Brain Bee脑神经科学大赛详细介绍

竞赛简介 Introduction


为了鼓励更多青少年学生认识和探索大脑,Norbert Myslinski博士于1998年在巴尔的摩的马里兰大学创立了International Brain BeeIBB)国际脑神经科学大赛,迄今已有25年历史。IBB是一项面向全球中学生的学科竞赛,目前已发展到全球50多个国家的各大分会,年均参赛人数超过25000人。目前,IBB由美国心理学协会(American Psychological Association, APA)、欧洲神经科学学会(Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, FENS)、神经科学学会(Society of Neuroscience, SfN)、美国Dana基金会、国际脑学科研究组织(International Brain Research Organization, IBRO)和阿尔兹海默症协会(Alzheimer' Association)联合主办。

Nowadays, more than 1,000 neurological and psychological diseases in the world require doctors and researchers to treat and study. There is a huge shortage of outstanding talents.

The International Brain Bee was founded in 1998 by Dr. Norbert Myslinski with a mission to build better brains to fight brain disorders. Since its inception, the International Brain Bee has inspired thousands of students to study and pursue careers in neuroscience. So far it has covered 50+ countries worldwide with 25,000+ participants annually. Major Sponsors of the Brain Bee on the International Level are the International Brain Research Organization, the Federation of the European Neuroscience Societies, the Society for Neuroscience, the American Psychological Association, The Dana Foundation, and the Alzheimer’s Association.

【全年学术规划资源贴】Brain Bee脑神经科学大赛

美国Brain Bee脑神经科学大赛(USA Brain Bee)是International Brain Bee(IBB)国际脑神经科学大赛的美国官方区域赛。该竞赛面向13至19岁青少年学生开放,旨在激发青少年学生学习人类大脑,并将其知识应用到他们的日常生活中,同时激发他们今后从事生物、医学、心理、化学、计算机、人工智能、基础和临床脑科学等相关专业的学习和工作。

USA Brain Bee is the national level of IBB. The contest is open to students aged from 13 to 19 years old to test their knowledge of the human brain including such topics as intelligence, emotions, memory, sleep, vision, hearing, sensations, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, addictions and brain research. The aim of the Brain Bee is to motivate students to learn more about the brain and to inspire them to pursue careers in neuroscience and related fields, such as biology, medicine, chemistry, computer science, AI, and others.


Contest Schedule

参赛者会经历从地区赛Chapter (Local)到国家区域赛USA Regional (National),再到国际赛International的三级比赛。参赛者需要联系地区分会的协调员进行报名注册,开始一级级的比赛。大多数分会的协调员都是大学的神经科学家,也有对科学教育和社区推广感兴趣的高中、博物馆和教育机构的老师和管理人员。

The International Brain Bee promotes student engagement with neuroscience through a three-tiered competition: students start by signing up for a Local Brain Bee, the winners of which compete in their country’s National Brain Bee. Every year, National Brain Bees send one representative to compete at the IBB World Championship.

Students can contact the Local Brain Bee chapter for more information on how to participate.

第一级:地区赛Chapter (Local)



Level 1: Local

Time: Depends on each chapter, mostly in fall/winter

Location: Mostly on-site with very few online options

第二级:国家区域赛USA Regional (National)



Level 2: USA Regional (National)

Time: Usually late March to early-mid April

Location: Usually on-site



Level 3: International

Time and location differ each year.

The 2023 IBB World Championship will be held virtually, in conjunction with the American Psychological (APA) Convention in Washington, DC, on July 31-August 5.


Sample Questions at the Local Level

Approximately how many neurons does the brain contain?  (100 billion)


Name the device that measures brain waves.  (Electroencephalograph) 命名可测量脑电波的设备。(脑电图)

Stargazer mice are experimental models for which type of epilepsy?  (Petit mal epilepsy) 观星小鼠是哪种类型的癫痫的实验模型?(小发作)

Prozac relieves symptoms of depression by affecting which neurotransmitter?  (Serotonin) 百忧解可以通过影响哪种神经递质来缓解抑郁症状。(血清素)

The Greek word for the branches of a tree gives us the name of what part of a neuron?  (Dendrites) 希腊语中树的分支词为我们提供了神经元哪一部分的名称?(树突)

Name the surgical procedure that destroys part of the basal ganglia and helps Parkinson's patients. (Pallidotomy) 命名会破坏部分基底神经节并有助于帕金森氏病的外科手术程序。(苍白球切开术)

The biologic clock is located in what part of the brain?  (Hypothalamus) 生物钟位于大脑的哪一部分?(下丘脑)

Name a brain disorder named after a famous baseball player.  (Lou Gehrig's disease) 用一种著名的棒球运动员的名字命名一种大脑疾病。(劳格里格氏病)

What is the most common type of inherited mental retardation?  (Fragile X Syndrome) 遗传性智力低下的最常见类型是什么?(脆性X综合征)

Name the peptide that accumulates in the senile plaques of brains of Alzheimer's patients?  (BetaAmyloid) 命名在阿尔茨海默氏病患者大脑老年斑中积聚的肽?(β淀粉样蛋白)

What is the leading preventable cause of mental retardation?  (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) 智力低下的主要可预防原因是什么?(胎儿酒精综合症)

The abbreviation PET stands for what brain imagine technique?  ( Positron emission tomography) PET的缩写代表什么大脑成像技术?(正电子发射断层扫描)

Name a cognitive disorder associated with chronicalcoholism.  (Korsakoff's Syndrome)


注:Brain Bee为全英文竞赛,此处中文翻译仅作为参考。



How to Prepare: 




for Local


【全年学术规划资源贴】Brain Bee脑神经科学大赛【全年学术规划资源贴】Brain Bee脑神经科学大赛



References for National and International





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