
2024年9-12月新口语题库在陆续更新啦!Part 1是否看到新题没有话题词汇呀?老师带着新鲜出炉的新题Coins的回答范例来啦!硬币在我们日常生活中已经鲜为使用了,那我们就来学习下如何来回答这道难题吧!



IELTS Speaking Part 1


1.Do you often take coins with you?

No, it’s not my thing, as I find them a bit annoying to manage. With the widespread use of digital payments and contactless cards, I rarely encounter situations where coins are necessary. However, I do keep a few coins at home for rainy days.

it’s not my thing 不喜欢某事

find them a bit annoying to manage 觉得带硬币不方便

widespread use of 广泛应用

encounter situations 遭遇...问题

for rainy days 以供不时之需


2. Have you collected coins?

No, I have never collected coins, as it was never a hobby that particularly interested me. I prefer collecting items with more practical use or sentimental value, like books or souvenirs from my travels. While I can see the appeal in collecting coins for their historical significance, it’s simply not something I’ve pursued.

practical use 实际用处

sentimental value 情感价值

see the appeal in 看到其好处


3.Is it convenient to use coins?

Honestly, using coins isn’t all that convenient anymore. They’re heavy, and they take up a lot of space in your wallet or pocket. Plus, with so many places accepting cards or digital payments now, I find I rarely need them. In China, I can merely shop with my phone, without bringing any additional stuff.

take up a lot of space 占用很多地方

accepting cards or digital payments 接受银行卡或电子支付


4.Do you use coins in your daily life?

No, they’re more of a pain than anything. I usually just tap my card or phone to pay because it’s quick and hassle-free. Coins just end up weighing down my pockets, so I tend to avoid them unless I’m in a pinch, like needing exact change for a bus fare.

more of a pain than anything 非常麻烦

hassle-free 不麻烦

be in a pinch 在紧要关头



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