







“Academic Writing” Course Introduction

Academic Writing is something that truly permeates into our daily studying and working, whether it's in high school or college, and especially in graduate or doctoral programs. Whether it's the analysis of academic articles, the reports of experiments in STEM fields, presentations in business courses, or even theses and dissertations, academic writing is a crucial component. Academic writing is an indispensable skill that has vastly different requirements and standards compared to narrative literature or creative writing. Moreover, having good oral presentation skills and a large vocabulary doesn't automatically translate to proficiency in academic writing; it requires dedicated study to master.

Academic writing is the key that unlocks the door to any discipline and majors in colleges. Unfortunately, many students only realize this after entering colleges, and then have to squeeze in writing classes into their tight schedules, making the learning experience stressful and challenging. This issue has become such a headache for universities and colleges that many of them, like New York University (NYU), mandate academic writing courses to all freshman students of every major, which ranging from six months to a year. At Messiah University where Professor Ye teaches, professors from various departments would convene at the end of each semester to discuss new teaching methods to enhance students' writing abilities.

Our "Academic Writing" course starts from the basics of academic essays, covering all the way from how to brainstorm, draft, revise, to finalize papers, detailing the entire process and framework. Then, we would delve into the critical thinking process involved in writing, the three major elements of academic essays, characteristics and differences of various academic essay genres, and specific writing techniques and tips. Lastly, we would discuss common academic bibliography styles such as MLA and APA, how to correctly cite others' work to avoid unintentional plagiarism, and the specifics of citation guidelines. These are all essential components of academic writing.

Below is the course outline for our "Academic Writing" course. The course consists of 30 hours in total, divided into 15 lessons, with each lesson lasting 2 hours.

15 Lessons Table of Contents Total 4 chapters / 77 units
Lesson 1 Course introduction Document design: A gallery of models

  • Sample e-mail message (PDF)
  • Sample Résumé (PDF)
  • Sample MLA formatting: essay (PDF)
  • Sample APA formatting: essay (PDF)

C1: Planning

  • C1-a: Assessing the writing situation
Lesson 2
  • C1-b: Exploring your subject
  • C1-c: Drafting and revising a working thesis statement
  • How to solve five common problems with thesis statements
  • Student writing thesis statement examples analysis
  • C1-d: Drafting a plan

  • EXERCISE C1-3 Purpose and audience
  • EXERCISE C1-5 Thesis statements
  • EXERCISE C1-7 Introductions
Lesson 3 C2: Drafting

  • C2-a: Drafting an introduction
  • C2-b: Drafting the body
  • C2-c: Drafting a conclusion
Lesson 4 C5: Writing paragraphs

  • C5-a: Focusing on a main point
  • C5-b: Developing the main point
  • C5-c: Choosing a suitable pattern

  • EXERCISE C5-2 Topic sentences
Lesson 5
  • C5-d: Making paragraphs coherent
  • C5-e: Adjusting paragraph length

  • EXERCISE C5-4 Transitions
Lesson 6 C3: Reviewing, revising, and editing

  • Nancy Somers on the Composing Process Video
  • C3-a: Seeing revision as a social process
  • C3-b: Using peer review: Revise with comment
  • C3-c: Using peer review: Give constructive comments
  • How to write helpful peer review comments
  • Strategies for revising with comments
  • C3-d: Highlights of one student's peer review process
  • C3-e: Approaching global revision in cycles
  • C3-f: Revising and editing sentences
  • How to improve your writing with an editing log
  • C3-g: Proofreading the final manuscript
  • C3-i: Formatting the final manuscript

  • EXERCISE C3-1 Conducting a peer review
Lesson 7
  • Writing guide: How to write a literacy narrative
  • C3-h: Sample student revision: Literacy narrative

C4: Preparing a portfolio; reflecting on your writing

  • C4-a: Understanding the benefits of reflection
  • C4-b: student writing: Reflective letter for a portfolio
  • Writing guide: Reflective letter

  • EXERCISE C3-2 Choosing an appropriate point of view
Lesson 8 A1: Reading and writing critically

  • A1-a: Reading actively
  • How to read actively (video 3:01)
  • How to read like a writer
  • A1-b: Outlining a text to identify main ideas
  • A1-c: Summarizing to deepen your understanding
  • A1-d: Analyzing to demonstrate your critical thinking
  • How to draft an analytical thesis statement (video 3:15)
  • How to draft an analytical thesis statement
  • What is an analytical essay? (video 2:41)
  • Writing guide: Analytical essay
  • A1-e: Sample essay: Analysis of an article
Lesson 9 A2: Reading and writing about images and multimodal texts

  • A2-a: Reading actively
  • A2-b: Outlining to identify main ideas
  • How to write a summary of a multimodal text
  • A2-c: Summarizing to deepen your understanding
  • A2-d: Analyzing to demonstrate your critical reading
  • A2-e: Sample student writing: Analysis of an advertisement

A3: Reading arguments

  • What is a researched argument? (video 2:41)
  • A3-a: Distinguishing between reasonable and fallacious argumentative tactics

  • EXERCISE A3-1 Logical fallacies
Lesson 10
  • A3-b: Distinguishing between legitimate and unfair emotional appeals
  • A3-c: Judging how fairly a writer handles opposing views

A4: Writing arguments

  • A4-a: Identifying your purpose and context
  • A4-b: Viewing your audience as a panel of jurors
  • A4-c: Establishing your credibility and stating your position

  • EXERCISE A3-2 Evaluating arguments
Lesson 11
  • How to develop an argumentative thesis (video 2:45)
  • How to draft a thesis statement for an argument
  • A4-d: Backing up your thesis with persuasive lines of argument
  • A4-e: Supporting your claims with specific evidence
  • A4-f: Anticipating objections; countering opposing arguments
  • How to address a counterargument (video 2:45)
  • A4-g: Building common ground
  • A4-h: Sample student writing: Argument
  • Writing guide: Argument essay
Lesson 12 A5: Speaking confidently

  • A5-a: Identifying your purpose, audience, and context
  • A5-b: Preparing a presentation
  • How to deliver a speech or presentation
  • A5-c: Remixing an essay for a presentation

  • Essay Assignment: Analytical and Argumentative Essay
Lesson 13 MLA: MLA Papers

  • MLA-1: Supporting a thesis
  • MLA-2: Citing sources; avoiding plagiarism

  • EXERCISE MLA 1-1 Thesis statements in MLA papers
  • EXERCISE MLA 2-3 Avoiding plagiarism in MLA papers
  • EXERCISE MLA 2-7 Recognizing common knowledge in MLA papers
Lesson 14
  • MLA-3: Integrating sources
  • Citation at a glance (MLA)
  • MLA-4: Documenting sources

  • EXERCISE MLA 3-1 Integrating sources in MLA papers
  • EXERCISE MLA 3-5 Integrating sources in MLA papers
Lesson 15
  • MLA-4: Documenting sources
  • MLA-5: Manuscript format; sample research paper

  • EXERCISE MLA 4-1 MLA documentation: in-text citations
  • EXERCISE MLA 4-4 MLA documentation: identifying elements of sources
  • EXERCISE MLA 4-6 MLA documentation: works cited
Total: 15 lessons / 30 hours








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