


• 具备深厚英语语言与文学、哲学、历史学科底蕴,在英语语言基础、文本分析、阅读、写作方面及哲学和历史学科方面极富能力的Jared老师亲授课程。

• 假期集中课程覆盖nonfiction, fiction, 和poetry 文体,通过专业指导进行批判性阅读及运用学习到的分析技巧,系统学习这几种文体写作需要的核心要素。

• 卓有成效地提升写作能力,为下一个阶段的高阶写作奠定基础。

Course Description

Creative writing,emphasisoncomposing creative nonfiction, fiction, and poetry. We will study the main genres of creative writing to prepare you for upper level creative writing courses or workshops in fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. As a class, we will read and write in the order the genres and forms are studied, but you are free to work on your preferred genre during our workshops.

Student Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you should understand the following:

  • the basic techniques and terminology of fiction writing
  • the basic techniques and terminology of creative non-fiction writing
  • the basic techniques and terminology of poetry writing
  • critical reading skills for critiquing fiction, essays, and poetry, both one`s own and peers
  • a workshop method of critiquing creative writing
  • the importance of revision within the creative writing process

These objectives will be accomplished and evaluated through the following work:

  • examination of published works
  • the creation of original poetry
  • the drafting of a creative non-fiction essay
  • the drafting of a short story
  • tests on each genre
  • your final chapbook

Class Structure

The structure of each class will no doubt vary, but most classes will consist of

By the end of the course, you should understand the following:

  • a lecture on the subject at hand
  • discussion of the subject
  • possibly a writing exercise related to the subject
  • a workshop of your personal essays or short fiction


  • Characteristics of Good Writing
  • Sensory Details
  • Diction
  • Genre
  • Style
  • Structure
  • Publications and Programs

FICTION(3 hours)

  • Writing About Place
  • Diction
  • Building Complex Characters
  • Short Story
  • Point of View
  • Writing in Different Voices
  • Genuine Dialogue
  • Developing Scenes
  • Plot Revisions
  • Tension and Conflict
  • Deepening Plots

NON-FICTION(1 hours)

  • Memoir
  • Autobiography

POETRY(3 hours)

  • Figurative Language
  • Imagery
  • Rhyme
  • Repetition
  • Poetic Forms

Skills — After taking the course, students will:

Demonstrate understanding of writing as a process of composing, editing, and revising, as well as finding, evaluating, analyzing, and synthesizing appropriate sources.

Demonstrate critical reading and analytical skills of high-to-mid-level academic texts across multiple genres (articles, advertisements, essays, etc.), including understanding an argument`s major assertions, assumptions, appeals; how to identify its audience; and how to evaluate its supporting evidence and respond effectively.

Demonstrate improvement in grammatically correct, complex sentences, as well expanded vocabulary and linguistic skills.

Demonstrate the ability to speak effectively and fluently in front of a group, including persuading a specific audience, and the explanation and defense of your own and other`s ideas.







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