官方托福范文分析| 20分出头的托福作文问题你中了几个?

今年4月,最权威的《托福官方指南The official guide to the TOEFL iBT》(以下简称OG)第7版终于出版了。





官方范文分析(五) | 20分出头的托福作文问题,你中了几个?





官方范文分析(五) | 20分出头的托福作文问题,你中了几个?


官方范文分析(五) | 20分出头的托福作文问题,你中了几个?官方范文分析(五) | 20分出头的托福作文问题,你中了几个?

总的评价是:“It is a partially successful contribution that is mostly relevant and understandable but does not display enough facility, vari- ety, and elaboration to rise beyond 3.”


一. 语言表达官方有2个方面的评价:

(1). “does not display enough facility, variety”没有体现足够的语言流畅性和多样性。

👩🏻‍🏫:语言多样性是学术作文评分标准中4分的要求“A variety of syntactic structures and appropriate word choice”. 很明显,这篇作文中并没有达到这个标准,更别说语言的流畅性了。

比如,在句式上, 原文就3句话,基本是简单句, 谓语部分还多次使用can。句间的连接也只会用and并列, 使得句子之间非常松散。

官方范文分析(五) | 20分出头的托福作文问题,你中了几个?

👩🏻‍🏫:我们的作文主要是因果逻辑,也会经常使用并列列举。所以,表示“因果”和“并列”的句型大家至少要熟悉2~3个,像这篇作文这样只会用and, because, so 肯定是句型有限的,得不到高分的。


原文第1句:I think boarding school is in the most interest of the students, cause they can develop some good routine, learn from each other, share their interest for commun things, discover other culture.

修改:In my view, boarding schools serve the best interests of students not only by fostering the development of positive routines but also by enabling them to learn collaboratively, share common interests, and explore diverse cultures.

原文第2句:In boarding school, the students can be more focus on the school and have better grades.

修改:In boarding schools, students are more focused on their academic pursuits, which often leads to improved grades.”

原文第3句:Boarding school can also help the students to develop their sense of friendship, they learn they can count one on eachother and they should help each other in every situation.

修改:Furthermore, boarding schools cultivate a strong sense of camaraderie among students; they learn to rely on one another and provide mutual support in various situations.

或者:Boarding schools enhance the development of strong friendships among students by teaching them to depend on one another and to offer consistent support in various situations.

(2). “noticeable lexical and grammatical errors throughout the response


👩🏻‍🏫:这就直接对应了评分标准中3分的要求:“Some noticeable lexical and grammatical errors in sentence structure, word form, or use of idiomatic language”


• “cause”应为“because”,这是错误缩写。

• “interest forcommun things ”应为“interest incommon things”,这是介词搭配错误和拼写错误。

• “electronic razor”应为“electric razor”,这是词汇使用不当。

•"discover other culture" 应该“explore other cultures”, 这是搭配不当和名词单复数错误。


• “focus”应使用被动语态或进行时态,如“can be more focused on”。

• “they learn they can count one on eachother”中“eachother”应为“each other”,并且这个句子结构较为拗口,缺乏连贯性。

👩🏻‍🏫:这篇文章也给大家展示了什么是noticeable errors?就是很多同学觉得“很小/很不起眼的”单词拼写,词汇搭配,名词单复数,被动语态,代词指代... 这些在英语熟练的考官眼里,就已经很刺眼了。就像我们中国人能一眼看出“王”和“玉” 的区别。

二. 内容方面官方的评价是:Some of these arguments are, however, not very well elaborated.

一些论点没有得到很好的阐述。比如:what is “some good routine”?

why are boarding schools suited to sharing things more than day schools?


1. 原文:“cause they can develop some good routine”

原因:过于模糊,具体指的是哪些习惯,为何这些习惯是好的呢? 缺乏具体的解释和证据支持。

修改Boarding schools encourage students to adopt beneficial routines such as structured study times, self-discipline, and effective time management that help them excel academically and personally.”

2. 原文:“also I think that being confined into the same environment could effect the child’s creativity and also social skills.”

原因:官方评语询问了“为什么寄宿学校比日校更适合分享东西why are boarding schools suited to sharing things more than day schools?”这意味着学生没有提供足够的解释或例子来支撑寄宿学校这一优势。


修改:In boarding schools, students not only live and study together in a close-knit community, but they also participate in organized group activities such as study sessions, sports teams, and cultural events. This constant interaction, which extends beyond the classroom and into their residential life, naturally fosters a culture of sharing and cooperation. In contrast, day schools often lack this continuous community engagement due to the students returning home each evening, which significantly limits the time available for such immersive group experiences.











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