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AI art

男生参加一个绘画比赛,但是第一名使用了AI,然后他拿了第二名来找老师问,因为他觉得 AI不应该被用在传统的美术比赛中,但学校没有这个规定。

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介绍了20世纪音乐的重要发展,特别是电子音乐的突破。讲师强调了三个主要的突破: 磁带、合成器和计算机音乐。首先,磁带作为录音介质的出现显著改变了音乐创作。与传统的黑胶唱片相比,磁带提供了更大的灵活性。磁带允许音乐创作者通过剪接和重组录音来操控声音,这一过程被称为“具体音乐(Musique Concrete) 。这种音乐风格利用各种自然声音,如街道噪音或玻璃破碎声,通过磁带的剪接和反向播放,重新组织声音。这种方法扩展了音乐的定义和表达方式,尽管制作过程复杂且耗时,仍然引发了广泛的兴趣和实验。其次,合成器的发明进一步推动了电子音乐的发展。合成器不仅可以生成新的声音,还可以修改这些声音,创造出无限多的音效。


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教授讲解了关于女王海螺 (queenconch) 的保护研究。女王海螺是一种大型美丽的海螺,主要分布在加勒比地区,是当地人们的重要食物来源。然而,过度捕捞对其种群造成了严重影响,尽管一些加勒比国家已经禁止捕捞,海蝗数量仍未显著恢复。为了保护女王海螺,研究人员尝试在养殖场中繁殖并释放到野外,但效果并不理想。尽管养殖场中的海螺能够生长,但其存活率却远低于野生海螺。研究发现,养殖海螺的存活率异常低,这可能与其在养殖场中的环境条件有关。最新的实验尝试改变养殖条件来提高存活率。


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TASK 1独立口语题

Some people like to get advice from their parents. Others prefer to get advice from their peers.

Which do you prefer and why?

TASK 2校园题

Theuniversity announces that they will host the Campus Cleanup Day next Saturday, when the volunteers will be divided into groups who will be in charge of cleaning one area of campus.After the cleaning is done, the university will host a small party in the gym to celebrate the occasion, where food and beverages will be offered, along with live music performance.

The man supports the announcement. Because even the studentsnot participating in the event will witness the work of the volunteersand feel obligated when they want to litter outside, instead theyare more likely to use trash cans.

Hosting an party in the end is a good way to attract more peopleto participate and encourage student to volunteer for the event.

Because there will be cakes and drinks, and conversation amongstudents.

TASK 3学术讲座题

Reading: Project Premortem

Project Premortem isa strategy to identify and prevent a project’s potential risk in advance in order that companies raise the likelihood of success. By envisioning possible scenarios that would lead to failure, companies can take measures accordingly to avoid such risks, unlike a postmortem, which would happen after the fact.

For example, there is an Italian restaurant chainthat specialize in dine-in pizzas and pastas. Before the chain restaurant planned to open a new branch near the university campus, they had employed the strategy of premortem to analyze the reasons why the new restaurant could fail. Given that students could be unwilling to sit down and wait for table service, the managers decided to provide take-away options at this particular restaurant. They developed pizzas and pastas specifically for takeout. As a result, the new restaurant was a big success.

TASK 4 学术讲座题

Aeroponic farming is a way to grow plants without soil. Instead, plants can be hanged and grown in the air with the help of fertilizer spray. There are two benefits. Firstly, it enables crop production where the condition of soil is poor or the soil contains toxic substances. Aeroponicfarming can help prevent these substances from being absorbed into plants and ensure the quality of food.

For example, in many large cities, due to manufacturing activities, the soil contains toxic substances like lead. If people eat plants grown on such polluted soil, they risk their health. So aeroponic farming could be useful solution that enables urban cultivation.



The Narwhal's tusk, a distinctive feature of this enigmatic marine mammal, has long fascinated researchers and enthusiasts alike. The tusk's purported functions, as outlined in the reading, encompass three primary roles. However, a contrasting perspective emerges in the listening, challenging the validity of these claims.

First, according to the reading, Narwhals utilize their tusks to breach ice barriers, allowing them to emerge for respiration. However, the listening disputes this assertion by revealing that the tusks are pliable and incapable of penetrating ice layers. Instead, the natural cracking of ice sheets enables Narwhals to surface for air after extended underwater stays. This revelation contradicts the reading's claim regarding the tusk's ice-breaking capacity, emphasizing the need for a reassessment of the Narwhal's tusk-related behaviors and functions.

Second, the reading contends that Narwhals employ their tusks as weapons in competitive encounters with peers, a notion challenged by the alternative explanationproposed by the listening. The observation that Narwhals engage in "tusking," a gentle form of interaction involving the delicate touching of tusks, highlights the tusks' role as a means of communication rather than tools for aggression. This revelation underscores the misconception inherent in the reading's portrayal of tusk usage, emphasizing the need to reconsider the narrative surrounding Narwhals' social dynamics and behaviors.

Finally, the reading states that the numerous small holes on the tusk, connected to the central nervous system, aid Narwhals in sensing changes in oceanic chemical properties, thereby enhancing their survival capabilities. However, the listening refutes this claim by pointing out a gender-based difference in tusk presence, with most males possessing tusks while females rarely do. Contrary to the reading's assertion, the longer lifespan exhibited by female Narwhals without tusks challenges the notion that tusks contribute significantly to the creatures' ability to perceive oceanic features and ensure their survival.



Is technological development positively or negatively affectingchildren's creativity?

















讲了它的概念,作用;为什么director通常是在正式演出前把这个做好。一种方式是rehearsal,另一种是blocking +还有一个单词,忘记了,大致意思就是演员表演的时候导演藏在幕后告诉每个演员什么时候出场,什么时候退场,站在什么位置等等。


出题点2:Director通常会和舞蹈编导和其他一个什么职业的人合作?单词题:ultimately: finally


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第二个con是学生在图书馆当员工 一开始说一party老师问学生要不要参加 学生说自己有事 然后 又说了一个exhibit这个学生想询问给不给过来拍照当摄影师 老师说人够了 并且想让学生去培训其他人。

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这段讲座讨论了某些动物展现出的复杂认知能力,尤其是西方蓝松鸦(western scrub jay)的行为。教授首先提到,曾被认为是人类特有的能力,如语言和未来规划,实际上也存在于其他动物中。举例来说,某些鸟类具有记忆和规划的能力,例如蓝松鸦会缓存食物以备后用,并观察其他鸟类的缓存位置,以便后续偷取。




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第二篇是戏剧历史 讲情感喜剧?sentimental comedy我感觉我听过类似的 但题完全不一样 好难 我根本没咋听的

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TASK 1独立口语题

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should not be HUGE friends with their children. Use examples and details to support your opinion.

TASK 2校园题

Reading(Article): Music Practice Rooms Open to All Students

Point 1 - This is fair to non - music students, and they will have the opportunity to further develop their musical skills.

Point 2 - However, in order to ensure that music majors have enough time to use the rooms, the opening hours will be limited from 9 to 11 pm from Monday to Thursday.


Man agrees.

Reason 1: He himself plays the piano. He has also sent some emails to the Music Department to apply for practice rooms. Because there is no place for practice, he is a little out of practice. There are many students in his situation, so this policy is great.

Reason 2: But regarding the opening hours, he thinks it can be more flexible. For example, he has a part - time job in a restaurant at night. If the practice rooms are only open from 9 to 11 pm, it will be very troublesome for him. At the same time, he thinks that if this policy is very popular, maybe the Music Department will consider adding more time slots.

TASK 3学术讲座题

Reliant Species

Definition: Species that are overly dependent on human conservation efforts for their survival and will go extinct once the conservation is not continued. (It may become dependent on humans' conservation efforts for its survival.)

Example: The forest birds in Hawaii. In the forests of Hawaii in the United States, there are many bird species on the verge of extinction. These birds were living well originally, but with the introduction of foreign pigs and goats, their living environment has been damaged. The foreign pigs and goats reproduce in large numbers in the forest, devouring a large amount of vegetation and severely destroying the habitats of the birds. To save these birds, conservation workers are setting up fences to block the wild pigs and goats to help the birds and their habitats recover. However, this conservation measure is very costly and requires a large amount of money for building and maintaining the fences. If this conservation measure is stopped, it will be very difficult for these birds to continue to survive.

TASK 4 学术讲座题

Two ways that reinforcement can be used to change behavior

Way 1: Positive reinforcement. Example: Your new job requires you to get up early every day, which you hate to do. But since you really need to get up early, what should you do? You can use the method of positive reinforcement - for example, you can reward yourself with your favorite breakfast for getting up early. (a jelly doughnut or some nice hot cereal). This can help reinforce your behavior of getting out of bed.

Way 2: Negative reinforcement. Example: Since you don't like taking a shower in the morning, this thought is very likely to make you not want to get up in the morning. So, you can remove taking a shower from your morning routine. Change it to taking a shower before going to bed at night. In this way, it negatively reinforces the behavior of getting up early for your job.



The debate surrounding the true inventors of the first airplane has long been a subject of contention. The reading suggests that the Wright Brothers were not the true pioneers of aviation. However, the listening presents a compelling argument that counters these claims, shedding light on the inaccuracies of the reading's assertions.

The reading states that the lack of photographic evidence in newspapers at the time was a deliberate ploy to attract readers, leading to false reports about the Wright Brothers' invention. However, the listening refutes this claim by highlighting the limited technological capabilities of photography during that era. Given the early morning flight times of airplanes back then, the absence of photographs seems more plausible due to the technical constraints rather than intentional deception.

Another argument presented in the reading suggests that the Wright Brothers' airplane design, featuring only one level of wing, was incapable of flying. In contrast, the listening rebuts this notion by pointing out previous experiments conducted by scientists using a similar wing design that proved successful flight was indeed achievable. This challenges the reading's assertion that the Wright Brothers' aircraft was fundamentally flawed in its design.

Furthermore, the reading contends that the high failure rate of engines manufactured by the Wright Brothers indicates the impossibility of their aircraft achieving successful flight. The listening counters this claim by emphasizing the strong sales performance of the engines, suggesting that widespread adoption and positive reception in the market are indicative of the engines' success. This challenges the reading's argument that engine failures precluded the Wright Brothers' aircraft from taking flight.


Dr. Achebe: Let's explore the concept of retail and its variations. In the world of retail, there's a unique type where a wide array of products are housed under one roof, allowing for wholesale purchases. This brings us to the idea of superstores. On the other end, we have small stores catering to specific needs. Now, considering these options, which one do you think holds more advantages for people? Would the convenience of superstores outweigh the personal touch of small stores?

Claire: In my opinion, superstores hold an edge over small stores due to their wide-ranging product choices, extended hours, and cost-saving options. As a student juggling classes and activities, the convenience of finding everything under one roof and the potential for bulk discounts make superstores a practical choice. While small stores offer a personal touch, the efficiency and budget-friendly nature of superstores align better with my busy college lifestyle.

Andrew: In my view, small stores outweigh superstores, mainly due to the emphasis on personalized service and repairs. The direct assistance and expertise offered by small stores are invaluable, especially when it comes to electronics or gadgets that might need fixing. While superstores provide convenience, the hands-on support and tailored solutions from small stores align better with my college experience and budget considerations.





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