2024 春季 | 世界历史系列课程之一古代文明 Ancient Civilizations
毋庸置疑,读史使人明智。而 机构 更是认为,历史的学习,是和英文学习的重要性相提并论的。我们倡导,历史学习和英文学习同步进行,相辅相成。
其实,传统经典教育(Classical Education),包括顶尖精英私立学校的教育,都是把历史和英语的学习紧密结合在一起的。让我们来看看曼哈顿的两所顶尖精英私立学校的课程设置理念。
Case Study Collegiate
这所位于曼哈顿上西区的顶尖精英私立男校,是美国历史最悠久的学校(成立于1628年荷兰殖民地新阿姆斯特丹时期,比哈佛还早八年),有着无人出其右的48%的藤校录取率。其历史上出了名人无数,包括肯尼迪总统的儿子,还有众多大公司 CEO,政治家,作家,剧作家,导演等等。
我们来看看 Collegiate 五年级的英语和历史课程设置。
“English 5 is first and foremost a literature course. The curriculum is designed to introduce students to several literary forms – myths, novels, and epic poetry– and the terms with which we talk about them. Frequently during the year, English 5 has intentional points of contact with History 5: as the students study a particular ancient civilization in history, they read a piece of literature in English associated with that civilization. When we explore those pieces of literature, we examine how societies view the heroic journey, leadership, and the individual’s commitment to their society. During spring term, English 5 and History 5 are almost completely integrated as we study Medieval Europe and readBeowulf.”
“五年级的英语首先是一门文学课程。该课程旨在向学生介绍几种文学形式 - 神话,小说和史诗 - 以及我们谈论时所用的术语。在这一年中,英语课通常会与历史课进行有意的联系:当学生学习历史上某个特定的古代文明时,他们会阅读与该文明相关的英语文学作品。 当我们探索这些文学作品时,我们考察了社会如何看待英雄的旅程,领导才能和个人对社会的承诺。在春季学期中,当我们学习中世纪欧洲并阅读Beowulf时,英语课和历史课几乎完全融为一体。”
Case Study Speyer Legacy
Speyer Legacy School 位于曼哈顿上西区和中城交界处,离 Collegiate 仅五个街区。这是唯一一所针对 Gifted and Talented 学生的顶尖私立学校。课程设置颇有独到之处。五年级以上的英语和历史课程在一起作为一门课 - Humanities。
Students explore human origins, early migration patterns, and the development of civilizations in the ancient world. They explore how early nomadic societies evolved into settled agricultural societies in Mesopotamia and Egypt. Students also explore the themes and elements of what makes a society a civilization. Fifth graders study geography, read mythology, analyze primary sources, and acquire a hands-on understanding of ancient cultures through projects and field trips. In the past few years, a culminating event has been the presentation of two Greek plays staged by the students.
作为学院博雅通识教育( Liberal Arts)人文学科 (Humanities)的教学内容,历史会有一个非常系统的学习。其中世界历史分成三期45节课的学习来完成。包括古代文明 - Ancient Civilizations,古典时期/中世纪 Classical Period/Middle Ages,和现代世界 Modern World。
本篇推文主要介绍第一期 -古代文明 - Ancient Civilizations。
Ancient Civilizations
Assyrian Lion Hunt Lion panels (645 – 635 BC), British Museum
适合年级:G4-5, G6-8
Ancient Civilizations
This course will begin with prehistoric societies and focus on ancient civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Persia, Greece, Rome) and their achievements and contributions to the ancient and modern worlds. We will follow a school curriculum to guide the class in a chronological order and begin developing the students’ perspective and understanding of time and past events. Because there is more information than time, the course will focus on big picture ideas that require deeper thinking and understanding of the topics. We will use a variety of details (art, warfare, technology, philosophy, daily life) to address a larger function of those ancient civilizations and how they still impact us today.
Course outline:
- Beginning of Universe and Human Pre-history宇宙的开始和人类史前
- Global Migration and Agricultural Revolution全球移民和农业革命
- Sumerians - World's First Civilization 苏美尔人 - 世界第一个文明
- Mesopotamia - Babylon and Hammurabi美索不达米亚- 巴比伦和汉谟拉比
- Ancient Egypt I - Three Kingdom Periods古埃及(一)- 三个王国时期
- Ancient Egypt II - Everyday Life古埃及(二)- 日常生活
- Ancient Egypt III - Student Research Project古埃及(三)- 学生研究项目
- Ancient China I - Frist Three Dynasties古代中国 (一)最早的三个朝代
- Ancient China II - First Emperor Qin and Schools of Thought古代中国 (二)秦始皇和思想流派
- Harappan Civilization and Indian Caste System哈拉帕文明和印度种姓制度
- Ancient Greece - First European Civilization古希腊- 第一个欧洲文明
- Greece vs. Persia希腊 vs. 波斯
- Persian Empire波斯帝国
- Athens vs. Sparta雅典 vs. 斯巴达
- Review
Detail of False Door of the Royal Sealer Neferiu, 2150-2010 BC, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
- G4-5 年级
- G6-8 年级
6 人 Zoom 在线小班授课
Google Classroom 作业管理
Classes | Dates | Time |
G4-5 Ancient Civilization |
2/1 - 5/9 |
8:00-9:00 PM 周四美西 5:00-6:00 PM |
G6-8 Ancient Civilization | 2/2 - 5/10 | 周五美东
7:00-8:00 PM 周五美西 4:00-5:00 AM |