

COMAP’s Mathematical Contest in Modeling(MCM)















国际COMAP奖学金将颁发给来自任何参与国的四(4)个顶级MCM / ICM团队;9000美元分给团队成员,1000美元分给其代表的学校。









MCM:The Mathematical Contest in Modeling

ICM:The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling

MCM:数学建模竞赛 ICM:跨学科建模竞赛


Contest Rules, Registration and Instructions

January 23-27, 2025

(All rules and instructions apply to both ICM and MCM contests.)



COMAP'S Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM)®/ Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM)®is an international contest designed to provide undergraduate students with the opportunity to work as team members to engage in and improve their modeling, problem solving, and writing skills. Teams apply mathematics to model, develop, and communicate a solution to a real-world problem.

COMAP 数学建模竞赛 (MCM)/ 跨学科建模竞赛 (ICM)是一项国际竞赛,旨在为本科生提供作为团队成员参与和提高建模、问题解决和写作技能的机会。团队应用数学来建模、开发和传达现实问题的解决方案。

2025 Contest Dates and Times:

  • Registration Deadline: Before 3:00 p.m. EST on Thursday, January 23, 2025.
  • Contest Starts: 5:00 p.m. EST on Thursday, January 23, 2025.
  • Contest Ends: 8:00 p.m. EST on Monday, January 27, 2025.
  • Solution Report Deadline: 9:00 p.m. EST on Monday, January 27, 2025.
  • Contest Results: Results will be available on or before May 31, 2025.

2025 年比赛日期和时间:

  • 注册截止日期:美国东部时间 2025 年 1 月 23 日星期四下午 3:00 之前
  • 比赛开始:美国东部时间 2025 年 1 月 23 日星期四下午 5:00
  • 比赛结束时间:美国东部时间 2025 年 1 月 27 日星期一晚上 8:00
  • 解决方案报告截止日期:美国东部时间 2025 年 1 月 27 日星期一晚上 9:00
  • 竞赛结果:结果将于 2025 年 5 月 31 日或之前公布

MCM/ICM Rules, Registration, and Instruc-tions

MCM/ICM 规则、注册和说明

I. Participants and Advisors(参与者和顾问)

II. MCM/ICM Resource Guide(MCM/ICM 资源指南)

III. Changes for 2024(2025年的变更)

IV. Contest Rules(竞赛规则)

V. Contest Registration(竞赛报名)

VI. Contest Instructions(竞赛说明)

  • Before the Contest - Preparing a Team(比赛开始前,注册队伍)
  • During the Contest - Choosing and Solving the Problem(竞赛期间,选题答题)
  • During the Contest - Preparing a Solution Document(竞赛期间,准备论文)
  • During the Contest - Use of Large Language Models and Generative AI Tools in COMAP Contests(竞赛期间,大型语言模型和生成式 AI 工具的使用)
  • During the Contest - Advisor Activities(竞赛期间,指导老师的任务)
  • After the Contest - Submitting a Solution Document:New online submission process(竞赛结束,提交论文:新的在线提交流程)
  • After the Contest - Advisor Actions(竞赛结束,指导老师的任务)

VII. MCM/ICM Results and Recognition(竞赛规则和评阅)

VIII. MCM/ICM Awards and Prizes(竞赛奖项)

IX. Judging Results and Designations(阅卷结果和获奖结果)

X. Internship Partners(实习和奖学金伙伴)


COMAP is in the USA Eastern time zone: all times given in these instructions are in terms of Eastern Standard Time (EST) except where local time is noted.

COMAP is the final arbiter of all rules and policies, and may refuse to register, disqualify, or reduce the award level of any team that, in its sole discretion, does not follow contest rules, regulations, or requirements.

Decisions of the judges, the contest directors, and the editor of The UMAP Journal are final.

Please print a copy of these contest instructions for reference before, during, and after the contest.Click here for the printer friendly version.


COMAP 位于美国东部时区:这些说明中给出的所有时间均以东部标准时间 (EST) 表示,除非注明当地时间。

COMAP 是所有规则和政策的最终仲裁者,并且可以自行决定拒绝注册、取消任何不遵守竞赛规则、规定或要求的团队的资格或降低其奖励级别。

评委、竞赛总监和《UMAP 期刊》编辑的决定为最终决定。


I. Participants and Advisors

Team Members:A team may consist of up to three students currently enrolled in the same school. Students may be enrolled in any department or program at the school. There is no limit to the number of teams a school may register. The contest is open to all undergraduate and high school students. An advisor must complete the registration process for each team.

School or Institution: For the purposes of participating in the MCM/ICM, a team's school or institution is the primary and comprehensive full-time provider for all of the team members' education studies in all subjects. Tutoring, test-prep, contest-prep, and math- or STEM-learning centers are not considered schools/institutions for the purposes of registering and competing in COMAP contests.

Team Advisors:Any faculty, staff member, or student at the team's institution can fulfill the role of Advisor. The advisor will act as the main point of contact for the team, and does not have to be from the mathematics department. We encourage faculty members to serve as team advisors; however, one team member or another student at the school may act as the advisor.





II. MCM/ICM Resource Guide

MCM/ICM: Registration Walk ThroughThe purpose of this article is to assist and guide advisors participating in the MCM/ICM. In the article, COMAP provides information about the contest registration process.

MCM-ICM: Procedures and Tips for a Great ExperienceThe purpose of this article is to assist and guide students and advisors participating in MCM/ICM. In the article, COMAP, provides information about the administration of the contests, as well as tips to ensure your contest experience is smooth, satisfying, enjoyable, and successful.

Use of Large Language Models and Generative AI Tools in COMAP ContestsThis policy is motivated by the rise of large language models (LLMs) and generative AI assisted technologies. The policy aims to provide greater transparency and guidance to teams, advisors, and judges. This policy applies to all aspects of student work, from research and development of models (including code creation) to the written report. Since these emerging technologies are quickly evolving, COMAP will refine this policy as appropriate.

MCM-ICM: Online Submission ProcessThe purpose of this article is to assist and guide students and advisors participating in MCM/ICM. In the article, COMAP, provides information about the new online submission process using the new online submission pagehttps://forms.comap.org/241335097294056. You will need your team'scontrol number, advisor id numberand yourproblem choiceto complete your submission.

二. MCM/ICM 资源指南




本文的目的是帮助和指导参加数学建模竞赛 (MCM) 和跨学科建模竞赛 (ICM) 的学生和顾问。在 COMAP 文章中,提供了有关竞赛管理的信息,以及确保您的竞赛体验顺利、令人满意、愉快和成功的提示。





III. Changes for 2025

  • New online submission process using the new online submission pagehttps://forms.comap.org/241335097294056.You will need your team'scontrol number,advisor id numberand yourproblem choiceto complete your submission.
  • Registration process has been streamlined and split into 2 parts: Advisor Registration and Team Registration.
  • The MCM/ICM Contest now have a 25 page limit. The 25 page limit applies to the entire submission including the Summary Sheet, Solution, Reference List, Table of Contents, Notes, Appendices, Code and any problem specific requirements.
  • Use of Large Language Models and Generative AI Tools in COMAP Contests.

三. 2025 年的变化

新的 在线提交流程使用新的在线提交页面https://forms.comap.org/241335097294056.,您将需要您团队的控制号、顾问id号和您的问题选择来完成您的提交。




IV. Contest Rules

  1. The 2025 MCM/ICM contest period runs between 5:00 p.m. EST Thursday, January 23, 2025 and 8:00 p.m. EST on Monday, January 27, 2025.
  2. Each team may consist of a maximum of three undergraduate (or below) students enrolled full- or part-time at the same school/institution at the time of the contest. Teams may consist of 1, 2, or 3 students and each student may only participate on one team.
  3. Each team must have an advisor who is a staff member, a faculty member, or a student at the team members' institution. Advisors can serve more than one team. Advisors must register teams prior to 3p.m. EST on Thursday, January 23, 2025.
  4. Teams must obtain and use the Control Number and password assigned to them at registration to participate in MCM/ICM.
  5. Not later than the opening of the contest window, advisors must assign team members to a particular team, and cannot add or change student assignments for the duration of the contest. Teams may, however, remove a team member, if he or she decides not to participate.
  6. Once the contest window opens (5:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 23, 2025),team membership must be set and teams may not use any persons, other than their own team members, to discuss or obtain ideas for working on and solving their problem.

    Teamsmayuse any "inanimate" resource they find on their own such as: web pages, books, articles, research reports, databases, etc.

    Teamsmaynotseek help in obtaining answers, ideas, or information, or in locating appropriate resources, from any persons outside of their team to include their advisor, other teachers, other students, and/or experts or professionals in a field relevant to the problem. This restriction includes personal or telephonic contact, as well as use of electronic social media such as, but not limited to: emails, texting, chat rooms, question-answer systems, interactive blogs, X, Weibo, online help or support sites, etc.

    Additionally, posting or sharing any part or all of the problem statement, your team's solution process, or any partial or complete work in any form or medium during the contest is strictly prohibited. COMAP will disqualify or deem unsuccessful any team that violates this rule. The relevant issue is one of intent: each team of students is expected to develop all of its substantive analysis and solution without the help of others.

  7. Teams must document any outside sources of information by using footnotes, endnotes, or in-line documentation, and include appropriate citations in a reference list or Bibliography of these sources.
  8. Teams choose to work on one problem (MCM: A, MCM: B, MCM C, ICM D, ICM E or ICM: F) and submit one solution for the problem of their choice.
  9. The names of the students, advisor, and/or institution must not appear on any page of the solution. The solution must not contain any identifying information other than the team Control Number.
  10. Papers must be submitted as an Adobe PDF electronic file, and typed in English, with a readable font of at least 12-point type. Papers must be within the 25 page limit.
  11. Upon closing of the contest window at 8:00 p.m. EST Monday, January 27, 2025, advisors must ensure each team makes no further changes to their solution paper. Advisors must then ensure all solution documents are properly prepared and sent via email to COMAP for judging no later than9:00 p.m. EST Monday, January 27, 2025.
  12. COMAP follows all accommodations relative to learning conditions for individual students used as part of the local school/institution program in an affected student's daily learning. If specialized staff is required, the school bears the responsibility for providing any specialized assistance as required by law. If such accommodations are required for a student participating, the school should detail them and the extent to which they were utilized as part of the MCM/ICM activities.
  13. COMAP reserves the right to disqualify or reduce the award level of teams found to have violated the contest rules.


  1. 2025 年 MCM/ICM 竞赛期间为美国东部标准时间 2025 年 1 月 23 日星期四下午 5:00 至 2025 年 1 月 27 日星期一晚上 8:00 美国东部时间。
  2. 每个团队最多可由三名在比赛时在同一学校/机构就读的全日制或非全日制本科(或以下)学生组成。团队可由 1、2 或 3 名学生组成,每个学生只能参加一个团队。
  3. 每个团队必须有一名顾问,该顾问是团队成员所在机构的工作人员、教职人员或学生。顾问可以为多个团队服务。顾问必须在下午 3 点之前注册团队。美国东部时间 2025 年 1 月 23 日星期四。
  4. 团队必须获取并使用注册时分配给他们的控制号和密码才能参加 MCM/ICM。
  5. 在比赛窗口开始之前,顾问必须将团队成员分配到特定团队,并且在比赛期间不能添加或更改学生作业。但是,如果团队成员决定不参加,团队可以将其除名。
  6. 竞赛窗口开放后(2025 年 1 月 23 日星期四下午 5:00),必须确定团队成员,并且团队不得使用除自己团队成员之外的任何人来讨论或获取工作和解决问题的想法。



    此外,严禁在比赛期间以任何形式或媒介发布或分享问题陈述的任何部分或全部、您团队的解决过程或任何部分或完整的作品。COMAP 将取消任何违反此规则的团队的资格或视为不成功。相关问题是意图之一:每个学生小组都需要在没有其他人帮助的情况下完成所有实质性分析和解决方案。

  7. 团队必须使用脚注、尾注或内嵌文档来记录任何外部信息来源,并在这些来源的参考列表或参考书目中包含适当的引用。
  8. 团队选择解决一个问题(MCM:A、MCM:B、MCM C、ICM D、ICM E 或 ICM:F),并针对他们选择的问题提交一个解决方案。
  9. 学生、顾问和/或机构的姓名不得出现在解决方案的任何页面上。除团队控制编号外,解决方案不得包含任何识别信息。
  10. 论文必须以 Adobe PDF 电子文件形式提交,并以英文输入,可读字体至少为 12 号。论文必须在 25 页的限制之内。
  11. 在美国东部时间 2025 年 1 月 27 日星期一晚上 8:00 比赛窗口关闭后,顾问必须确保每个团队不再对其解决方案进行任何更改。然后,顾问必须确保所有解决方案文件均已正确准备并通过电子邮件发送至 COMAP,以便在美国东部时间 2025 年 1 月 27 日星期一晚上 9:00之前进行评审。
  12. COMAP 遵循与个别学生的学习条件相关的所有调整,作为受影响学生日常学习中当地学校/机构计划的一部分。如果需要专业人员,学校有责任根据法律要求提供任何专门协助。如果参与的学生需要此类便利,学校应详细说明这些便利以及它们被用作 MCM/ICM 活动一部分的程度。
  13. 对于违反竞赛规则的团队,COMAP 保留取消其参赛资格或降低奖励级别的权利。

V. Contest Registration

The registration fee for MCM/ICM is $100 per team. Please register only the teams that will take part in the contest. Registration fees are non-refundable. We accept payment via Credit Card, and payment must be made via our secure web site. Our secure site will process your credit card payment, so your credit card number is protected. Our system will not store your credit card number after it processes your payment. We regret that we are not able to accept other payment forms at this time.

All teams must be registered before 3:00 p.m. EST on Thursday, January 23, 2025.We recommend that all teams complete the registration process well in advance, since the registration system will not accept any new team registrations after the deadline. COMAP will not accept late registrations for MCM/ICM 2024under any circums-tances.NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.Note: Advisors do not have to designate specific team members when registering "a team." COMAP suggests you register the number of teams needed well prior to the deadline and then return to the contest site once team membership is set to enter specific students to each "Control Number" team you have registered.

The 2-part registration process will take advisors through a series of screens that ask for an email address and contact information. Enter the required information as you step through the screens.Be sure to use a valid current email addressso that we can use it to contact you at any point before, during, or after the contest, if necessary.


MCM/ICM 的注册费为每队 100 美元。请仅注册将参加比赛的团队。注册费不予退还。我们接受通过信用卡付款,并且付款必须通过我们的安全网站进行。我们的安全网站将处理您的信用卡付款,因此您的信用卡号码受到保护。我们的系统在处理您的付款后不会存储您的信用卡号。很遗憾,我们目前无法接受其他付款方式。

所有团队必须在美国东部时间 2025 年 1 月 23 日星期四下午 3:00 之前注册。我们建议所有团队提前完成注册流程,因为截止日期之后注册系统将不再接受任何新的团队注册。在任何情况下,COMAP 均不接受 MCM/ICM 2025 的逾期注册。不会有例外出现。注意:顾问在注册“团队”时不必指定特定的团队成员。COMAP 建议您在截止日期之前注册所需的团队数量,然后在设置团队成员资格后返回竞赛网站,将特定学生输入到您注册的每个“控制数量”团队中。


  1. All Registration Activity:/undergraduate/contest-s/mcm.COMAP will accept no other forms of registration. Advisors may register any number of teams, and should use the same email address and password for all teams under the same advisor.
  2. Advisor Registration:If you are an advisor entering the contest site for the first time for the 2024 contest, click onRegister for Conteston the left-hand side of the screen to register as an Advisor. Enter your email and click Continue Advisor Registration. Follow the step to continue and finish your registration.IMPORTANT:Be sure to use a valid and current email address as you will use this email to register all of your teams, and communicate with COMAP. Additionally, COMAP will use this email to contact you at any point before, during, and after the contest, if necessary.
  3. Register a Team or Teams:On contest site, click onAdvisor Login , then log in with the same email address and password that you used when you registered as an advisor. Once you are logged in, click onRegister Teamnear the upper right corner of the page and follow the instructions there.There is no restriction on the number of teams an advisor can register.

    a. Fill in billing information. After we receive approval from your financial institution (this takes only a few seconds), the system will issue acontrol number for your team.

    b. Each team is not officially register-ed until you have received a teamcontrol number for that team. The registration page also lists the email address and password that you entered when registering; you will need this information to complete the contest procedures.Make a record of each team control number.You willNOTreceive an email confirmation of your registration.

    c. You may specify the team members at the time of registration, or at a later time. Advisors may assign team members to specific teams and control numbers up until the beginning of the contest period. Once the contest opens, team members cannot be added or changed. The spelling of all names and institutions is the responsibility of the advisor. This is exactly as they will appear on certificates. The order of the student names has no bearing or importance on participation. In the eyes of COMAP and the contest directors,all team members are equal.Advisors should ensure they spell team members' names correctly when registering. COMAP will not reprint certificates.

    d. To register additional teams, repeat the procedures listed above.

  4. If you need to change any of the advisor or institution information (name, address, contact information, etc.) that you specified when you registered, you can do so at any point before or during the contest by logging in to the contest web site with the same email address and password that you used when registering (click on the Advisor Login link on the left side of the screen). Once logged in, click on theEdit Advisor or Institution Datalink near the upper right corner of the page。
  5. Check the contest web site regularly for any updated instructions or announcements about the contest. Except in extreme circumstances, COMAP will not send any confirmation, reminders, or announcements by email. All communication regarding the contest will be via the contest web site and Twitter/Weibo.
  6. Follow COMAPMath on X or COMAPCHINAOFFICIAL on Weibo for the most up to date information before, during, and after the contest.
  1. 所有注册活动:/undergraduate/contest-s/mcm。COMAP 不接受其他形式的注册。顾问可以注册任意数量的团队,并且应为同一顾问下的所有团队使用相同的电子邮件地址和密码。
  2. 顾问注册:如果您是首次进入 2024 年竞赛网站的顾问,请单击屏幕左侧的“注册竞赛”以注册为顾问。输入您的电子邮件并单击继续顾问注册。按照步骤继续并完成您的注册。重要提示:请务必使用有效且当前的电子邮件地址,因为您将使用此电子邮件来注册所有团队并与 COMAP 进行沟通。此外,如有必要,COMAP 将使用此电子邮件在比赛之前、期间和之后的任何时间与您联系。
  3. 注册一个或多个团队:在竞赛网站上,单击“顾问登录”,然后使用您注册为顾问时使用的相同电子邮件地址和密码登录。登录后,单击页面右上角附近的“注册团队”,然后按照那里的说明进行操作。顾问可以注册的团队数量没有限制。


    b.在您收到该团队的团队控制号码之前,每个团队都不算正式注册 。注册页面还列出了您注册时输入的电子邮件地址和密码;您将需要此信息来完成竞赛程序。记录每个团队的控制编号。您不会收到注册确认电子邮件。

    c.您可以在注册时或稍后指定团队成员。顾问可以将团队成员分配到特定团队并控制人数,直到比赛开始为止。比赛开始后,团队成员将无法添加或更改。所有名称和机构的拼写由顾问负责。这与证书上显示的完全相同。学生姓名的顺序对参与没有任何影响或重要性。在COMAP和大赛主办方眼中,所有参赛队员都是平等的。指导老师在报名时应确保队员姓名拼写正确。COMAP 不会重印证书。


  4. 如果您需要更改注册时指定的任何顾问或机构信息(姓名、地址、联系信息等),您可以在比赛前或比赛期间随时登录比赛网站进行更改使用您注册时使用的相同电子邮件地址和密码(单击屏幕左侧的顾问登录链接)。登录后,单击页面右上角附近的编辑顾问或机构数据链接。
  5. 定期查看竞赛网站,了解有关竞赛的任何更新说明或公告。除极端情况外,COMAP不会通过电子邮件发送任何确认、提醒或公告。有关竞赛的所有沟通将通过竞赛网站和 Twitter/微博进行。
  6. 关注X上的COMAPMath或微博上的COMAPCHINAOFFICIAL,了解比赛前、比赛中和比赛后的最新信息。

VI. Contest Instructions


Before the Contest - Preparing a Team

  1. We encourage advisors and faculty to coach and prepare studentsBEFOREthe start of the contest. COMAP offers several resources:

    a. Go to the MCM/ICM web site and review the rules, guidelines, and prior years' problems.

    b. Visitwww.mathmo-dels.orgto view previous years' problems and solutions.

    c.Visit/undergraduate/contests/resources/index.html, the MCM/ICM Articles, Resources, and Links page.

    d. The MCM/ICM "Tips" article (found on the resource web page) provides students and advisors tips for before, during, and after the contest.

    e. Read the Summer and Fall UMAP Journal MCM and ICM articles, which include the Director's Article and Judges' Commentary for MCM and ICM. These articles describe what judges look for in the various sections of solutions.


  1. 我们鼓励顾问和教师在比赛开始前对学生进行指导和准备 。COMAP 提供多种资源

    a. 访问 MCM/ICM 网站并查看规则、指南和前几年的问题。

    b.访问 www.mathmodels.org 查看往年的问题和解决方案。

    c.访问/undergradua-te/contests/resources/index.html,MCM/ICM 文章、资源和链接页面。

    d. MCM/ICM“提示”文章(可在资源网页上找到)为学生和顾问提供比赛前、比赛期间和比赛后的提示。

    e.阅读夏季和秋季 UMAP 期刊 MCM 和 ICM 文章,其中包括 MCM 和 ICM 的主任文章和评委评论。这些文章描述了法官在解决方案的各个部分中寻找的内容。

During the Contest - Choosing and Solving the Problem

  1. The contest problems become available for teams to view at precisely 5:00 p.m. EST on Thursday January 23, 2025 on the contest web site:/undergraduate/contests/mcm

    No password is needed to view the problems. Simply go to the contest web site at or after 5 p.m. EST on Thursday, January 23, 2025 and you will see a link to view the problems.

  2. The contest problems will also become available for teams to view precisely at 4:50PM EST on Thursday January 23, 2025 on the following mirror sites:

    https://www.comapmath.com/MCMICM/index.html(Asia) https://www.comap-math.org/mcm/index.html(North America) https://www.mathportals.org/mcm/index.html(North America) https://www.immchallenge.org/mcm/index.html(North America)

    If you cannot access any of the sites, there may be a problem with your local Internet connection. Contact your local Internet service provider to resolve the issue.

  3. Each registered team may choose any one of the six problem choices and should submit a solution to only one problem.

    • MCM problems are Problem A, Problem B, Problem C.• ICM problems are Problem D, Problem E, Problem F.

  4. Teams may use any inanimate source of data, materials, computers, software, references, websites, books, etc. Teams should reference all sources used using footnotes, endnotes, or in-line documentation, and include an associated reference list citing all sources.
  5. Teams may not seek help from any person outside of team members as delineated in the Contest Rules (specifically Rule #6).
  6. Teams should keep in mind the following guidelines when solving the problem and developing their solution.

    a.Summary Sheet:The summary is an essential part of your MCM/ICM paper and should appear as the first page of your solution report. The judges place considerable weight on the summary, and winning papers are often distinguished from other papers based on the quality of the summary.Click here to download the Microsoft Word Summary SheetorClick here to download the LaTeX Summary Sheet.

    • To write a good summary, imagine that a reader will choose whether to read the body of the paper based on your summary: Your concise presentation in the summary should inspire a reader to learn about the details of your work.

    • You should write the summary last, as it should clearly describe your approach to the problem and, most prominently, your most important conclusions. Ensure you plan time after solving your problem to write a comprehensive and articulate summary.

    • Summaries that are mere restatements of the contest problem, or are a cut-and-paste boilerplate from the Introduction are generally considered to be weak.

    b.Overall:The team's solution should be articulate, concise, and organized in order to allow the reader to easily follow the solution process and conclusions. Key statements should present major ideas and results.

    • A Table of Contents assists the reader in previewing the organization of your report.

    • Present a clarification or restatement of the problem as appropriate.

    • Present a clear exposition of all variables and hypotheses.

    • State and justify reasonable assumptions that bear on the problem.

    • Present an analysis of the problem, motivating or justifying the model being used.

    • Summarize derivations, computa-tions, or illustrative examples in the main body of the solution, and leave lengthy derivations and/or calculations and data in appropriate appendices.

    • Include a design of the model. Discuss how the model could be tested, to include error analysis, sensitivity, and/or stability.

    • Discuss any apparent strengths or weaknesses to your model or approach.

    • Provide a conclusion and report results explicitly.

    • Document resources and references.

  7. Follow COMAPMath on X or COMAPCHINAOFFICIAL on Weibo for the most up to date information before, during, and after the contest.


  1. 团队可于美国东部时间 2025 年 1 月 23 日星期四下午 5:00 在竞赛网站上查看竞赛问题:/undergradu-ate/contests/mcm

    无需密码即可查看问题。只需在美国东部时间 2025 年 1 月 23 日星期四下午 5 点或之后访问竞赛网站,您就会看到一个查看问题的链接。

  2. 比赛问题也将在美国东部时间 2025 年 1 月 23 日星期四下午 4:50 准时在以下镜像网站上供团队查看:




  3. 每个注册团队可以选择六个问题选项中的任何一个,并且只能提交一个问题的解决方案。

    • MCM 问题是问题A、问题B、问题C。

    • ICM 问题是问题D、问题E、问题F。

  4. 团队可以使用任何无生命的数据源、材料、计算机、软件、参考资料、网站、书籍等。团队应使用脚注、尾注或内联文档来引用所有使用的来源,并包含引用所有来源的相关参考列表。
  5. 根据竞赛规则(特别是规则#6),团队不得向团队成员之外的任何人寻求帮助。
  6. 团队在解决问题和开发解决方案时应牢记以下准则。

    a. 摘要表:摘要是 MCM/ICM 论文的重要组成部分,应作为解决方案报告的第一页。评委们非常重视摘要,获奖论文通常会根据摘要的质量与其他论文区分开来。单击此处下载 Microsoft Word 摘要表或单击此处下载 LaTeX 摘要表。

    • 要写出好的摘要,请想象读者会根据您的摘要选择是否阅读论文正文:您在摘要中的简洁陈述应该激发读者了解您工作的细节。

    • 您应该最后写总结,因为它应该清楚地描述您解决问题的方法,并且最突出的是您最重要的结论。确保在解决问题后计划时间写出全面而清晰的总结。

    • 仅仅重述竞赛问题或从引言中剪切粘贴样板的摘要通常被认为是薄弱的。

    b. 总体而言:团队的解决方案应该清晰、简洁、有条理,以便读者能够轻松理解解决方案的过程和结论。关键陈述应提出主要想法和结果。

    • 目录可帮助读者预览报告的组织结构。

    • 酌情对问题进行澄清或重述。

    • 对所有变量和假设进行清晰的阐述。

    • 陈述并证明与问题相关的合理假设。

    • 提出问题分析,激发或证明所使用模型的合理性。

    • 在解决方案的正文中总结推导、计算或说明性示例,并在适当的附录中留下冗长的推导和/或计算和数据。

    • 包括模型的设计。讨论如何测试模型,包括误差分析、灵敏度和/或稳定性。

    • 讨论您的模型或方法的任何明显的优点或缺点。

    • 明确提供结论并报告结果。

    • 文档资源和参考文献。

  7. 关注 Twitter 上的 COMAPMath 或微博上的 COMAPCHINAOFFI-CIAL,了解赛前、赛中和赛后的最新信息。

During the Contest - Use of Large Language Models and Generative AI Tools in COMAP Contests

This policy is motivated by the rise of large language models (LLMs) and generative AI assisted technologies. The policy aims to provide greater transparency and guidance to teams, advisors, and judges. This policy applies to all aspects of student work, from research and development of models (including code creation) to the written report. Since these emerging technologies are quickly evolving, COMAP will refine this policy as appropriate.

Teams must be open and honest about all their uses of AI tools. The more transparent a team and its submission are, the more likely it is that their work can be fully trusted, appreciated, and correctly used by others. These disclosures aid in understanding the development of intellectual work and in the proper acknowledgement of contributions. Without open and clear citations and references of the role of AI tools, it is more likely that questionable passages and work could be identified as plagiarism and disqualified.

Solving the problemsdoes notrequire the use of AI tools, although their responsible use is permitted. COMAP recognizes the value of LLMs and generative AI as productivity tools that can help teams in preparing their submission; to generate initial ideas for a structure, for example, or when summarizing, paraphrasing, language polishing etc. There are many tasks in model development where human creativity and teamwork is essential, and where a reliance on AI tools introduces risks. Therefore, we advise caution when using these technologies for tasks such as model selection and building, assisting in the creation of code, interpreting data and results of models, and drawing scientific conclusions.

Guidance for teams

Teams are required to:

  1. Clearly indicate the use of LLMs or other AI tools in their report,including which model was used and for what purpose. Please use inline citations and the reference section. Also append the Report on Use of AI (described below) after your 25-page solution.
  2. Verify the accuracy, validity, and appropriatenessof the content and any citations generated by language models and correct any errors or inconsistencies.
  3. Provide citation and references, following guidance provided here. Double-check citations to ensure they are accurate and are properly referenced.
  4. Be conscious of the potential for plagiarismsince LLMs may reproduce substantial text from other sources. Check the original sources to be sure you are not plagiarizing someone else's work.

Citation and Referencing Directions

Think carefully about how to document and reference whatever tools the team may choose to use. A variety of style guides are beginning to incorporate policies for the citation and referencing of AI tools. Use inline citations and list all AI tools used in the reference section of your 25-page solution. Whether or not a team chooses to use AI tools,the main solution report is still limited to 25 pages. If a team chooses to utilize AI, following the end of your report, add a new section titledReport on Use of AI. This new section has no page limit and will not be counted as part of the 25-page solution.Click here to download the COMAP AI contest policy with examples.

竞赛期间 - 在 COMAP 竞赛中使用大型语言模型和生成式 AI 工具

这项政策的推动因素是大型语言模型 (LLM) 和生成式人工智能辅助技术的兴起。该政策旨在为团队、顾问和法官提供更大的透明度和指导。该政策适用于学生工作的各个方面,从模型的研究和开发(包括代码创建)到书面报告。由于这些新兴技术正在迅速发展,COMAP 将酌情完善这一政策。


解决问题并不需要使用人工智能工具,尽管负责任地使用它们是允许的。COMAP 认识到法学硕士和生成式人工智能作为生产力工具的价值,可以帮助团队准备提交的材料;例如,生成结构的初步想法,或者在总结、释义、语言润色等时。在模型开发的许多任务中,人类的创造力和团队合作至关重要,而对人工智能工具的依赖会带来风险。因此,我们建议在使用这些技术执行模型选择和构建、协助创建代码、解释模型数据和结果以及得出科学结论等任务时务必谨慎。



  1. 在报告中明确指出法学硕士或其他人工智能工具的使用情况,包括使用哪种模型以及用于什么目的。请使用内联引用和参考部分。还要在 25 页的解决方案之后附上人工智能使用报告(如下所述)。
  2. 验证内容以及语言模型生成的任何引用的准确性、有效性和适当性,并纠正任何错误或不一致。
  3. 按照此处提供的指导提供引文和参考文献。仔细检查引文以确保它们准确且引用正确。
  4. 意识到剽窃的可能性,因为法学硕士可能会从其他来源复制大量文本。检查原始来源以确保您没有抄袭他人的作品。


仔细考虑如何记录和引用团队可能选择使用的任何工具。各种风格指南开始纳入人工智能工具的引用和参考政策。使用内联引用并列出 25 页解决方案的参考部分中使用的所有 AI 工具。无论团队是否选择使用AI工具,主要解决方案报告仍然限于25页。如果团队选择利用人工智能,请在报告结束后添加一个标题为“人工智能使用报告”的新部分。这个新部分没有页数限制,不会计入 25 页解决方案的一部分。单击此处下载 COMAP AI 竞赛政策及示例。

During the Contest - Preparing a Solution Document

  1. MCM/ICM solutions are judged as varying degrees of successfully completing the contest (from Successful Participant up to Outstanding). There is no passing or cut-off score, and therefore, partial solutions are acceptable and teams are encouraged to complete as much of the problem as they are able to do. MCM/ICM judges are primarily interested in the team's thought processes, analysis of the problem, modeling approaches, and mathematical methods.
  2. Teams must submit their entire solution in oneAdobe PDFelectronic file, consisting of written text, figures, charts, and supporting materials. Papers must be typed in English, with a readable font of at least 12-point type. Do not send additional non solution files such as data or computer programs.
  3. Each page of the solution must contain the team control number and the page number at the top of the page. Use a page header on each page - for example:Team # 2400000, Page 6 of 25.
  4. Your solution report should start with the Summary Sheet followed by the team's solution.Ensure your solution meets the 25 page limit requirement.A Table of Contents is encouraged and does count toward the page limit. Reference list (or Bibliography), notes pages, and any appendices now count toward the page limit and should be included after the solution pages.
  5. Clearly indicate the use of LLMs or other AI tools in your report, including which model was used and for what purpose. Please use inline citations and the reference section. Also append theReport on Use of AI(described here)after your 25-page solution. This new section has no page limit and will not be counted as part of the 25-page solution.
  6. Names of the students, advisor, and/or institutionmust notappear on any page of the solution. The solution filemust notcontain any identifying information other than the team Control Number.
  7. STOP making any changes to the solution at8:00pm EST on Monday, January 27, 2025.

比赛期间 - 准备解决方案文档

  1. MCM/ICM 解决方案被评定为不同程度地成功完成比赛(从成功参赛者到优秀)。没有及格分数或截止分数,因此,部分解决方案是可以接受的,并且鼓励团队尽可能多地完成问题。MCM/ICM 评委主要对团队的思维过程、问题分析、建模方法和数学方法感兴趣。
  2. 团队必须在一份Adobe PDF电子文件中提交整个解决方案,其中包括书面文本、图形、图表和支持材料。论文必须用英文打字,字体至少为 12 号。不要发送其他非解决方案文件,例如数据或计算机程序。
  3. 解决方案的每个页面都必须包含团队控制编号和页面顶部的页码。在每页上使用页眉 - 例如:Team # 2400000, Page 6 of 25 。
  4. 您的解决方案报告应以摘要表开头,然后是团队的解决方案。确保您的解决方案满足 25 页的限制要求。鼓励使用目录,并且目录也计入页数限制。参考列表(或参考书目)、注释页和任何附录现在都计入页数限制,并且应包含在解决方案页之后。
  5. 在报告中清楚地表明法学硕士或其他人工智能工具的使用情况,包括使用哪种模型以及用于什么目的。请使用内联引用和参考部分。还要在 25 页的解决方案之后附加人工智能使用报告(此处描述) 。这个新部分没有页数限制,不会计入 25 页解决方案的一部分。
  6. 学生、顾问和/或机构的姓名不得出现在解决方案的任何页面上。解决方案文件不得包含除团队控制编号之外的任何识别信息。
  7. 请于 2025 年 1 月 27 日星期一晚上 8:00(美国东部时间)停止对解决方案进行任何更改。

During the Contest - Advisor Activities

  1. After the contest begins at 5 p.m. EST on Thursday January 27, 2025,and while the teams are preparing their solutions, the advisor should login to the contest web site at/undergraduate/contests/mcm. Click onAdvisor Login, and then enter your email address and password.
  2. For each control number, if you have not done so already, enter the team member names and confirm that each name is spelled correctly. The order of the student names has no bearing or importance on participation. In the eyes of COMAP and the contest directors,all team members are equal.This determines how the names will appear on the contest certificates. COMAP will not make any changes or reprint certificates for any reason.
  3. Specify the problem that each team has chosen to solve.
  4. Click here to download the Microsoft Word Summary SheetorClick here to download the LaTeX Summary Sheet.(This should be used as the first page of each team's electronic email submission.)

比赛期间 - 指导老师任务

  1. 比赛于 2025 年 1 月 23 日星期四美国东部时间下午 5 点开始后,当团队准备解决方案时,指导老师应登录比赛网站 / undergraduate/contests/mcm 。单击“指导老师登录”,然后输入您的电子邮件地址和密码。
  2. 对于每个控制编号,如果您尚未这样做,请输入团队成员姓名并确认每个姓名拼写正确。学生姓名的顺序对参与没有任何影响或重要性。在COMAP和大赛主办方眼中,所有参赛队员都是平等的。这决定了名字将如何出现在比赛证书上。COMAP 不会以任何理由进行任何更改或重印证书。
  3. 指定每个团队选择解决的问题。
  4. 单击此处下载 Microsoft Word 摘要表或单击此处下载 LaTeX 摘要表。(这应该用作每个团队提交的电子邮件的首页。)

After the Contest - Submitting a Solution Document -NEW for 2025

  1. Teams must end all work on their solution by8:00 p.m. EST on Monday January 27, 2025, and send anAdobe PDFelectronic file of its Solution Paper to COMAP by9:00 p.m. EST on Monday, January 27, 2025. *Note: Do not wait until the last minute. Send your solution as soon as it is completed and only send one copy.
  2. No further modifications, enhancements, additions, or improvements may be made to the team's solution paper after 8:00 p.m. EST on January 27, 2025. Any changes to the solution will constitute a violation of the contest rules and may result in disqualification.
  3. Each team is required to submit an Adobe PDF electronic copy of its solution using the new online submission pagehttps://forms.comap.org/241335097294056.Any team member or the advisor may submit the PDF submission.

    a. Your electronic PDF solution file MUST be received at COMAP on or before the submission deadline of 9:00 p.m. EST on January 27, 2025 .

    b. In the subject line of your email write your team's control number. For example,Subject: 0000000. Limit one team solution file per email.

    c. Use your team's control number as the name of your PDF file attachment. For example:0000000.pdf. *Note: The attachment must be less than 20MB.

    d. Page 1 of the team's PDF electronic solution should be the team summary, followed by the solution and any references and appendices.

    e. Do not include or send programs, software, databases, and/or other files with your solution email, as they will not be used in the judging process.

    f.The names of the students, advisor, or institution should NOT appear on any page of the electronic solution.

    g. COMAP will accept only an Adobe PDF of your solution. Limit one solution per submission form.

  4. Failure by a team to submit a solution via email by9:00 p.m. EST on January 27, 2025in accordance with the above instructions may result in disqualification or reduction of award level.

比赛结束后 - 提交解决方案文档

  1. 团队必须在美国东部标准时间2025 年 1 月 27 日星期一晚上 8:00 之前完成其解决方案的所有工作,并在美国东部时间 2025 年 1 月 27 日星期一晚上 9:00 之前 通过电子邮件将解决方案文件的Adobe PDF 电子文件发送给 COMAP。*注: 不要等到最后一刻。完成后立即发送您的解决方案,并且仅发送一份副本。
  2. 2024 年 1 月 27 日美国东部时间晚上 8 点之后,不得对团队的解决方案文件进行进一步修改、增强、添加或改进。对解决方案的任何更改都将构成对竞赛规则的违反,并可能导致取消资格。
  3. 每个团队都需要使用新的在线提交页面https://forms.comap.org/241335097294056.提交其解决方案的Adobe PDF电子版。任何团队成员或顾问都可以提交PDF格式的提交材料。



    d.团队 PDF 电子解决方案的第一页应是团队摘要,后面是解决方案以及任何参考资料和附录。



    g. COMAP将只接受您的解决方案的Adobe PDF。每个提交表单限一个解决方案。

  4. 如果团队未能按照上述说明在美国东部时间2025年1月27日晚上9:00之前通过电子邮件提交解决方案,可能会导致取消资格或降低奖励级别。

NOTE: By submitting a MCM/ICM contest entry document, team members agree that:

  • Their submission and all rights to its publication become the property of COMAP.
  • COMAP may use, edit, excerpt, and publish this submission for promotional use or any other purpose, including placing it online, distributing it electronically, or publishing it in The UMAP Journal or otherwise, without compensation of any kind.
  • COMAP reserves the right to use in materials relating to this contest, the names of the team members, their advisor(s), and their affiliations, without further notification, permission, or compensation.
  • All images, figures, photographs, tables, and drawings in a team's submission were either created by the team, or, if reproduced or obtained from another source, the submission cites a specific reference for each at its location in the submission.
  • All direct quotations in the submission are enclosed in quotation marks or otherwise identified as such, with a specific reference cited for each at its location in the submission.

注意:通过提交 MCM/ICM 竞赛参赛文件,团队成员同意:

  • 他们提交的内容及其发布的所有权利均成为 COMAP 的财产。
  • COMAP 可以使用、编辑、摘录和发布此提交内容以用于促销用途或任何其他目的,包括将其放在网上、以电子方式分发或在《UMAP 期刊》或其他方式上发布,而无需任何形式的补偿。
  • COMAP 保留在与本次竞赛相关的材料中使用团队成员姓名、顾问及其隶属关系的权利,无需进一步通知、许可或补偿。
  • 团队提交的所有图像、图形、照片、表格和绘图均由团队创建,或者,如果复制或从其他来源获得,提交的内容会在提交内容中的相应位置引用每个图像、图形、照片、表格和绘图。
  • 提交文件中的所有直接引用都用引号括起来或以其他方式标识,并在提交文件中的位置为每个直接引用引用了具体参考文献。

After the Contest - Advisor Actions

  1. Advisors should use theAdvisor Loginlink one to two days after the contest has closed to verify COMAP received your team's electronic solution. In most cases, COMAP will have solution status of all papers posted 24-48 hours after the contest window ends.
  2. Visit the contest web site regularly and follow COMAP on @COMAPMath on Twitter or COMAPCHINAOFFICIAL on Weibo for updates. COMAP will post the contest results on the web site as soon as they are available. It takes several weeks for the judges to evaluate the solutions and for COMAP to process the results. Please do not call or email COMAP regarding contest results.

比赛结束后 - 指导老师任务

  1. 指导老师应在比赛结束后一到两天使用指导老师登录链接来验证 COMAP 是否收到了您团队的电子解决方案。在大多数情况下,COMAP 将在比赛窗口结束后 24-48 小时内查看发布的所有论文的解决方案状态。
  2. 定期访问竞赛网站并关注 Twitter 上的 @COMAPMath 或微博上的 COMAPCHINAOFFICIAL 来获取最新动态。COMAP 将在比赛结果公布后立即在网站上发布。评委们需要几周的时间来评估解决方案,COMAP 需要几周的时间来处理结果。请不要就竞赛结果致电或发送电子邮件给 COMAP。

VII. MCM/ICM Results and Recognition

  1. Judging will be completed in April-June. Levels of awards for successful submissions are Successful Participant, Honorable Mention, Meritorious, Finalist, or Outstanding Winner. Submission found to have rule or procedure violations, or problem solution issues may be designated as Disqualified or Unsuccessful.Click here to view descriptions of the contest designations.
  2. COMAP will prepare news releases for local and national dissemination, and professional publications will announce results.
  3. Every team that successfully submits a solution paper will be awarded a certificate of participation.Click here to download MCM/ICM certificates.
  4. Select teams will have all or portions of their solution papers published in COMAP's UMAP Journal.

七. MCM/ICM 结果和认可

  1. 评审将于四月至六月完成。成功提交的奖项级别为成功参与者、荣誉奖、优秀奖、决赛入围者或杰出获奖者。发现提交的内容违反规则或程序,或者问题解决方案可能会被指定为取消资格或不成功。单击此处查看竞赛名称的说明。
  2. COMAP 将准备新闻稿供地方和全国传播,专业出版物将公布结果。
  3. 每个成功提交解决方案论文的团队都将获得参与证书。单击此处下载 MCM/ICM 证书。
  4. 选定的团队将在 COMAP 的 UMAP 期刊上发表其解决方案论文的全部或部分内容。

VIII. MCM/ICM Awards and Prizes

八. MCM/ICM 奖项及奖品


The International COMAP Scholarship Awardwill be awarded to the one(1) top MCM/ICM team from any of the participating teams; $9000 being split among the team members and $1000 to the school represented.

After the results are issued, each successfully participating team advisor and student will receive a certificate of participation. You may login to the contest web site using theAdvisor Loginlink toview and print your team's certificates.Click here to download MCM/ICM certificates.

国际 COMAP 奖学金将颁发给任何参赛团队中的一(1)名顶级 MCM/ICM 团队;9000 美元分配给团队成员,1000 美元分配给代表的学校。成绩出炉后,每位成功参赛的团队导师和学生都将获得参赛证书。您可以使用顾问登录链接登录竞赛网站,查看并打印您团队的证书。单击此处下载 MCM/ICM 证书。

  • MCM Awards (Problem A, B and C)
  • The Ben Fusaro Award will be accorded to an especially creative paper and will be chosen from the contest finalists.
  • The Frank R. Giordano Award began in 2012. It honors Brig. Gen. (ret) Frank Giordano who directed the MCM for 20 years. This award goes to a paper that demonstrates true excellence in the execution of the modeling process.
  • ICM Awards (Problem D, E and F)
  • The Leonhard Euler Award is presented to a team selected by the head judge of the ICM's Problem D. The criteria are:1) a paper in the Meritorious/Finalist/Outstanding rating;2) contains especially creative and innovative modeling;and 3) shows good understanding of interdisciplinary science. The award honors the name of a 18th-century Swiss applied mathematician, who was known for the breadth of his research applications, volume of written work, excellent teaching, and interdisciplinarity.
  • The Rachel Carson Award honors an American conservationist whose book "Silent Spring" initiated the global environmental movement and whose work spanned many disciplines concerned with the local and global environments. This award is presented to a team selected by the Head Judge of ICM Problem E for excellence in using scientific theory and data in its modeling.
  • Vilfredo Pareto was an Italian scholar, modeler and problem solver, who at various times was an engineer, sociologist, economist, political scientist, mathematician, and philosopher. He lived and worked in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The ICM Pareto Award for outstanding modeling in the Policy Modeling problem (ICM Problem F) honors the work and legacy of this famous social science problem solver. In particular for this award, the head judge seeks to highlight a paper that best models the more dynamic and challenging contextual human elements that make simplification or refinement of policy models so difficult.
  • MCM 奖(问题 A、B 和 C)
  • Ben Fusaro 奖将颁发给一篇特别有创意的论文,并将从竞赛决赛入围者中选出。
  • 弗兰克·R·佐丹奴奖于 2012 年设立,旨在表彰弗兰克·R·佐丹奴准将。弗兰克·佐丹奴 (Frank Giordano) 上将(已退役)领导 MCM 长达 20 年。该奖项颁发给一篇展示了建模过程执行方面真正卓越的论文。
  • ICM 奖(问题 D、E 和 F)
  • 莱昂哈德·欧拉奖颁发给 ICM 问题 D 的首席评委选出的团队。标准是:1) 一篇论文获得优异/决赛/杰出评级;2)包含特别有创意和创新的造型;3)表现出对跨学科科学的良好理解。该奖项旨在纪念一位 18 世纪瑞士应用数学家的名字,他以其研究应用的广度、大量的书面工作、出色的教学和跨学科性而闻名。
  • 雷切尔·卡森奖旨在表彰一位美国环境保护主义者,他的书《寂静的春天》发起了全球环境运动,其工作跨越了与当地和全球环境有关的许多学科。该奖项颁发给由 ICM Problem E 的首席评委选出的团队,以表彰其在建模中运用科学理论和数据的卓越表现。
  • 维尔弗雷多·帕累托是一位意大利学者、建模师和问题解决者,曾在不同时期担任过工程师、社会学家、经济学家、政治学家、数学家和哲学家。他生活和工作于19世纪末20世纪初。ICM 帕累托奖旨在奖励政策建模问题(ICM 问题 F)中的杰出建模,以表彰这位著名社会科学问题解决者的工作和遗产。特别是对于这个奖项,主评委力求突出一篇论文,该论文最好地模拟了更具动态性和挑战性的背景人类因素,这些因素使得政策模型的简化或完善变得如此困难。


The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) is the largest society in the world for professionals in the field of operations research (OR), management science (MS), and analytics. INFORMS has long recognized the importance of involving undergraduate students and faculty in an unscripted process of mathematical modeling whose problems contain many of the modern elements seen by its membership. The MCM/ICM exemplifies these characteristics. Consequently, INFORMS has been an active supporter of the MCM/ICM since its inception.

INFORMS carefully selects and designates a single Outstanding team from each of the six problems - A, B, C, D, E, F - as an INFORMS Outstanding winning team whose modeling and analyses best exemplify the style and content reflected in its membership's professional practice. Each student receives a letter of congratulations from the current INFORMS President and a complimentary one-year INFORMS student membership. Each associated faculty advisor receives a letter of congratulations and appreciation from the current INFORMS President, along with complimentary one-year access to the full suite of award-winning INFORMS journals.

运筹与管理科学研究所 (INFORMS) 是世界上最大的运筹学 (OR)、管理科学 (MS) 和分析领域专业人士协会。INFORMS 长期以来一直认识到让本科生和教师参与无脚本数学建模过程的重要性,其问题包含其成员所看到的许多现代元素。MCM/ICM 体现了这些特征。因此,INFORMS 自 MCM/ICM 成立以来一直是其积极支持者。

INFORMS 从六个问题(A、B、C、D、E、F)中的每一个问题中精心挑选并指定一个杰出团队作为 INFORMS 杰出获胜团队,其建模和分析最能体现其会员专业实践中反映的风格和内容。每位学生都会收到现任 INFORMS 主席的祝贺信和免费的一年 INFORMS 学生会员资格。每位相关的教职顾问都会收到现任 INFORMS 主席的一封祝贺和感谢信,以及一年免费访问全套屡获殊荣的 INFORMS 期刊的机会。


The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) will designate six teams, one each for problems A, B, C, D, E, and F from the MCM/ICM as an SIAM winner.

工业与应用数学学会 (SIAM) 将指定 6 个团队作为 SIAM 获胜者,其中每个团队解决 MCM/ICM 的问题 A、B、C、D、E 和 F。


The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) will designate up to six teams, at most one each for problems A, B, C, D, E, and F from the MCM/ICM as an MAA winner.

美国数学协会 (MAA) 将指定最多六支队伍作为 MAA 获胜者,其中针对 MCM/ICM 的问题 A、B、C、D、E 和 F 各最多一支队伍。


The American Statistical Association (ASA) will designate one Outstanding team from MCM Problem C as a ASA winner.

美国统计协会 (ASA) 将指定 MCM C 问题中的一支杰出团队作为 ASA 获胜者。


The American Mathematical Society (AMS) will designate six teams, one each for problems A, B, C, D, E, and F from the MCM/ICM as an AMS winner.

美国数学会 (AMS) 将指定 6 个团队作为 AMS 获胜者,其中每个团队负责 MCM/ICM 的问题 A、B、C、D、E 和 F。

IX. Judging Results and Designations


What are the differences between the designations?


Not Judged-The solution was not submitted correctly. Some examples include damaged or corrupted file, file sent in the wrong format, or not submitting your solution as outlined in the instructions.

未评判- 解决方案未正确提交。一些示例包括损坏或损坏的文件、以错误格式发送的文件或未按照说明中的概述提交解决方案。

Disqualified- The team's report was found to be in violation of the contest rules.


Disqualified-Plagiarism: The solution paper had undocumented sources, verbatim text, or information lifted from the Internet, and/or was very similar to other papers submitted as determined by judges and/or our pairwise comparison software. All information, ideas, data, algorithms, etc. from outside sources used by team members must have the original source documented and properly referenced. Our pairwise comparison software identifies papers and/or parts of papers as similar to, or exactly the same as, other papers submitted.


Disqualified-Web: COMAP identified the solution paper, or portions of the solution paper as shared or posted, or a team member (or members) were found to have received assistance through interactive web sites or electronic media. Posting or sharing all, or any part of the problem statement, your solution, or partial solution anywhere during the contest weekend is strictly prohibited. Obtaining all, or any part, of anyone else's solution is also prohibited. Contest rules prohibit seeking assistance outside of team members or obtaining help from human sources in person or via any medium. COMAP continually monitors the Internet during the contest period.

不合格-网络:COMAP 将解决方案文件或解决方案文件的部分内容确定为共享或发布,或者发现团队成员(或多个成员)通过交互式网站或电子媒体获得了帮助。严禁在比赛周末期间的任何地方发布或分享问题陈述的全部或任何部分、您的解决方案或部分解决方案。还禁止获取任何其他人的解决方案的全部或任何部分。竞赛规则禁止向团队成员之外寻求帮助,或亲自或通过任何媒介从人力资源处获得帮助。COMAP 在比赛期间持续监控互联网。

UnsuccessfulParticipant- The team's report did not adequately respond to the requirements of the contest problem or a team (or team member) was found to have visited Internet sites discussing the contest problem during the contest period.

不成功的参赛者- 团队的报告没有充分回应竞赛问题的要求,或者团队(或团队成员)被发现在竞赛期间访问了讨论竞赛问题的互联网站点。

Unsuccessful Participant-Web: A team member (or members) visited websites or social media where contest problems were being openly discussed. Contest rules prohibit seeking assistance outside of team members or obtaining help from human sources in person or via any medium. COMAP is continually monitoring the Internet during the contest period to include websites and social media where contest solutions are being openly discussed.

不成功的参赛者-网络:团队成员(或多个成员)访问了正在公开讨论竞赛问题的网站或社交媒体。竞赛规则禁止向团队成员之外寻求帮助,或亲自或通过任何媒介从人力资源处获得帮助。COMAP 在比赛期间持续监控互联网,包括公开讨论比赛解决方案的网站和社交媒体。

Unsuccessful Participant-Incomplete: The solution paper was found to be significantly incomplete and did not show any serious effort in adequately responding to the contest problem or its requirements.


Successful Participant- The team made a concerted effort to respond to the contest problem and submit a solution report. The report, however, had incomplete responses to all or some requirements, and/or showed some deficiencies or weakness in the modeling processes, analysis, conclusions, and/or communication.

成功参赛者- 团队齐心协力回应竞赛问题并提交解决方案报告。然而,该报告对全部或部分要求的回应不完整,和/或在建模过程、分析、结论和/或沟通中显示出一些缺陷或弱点。

Honorable Mention- The team's solution report indicated an above average effort in addressing all problem requirements, and contained elements that were judged to show sound and supported processes in modeling and problem solving, analysis, conclusions, and communication of results.

二等奖- 该团队的解决方案报告表明在解决所有问题需求方面付出了高于平均水平的努力,并且包含被认为在建模和问题解决、分析、结论和结果交流方面显示出健全和受支持的流程的元素。

Meritorious-The team's solution report was excellent in many aspects of modeling and problem solving, analysis, conclusions, and communication. The report addressed all requirements in a clear, well-supported, well-organized, and well-presented manner.


Finalist- The designation Finalist recognizes teams whose solution reports are exemplary and therefore reached the final round of judging. These papers present complete and logical analysis in an organized and clear presentation above and beyond simply addressing the requirements. These papers are easy to read, easy to follow, logical, and comprehensive. Finalist papers are among the best of all team submissions.

特等奖提名- 特等奖提名称号旨在表彰解决方案报告堪称典范并因此进入最后一轮评审的团队。这些论文以有组织且清晰的演示方式提供了完整且逻辑性的分析,而不仅仅是满足要求。这些论文易于阅读、易于理解、逻辑性强且全面。入围论文是所有团队提交的论文中最好的。

Outstanding Winner- The designation Outstanding recognizes teams whose solution reports are determined, in the final round of judging, to be the "best of the best." These teams' reports are at the highest level relative to the contest submissions in terms of exemplary student work in modeling and problem solving, analysis, and communication. COMAP may publish and use all or part of these submissions as examples of outstanding student work.

特等奖- 特等奖旨在表彰其解决方案报告在最后一轮评审中被确定为“最佳中的最佳”的团队。这些团队的报告在建模和问题解决、分析和沟通方面的示范性学生工作方面,相对于竞赛提交的作品而言处于最高水平。COMAP 可以发布并使用这些提交的全部或部分内容作为优秀学生作品的示例。





A Level一月大考报名倒计时!2025年夏季大考时间也出炉了!


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