这堂课中,我们将阅读 Roald Dahl 的经典故事 James and the Giant Peach,并研究故事人物如何因情节中的事件而改变、学习和成长。这包括勇气、友谊、勇敢、孤独和成长过程等主题。


G34 Writng through Novel Study

James and the Giant Peach

The James and the Giant Peach novel study course will focus on studying how plot and character are connected to one another in stories. In this class, we will be reading Roald Dahl’s story James and the Giant Peach and examining how the character changes, learns, and grows because of the events in the plot. This includes themes of courage, friendship, bravery, loneliness, and the process of growing up.

The students will also be expected to write their own stories during this course. We will be building characters with weaknesses or lessons they need to learn and thinking about how the events of the story (plot) can cause the character to change and grow. We will focus on connecting our plot and our characters in order to bring deeper meaning to our work. We will also focus on other elements of storytelling, such as setting, dialogue, and theme.

Sample Lessons:

Lesson 1: Creating a Character with a Need and a Want

Lesson 2: Connecting Setting and Conflict

Lesson 3: Learning Lessons from the Plot

Lesson 4: Rethinking the Character’s Goal


Writing through

Novel Study

A Short Story by a Proud 2nd Grade Thoth Student

2023 暑期 | G34 创意写作系列课程之 Writing through Novel Study


2023 暑期 | G34 创意写作系列课程之 Writing through Novel Study


2023 暑期 | G34 创意写作系列课程之 Writing through Novel Study


2023 暑期 | G34 创意写作系列课程之 Writing through Novel Study


2023 暑期 | G34 创意写作系列课程之 Writing through Novel Study


2023 暑期 | G34 创意写作系列课程之 Writing through Novel Study


2023 暑期 | G34 创意写作系列课程之 Writing through Novel Study

教授创意写作系列课程的老师不是普通的学校的 ELA 英语老师,而是自己本身就是位获奖的作家!授课老师 Ms. Kari 特别擅长步步引导学生,在教授写作各个知识点的同时,润物细无声地引发学生动笔写的兴趣。


2023 暑期 | G34 创意写作系列课程之 Writing through Novel Study


  • G3-4 年级


  • 6 人 Zoom 在线小班授课

  • Google Classroom 作业管理

  • 每节课后完成提交写作作业

  • 老师对写作作业进行批改反馈



G34 Writing through Novel Study - James and the Giant Peach

Class Dates Time
G34 Writing thru Novel Study - James and the Giant Peach


(7/18, 7/20 no class)


3:00-4:00 PM


12:00-1:00 PM



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