TFF Policy Hackathon首届“政策黑客松”大赛告示版重磅发布




New information




The Forbidden Flourish一直以来贯彻的“识意为先”的精神注定了我们对于读者、听者反响与共鸣的渴望。借此机会,我们诚挚地邀请您通过2024TFF政策黑客松大赛告示板向我们与您的同僚发烧友们表达出自己的观点,并与其他人产生讨论或共鸣。我们一直坚信灵感之间的交互与想法之间的碰撞比标准答案更有意义,相信你也是如此。


TFF Policy Hackathon | 首届“政策黑客松”大赛告示版重磅发布

TFF Policy Hackathon | 首届“政策黑客松”大赛告示版重磅发布

TFF Policy Hackathon | 首届“政策黑客松”大赛告示版重磅发布

TFF Policy Hackathon | 首届“政策黑客松”大赛告示版重磅发布

TFF Policy Hackathon | 首届“政策黑客松”大赛告示版重磅发布

**For a more detailed version of the prompts, please check our previous post “首届黑客松征文大赛主题重磅发布”. The essay competition and the bulletin board share the same four prompts.


  • The policy blueprint proposal submitted by participants should be no more than 1 page (Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1.5 spacing).
  • While the participants are encouraged to freely design their policy proposals with creativity and originality, we still give recommendations in the following aspects, which typically guide participants to a more mature and successful proposal:
  • Structure and Clarity: Ensure that the policy proposal is organized in a clear and logical manner, making it easy for readers to understand and follow.
  • Identification and Explanation of the Problem: Precisely identify and comprehensively elucidate the underlying issue that the policy aims to tackle.
  • Solutions to the Problem: The policy should offer unambiguous and thorough resolutions to the stated issue, which should also encompass the mitigation of any associated negative effects.
  • Feasibility Assessment: The policy should be practically attainable and cost-effective given the existing resources and efforts.
  • Policy’s Monitoring Mechanism Design: Incorporate comprehensive and efficient monitoring and evaluation systems for the policy, accompanied by thorough analysis.
  • Citations: Employ APA format for all citations, ensuring that all non-original concepts are appropriately acknowledged and all verifiable assertions are supported by dependable sources.
  • The policy framework proposals will NOT be graded strictly based on any specific rubric, but creativity, comprehensiveness,and thoroughness of the proposals will be key qualities valued by the judges.
  • The winners of the 2024 TFF hackathon bulletin board will share the same quota of finalists and prizes with the essay competition.


  • The deadline for submission is 11:59 pm on September 21st.
  • Final drafts will be submitted via email to: The submission email should be titled: “LastnameFirstname_Bulletin_problem#” (e.g HarryWei_Bulletin_3).
  • All proposal submissions will be posted on a public Google Doc within 48 hours after submission for display. To promote interaction between participants, we encourage everybody, whether participating in our hackathon or not, to view, reflect upon, and comment on other people’s policy blueprint proposals. Interaction is key in policy hackathon, and we hope that this bulletin board in the form of a public Google Doc shall promote such interactive spirit among all TFF hackathon contestants.
  • If you have any questions, please




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