

The only reason for people working hard is to earn money. There are no other reasons to do it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?





这是一道观点类大作文,聊的是工作是否只为了赚钱。题目理解不难,审题时注意一点,观点中出现了绝对词“the only reason”,遇到绝对化表达,一般从反对角度切入更容易。下面,王珍老师带大家一起来看下具体观点。











In today's fast-paced world, the drive to work hard is often attributed primarily to the pursuit of financial gain. It is argued by some that money is the sole motivator behind people's diligence and perseverance in their careers. However, I firmly disagree with this notion, as numerous other factors inspire individuals to exert themselves in their professional lives.

One significant motivator beyond monetary gain is the pursuit of personal interests and passions. Many individuals find their work satisfying when they are engaged in activities that they genuinely enjoy or feel passionate about. For example, artists, writers, and educators often pursue their professions not for financial rewards, but for the intrinsic joy of creation, expression, and imparting knowledge. This alignment with personal interests fuels their motivation and commitment, leading them to strive for excellence and find deep meaning in their work.

Another crucial factor is the desire for professional growth and achievement. Many people are motivated by the challenge of mastering new skills, achieving recognition in their field, or advancing in their careers. This ambition often leads them to invest significant time and effort into their work, not solely for the financial rewards, but for the sense of accomplishment and the opportunity to make a meaningful impact. For instance, scientists and researchers often dedicate years to their studies, driven by the desire to contribute to human knowledge and solve pressing global issues. This pursuit of excellence and recognition is a key motivator that transcends monetary considerations.

While it is true that financial stability is a fundamental concern for most individuals, it is not the exclusive reason people work hard. Many are indeed driven by the need to support themselves and their families, and the prospect of financial reward can undoubtedly enhance motivation. However, financial incentives alone cannot account for the dedication and hard work observed across various professions. The pursuit of personal passions, professional growth, and the desire to make a difference are equally compelling reasons that inspire people to excel in their careers.

In conclusion, while financial rewards are a strong motivator for many, they are not the only reason people strive to excel in their work.


pursuit of financial gain 追求经济利益

sole motivator 唯一的动力

diligence and perseverance 勤奋和毅力

personal interests and passions 个人兴趣和激情

intrinsic joy 内在的快乐

strive for excellence 追求卓越

professional growth 职业成长

sense of accomplishment 成就感

make a meaningful impact 产生有意义的影响

contribute to human knowledge 为人类知识做贡献

financial stability 财务稳定

dedicate years to 投入多年于

fundamental concern 基本关切

support themselves and their families 养活自己和家人

enhance motivation 增强动力

pursuit of excellence 追求卓越

recognition in their field 在其领域内获得认可

multifaceted nature 多方面的性质

drive individuals 驱动个人





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