

In order to learn the way other people in the world live, it is better to look at film and video records than written documents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?





这是一道观点类大作文,聊的是影视资料和书面资料哪个用来了解世界上其他人的生活方式更好。题目理解不难,但实际写一起来有一些难度,需要注意两个点,一是题目限定了讨论前提“In order to learn the way other people in the world live”,也就是说不要单纯讨论影视和纸质材哪个更好,而是要基于“了解世界其他人生活方式”这一目的去讨论。二是题目观点存在比较关系,因此需要对双方优劣势进行论证。下面,王珍老师带大家来看下具体观点。











In an increasingly globalized world, people seek diverse ways to understand the lives of others across different cultures. Some argue that films and video records are more effective than written documents in achieving this goal. I disagree with the notion that one medium is universally superior to the other, as each serves distinct purposes in providing cultural insights.

To begin with, written documents offer depth and context that are often lacking in films and videos. Historical texts, scholarly works, and literature can provide in-depth explanations of cultural customs, historical events, and societal structures. For example, reading about Japan’s feudal era through academic papers offers comprehensive insights into the political and social systems that cannot be fully conveyed in a short documentary. Written documents also allow for careful reflection and analysis, as readers can pause and revisit complex ideas, enabling a more thorough understanding of nuanced cultural practices. Thus, written records remain invaluable for those who seek a detailed and analytical grasp of a culture.

On the other hand, films and videos excel in portraying the emotional and visual aspects of daily life, which can be difficult to capture in writing. Visual media offer a more immersive experience, allowing viewers to observe body language, facial expressions, and environmental contexts that are integral to understanding how people live. For instance, a documentary on the bustling streets of Mumbai can vividly convey the chaos, energy, and human interactions in a way that text alone may struggle to achieve. Therefore, films and videos offer an immediacy and emotional resonance that complement written descriptions.

While it is true that films and videos can offer a more engaging way for people to learn about different cultures, they often oversimplify or sensationalize aspects of daily life for entertainment value. Documentaries, for example, may focus on dramatic or picturesque moments while ignoring the more mundane but equally important aspects of a culture. In contrast, written documents can provide a more balanced and comprehensive account, ensuring that readers understand not only the highlights but also the subtleties of a given society. Consequently, despite the appeal of films and videos, written texts continue to play a crucial role in delivering a well-rounded understanding of cultural diversity.

In conclusion, while films and videos offer a compelling and visually rich way to learn about how others live, written documents provide the necessary depth and context to achieve a fuller understanding. Each medium has its strengths, and together, they complement each other in enhancing cross-cultural knowledge.


Globalized world 全球化的世界

Cultural insights 文化见解

Unique benefits 独特的好处

In-depth explanations 深入的解释

Scholarly works 学术著作

Cultural customs 文化习俗

Historical events 历史事件

Societal structures 社会结构

Comprehensive insights 全面的见解

Nuanced cultural practices 微妙的文化习惯

Audiovisual experience 视听体验

Emotional resonance 情感共鸣

Immersive experience 沉浸式体验

Body language 肢体语言

Facial expressions 面部表情

Human interactions 人际互动

Language barriers 语言障碍

Dramatic moments 戏剧性的时刻

Mundane aspects 平凡的方面

Balanced and comprehensive account 平衡且全面的描述



2025年Pioneer 国际先锋学术开放申请




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