英美同申时UCAS文书、加州第六题和Why Major要不要共用?



怪就怪那些浮夸的宣传和这个太卷的社会。在这样的竞争环境和巨大压力下,人人都在极力展现自己最好最优秀的一面,以至于be yourself被视为官话丢到一旁。而当题目被看成借此发挥的跳板时,它们具体在问什么似乎就变得不那么重要。

而这只是开始。困难的是“修改润色”。而“修改润色”中,最困难的并不是缺乏经验和水平,而是狠不下心。福克纳说,删改自己的写作就等于“kill your darlings”。连作家都难以对付这个心魔,同学们不容易听进意见,不舍得删改是再也正常不过的事情。

我自己也有这样的经历。经过巧妙构思和认真思考,一字一字写出文章来,我是有成就感的,也是轻易不言修改的。即使别人说得很有道理,我不记恨他便罢了,但要我“kill my darlings”我恐怕做不到。所以我也成为不了作家。貌似铺垫太多了,回到今天的主题。

研究过具体要求的同学会发现,UCAS文书、加州第六题和Why Major文书都是在讲述专业兴趣。不同的是,UCAS文书篇幅长,同学们围绕自己专业兴趣的由来、发展、成熟和此过程中的个人成长可以写很多具体内容,可以有一些故事情节。

相比之下另外两个篇幅短(Why Major也有长的),就写不下太多东西。所以,对于英美同申的同学,一般先写UCAS文书,然后在此基础上删改获得加州第六题和Why Major文书。

这是一个看似节约时间和精力的好办法。但实际上,却暗藏陷阱。如前面所讲,删改不仅考验水平,更需要勇气,很多时候我们扭扭捏捏弄了半天,最后对删改后的文书,只能安慰自己还行,毕竟自己的孩子,多看几眼也就顺眼了。因此,我强烈建议同学们重新写加州第六题和Why Major文书。

由于写作主题相同,所以在写UCAS文书时列出的素材和思路可以借鉴,但由于篇幅不同以及招生官的考量不同(美本中专业兴趣文书只是文书中的一小部分)等因素,加州第六题和Why Major文书的写作风格和UCAS文书可能会大不一样。其中有两点需特别重视:一是切题。



在这里,直截了当、言之有物比生动的故事情节重要太多。所以,与其删改UCAS文书用作加州第六题和Why Major文书,不如把素材和思路整理出来,换个风格重写一遍。


“It’s just a frog,” I thought, but no matter how I tried to convince myself of that fact, I didn’t find it any easier to dissect. I was disappointed in myself because I thought that a scientist should be dispassionate, logical, and capable of dealing with any sentimental subject in an objective fashion. Yet there was the frog, my scalpel poised dramatically above its little, amphibian torso. I was almost paralysed with sympathy, and I began to fear that I would never be a scientist.“


When I was young, I would wander the woods, sketching plants and animals before looking them up at home. I am happiest when I am learning something new – even if it means unlearning a truth I “knew” the day before. I had loved labs and experiments, but I had hit the wall of dissection. Could I take these creatures apart? I love learning about them, but how could I slice them open?


I told my friend Jeremiah that I wasn’t going to dissect the bullfrog. I would drop the course and do something else with my life. “I’ll help,” he said, “Come on.”With his support and encouragement, I made the first cut and couldn’t believe what I saw; I was entranced by the intricacy of the frog. Being able to see and understand nature from an insider’s perspective, so to speak, was no longer “gross,” and my curiosity finally kicked in.


As I continued in biology, through lab experiments, dissections and investigations, I found myself reversing my position on the mentality of the scientist. It is not that we must be dispassionate, but that we must intimately feel a connection with the natural world. We are a part of this world – as perfectly slotted into our evolutionary position as any other creature. More excited than ever, I joined a biology club in our city where I was surrounded by biologists of all ages – amateur and professional – and I grew immensely. I was even awarded 1st place in a biology Olympiad.


I believe that a truly successful scientist is one who finds harmony in the natural world, not one who exploits it, and I have had several conversations with my laboratory instructor on these points. He agreed with me, and we have been working on a rubric to create a more nature-friendly approach to the science curriculum at our school. He was already quite nature-conscious, but we both agree that we could be doing more to minimise our ecological footprints.


My dream job is one that helps to balance human interaction with nature on a global scale, to fight climate change and ensure the survival of all natural species. I hope to study the natural sciences at Oxford to bring this about. I believe that my journey is one of lifelong learning, a concept stressed at your school. I am also interested in your research in sustainable urban development. I think that co-existing with nature is one of the all-important issues for humanity and for an aspiring biologist. I want to contribute to a world where, even if we dissect frogs, we do so with a sense of responsibility, not callous indifference.



The academic subject from which I draw the most inspiration is US Government and Politics. My interest in understanding the process through which our country’s government affects every individual stems from observing the material I learned in the classroom applied in a real world setting.


My interest in the subject encouraged me to enroll in the Advanced Placement course. One of the topics discussed that spoke to me most is the power of political participation. Inspired by this particular lesson, I practiced my activism by applying for an internship at the office of my district’s congressman, Matt Dababneh. There, I spent four months answering phone calls, filing papers, and reading letters, and learned the importance of community relations, social skills, and organizational skills needed to thrive in politics.


Following the completion of my internship, I continued my community involvement by joining my school’s student council, where I was selected by the administration to become class representative. My duties were similar to that of my internship, where I addressed complaints from students and moderated them directly to the administration. One example was when a group of students approached me regarding the lack of a mock trial class at our school. I gathered signatures, wrote a letter of request, and took the matter to the principal. My community participation led the school to offer a mock trial class to all middle and high school students.


At the University of California, I intend to pursue a major in Political Science to further my understanding of politics and the impact of each individual on policymaking. Furthermore, I am compelled to participate in student government upon my acceptance to UC schools in order to exercise my interests in a much larger and diverse community of students.








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