
International Young Physicists' Tournament (IYPT)全球青年物理学家锦标赛,也被称为“Physics World Cup(物理世界杯)”,是一个需要中学生组队参赛的科学竞赛。自1988 年起,一年一度的 IYPT 从一个苏联地方性俄语的竞赛逐渐成长为一个全球最大最具声望的国际物理竞赛之一。

第 35 届 IYPT将在罗马尼亚的蒂米什瓦拉举行。

IYPT的比赛日程由主办国组织委员会确定,一般在5月到7月期间。在比赛前通过抽签分组,每一队要参加五轮选择性物理对抗赛(Selective PFs),一般的分组规则是:主办单位要在各队通过抽签分配序号之前预先公布初赛分组名单,并应避免交过手的两队重复再战。按照五轮对抗赛后成绩积分的高低,选出积分最高的三队,进入决赛(在每轮对抗赛中全部取得最高分且没有低于5分的评分亦可进入决赛)。
由于IYPT是国家级赛事且每个参赛国家仅只有一个团队代表,因此中国参赛队选拔将从 China Young Physicists’Tournament(CYPT)中国高中生物理创新竞赛中的优胜者组成。CYPT全程参考IYPT举办的全国性赛事,旨在提高学生综合运用所学知识分析解决实际物理问题的能力,培养学生的开放性思维能力。



比赛本身由几轮比赛组成,这几轮比赛被称为"Physics Fights"。前五轮比赛被称为 "选拔赛"。它们可以与足球比赛的小组赛阶段相提并论。所有队伍都要参加五场选拔赛。选拔赛后总分最高的三支队伍进入决赛,最终决出冠军队伍。



Problems for the 35th IYPT 2022
Released by the IOC on July 14th, 2021.
Please refer to the official and signed pdf as the authoritative source.
Invent Yourself
Create a non-invasive device that determines the direction of fluid flow inside an opaque pipe. Optimise your device so that you can measure the smallest flow possible.
Rayleigh Disk
A disk suspended vertically by a thin thread is placed in an acoustic field. This device can be used to measure the intensity of sound by turning about the axis of the thread. Investigate the accuracy of such a device.
Ring on the Rod
A washer on a vertical steel rod may start spinning instead of simply sliding down. Study the motion of the washer and investigate what determines the terminal velocity.
Unsinkable Disk
A metal disk with a hole at its centre sinks in a container filled with water. When a vertical water jet hits the centre of the disc, it may float on the water surface. Explain this
phenomenon and investigate the relevant parameters.
Bimetallic Oscillator
A simple electric oscillator can be made using a bimetallic contact-breaker. Investigate the relevant parameters that affect the frequency of such an oscillator.
Tennis Ball Tower
Build a tower by stacking tennis balls using three balls per layer and a single ball on top. Investigate the structural limits and the stability of such a tower. How does the situation change when more than three balls per each layer and a suitable number of balls on the top layer are used?
Three-Sided Dice
To land a coin on its side is often associated with the idea of a rare occurrence. What should be the physical and geometrical characteristics of a cylindrical dice so that it has the same probability to land on its side and one of its faces?
Equipotential Lines
Place two electrodes into water, supply a safe voltage and use a voltmeter to determine electric potential at various locations. Investigate how the measured equipotential lines deviate from your expectations for different conditions and liquids.
Water Spiral
If a stream of liquid is launched through a small hole, then under certain conditions it twists into a spiral. Explain this phenomenon and investigate the conditions under which the spiral will twist.
Droplet Explosion
When a drop of a water mixture (e.g. water-alcohol) is deposited on the surface of a hydrophobic liquid (e.g. vegetable oil), the resulting drop may sometimes fragment
into smaller droplets. Investigate the parameters that affect the fragmentation and the size of the final droplets.
Balls on an Elastic Band
Connect two metal balls with an elastic band, then twist the elastic band and put the balls on a table. The balls will begin to spin in one direction, then in the other. Explain this
phenomenon and investigate how the behaviour of such a “pendulum” depends on the relevant parameters.
Strange Motion
Sprinkle small floating particles on the surface of water in a bowl. Bring a strong magnet above and near to the water surface. Explain any observed motion of the particles.
Candle Powered Turbine
A paper spiral suspended above a candle starts to rotate. Optimise the setup for maximum torque.
Ball on Membrane
When dropping a metal ball on a rubber membrane stretched over a plastic cup, a sound can be heard. Explain the origin of this sound and explore how its characteristics
depend on relevant parameters.
Boycott Effect
If particles are suspended in a liquid that has a lower density than the particles, the particles will settle to the bottom of the container. The rate of settling can be affected
by tilting the container that holds the liquid. Explain this phenomenon and investigate the effect of relevant parameters.
Saving Honey
When rotating a rod coated with a viscous liquid (e.g. honey), under certain conditions the liquid will stop draining. Investigate this phenomenon.
Lenticular lenses can be used to distort light and make objects disappear. Investigate how changing the properties of the lens and the geometry of the object affect the extent
to which the object can be detected.







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