















Conversation 1


2. 学生在学生宿舍办公室询问关于一笔账单或罚款的问题,并提到他的记录上有个冻结状态。员工查找后发现,账单是因宿舍检查时发现沙发受损而产生的。他解释了这损坏发生在几个月前,他已在维护办公室留下了维修请求,但未收到回应,因此认为问题不大。然而,员工说明,应该在线提交维护请求才能进行修理,并解释了损坏超出了正常的磨损范围,因此需要赔偿。由于学期末已经很晚,无法再提交线修请求,只能接受罚款。学生被告知罚款不高,15美元,并可以在隔壁办公室支付。

3. 学生和设施主管讨论了校园道路和人行道的维护问题。学生提到在前往 Winslow House时差点绊倒,因为人行道上有一块混凝土破损。设施主管表示会立即派遣团队修复这个问题,并解释了冬季寒冷和冰雪对混凝土的影响。


Lecture 1

艺术史,需要高温处理的艺术材料,包括玻璃、陶瓷以及一种较少使用的材料法印斯 (faience)。法印斯与法国产的光滑釉陶器不同,它是古埃及的一种材料,主要由磨碎的石英与钠、钙等成分混合后,经过一次高温烧制制成。与陶器不同,续法印斯只需烧制一次即可同时硬化并产生光亮的釉面。讲师指出,古埃及法印斯的表面颜色通常来自混合材料中的特定成分,如铜氧化物,这使得法印斯能够模仿稀有宝石的外观,这也是它在古埃及受欢迎的原因之一。

讲师还提到,通过显微镜可以区分法印斯和陶器,因为它们在外观上非常相似。法印斯的细节变化随着时间而变化,较晚期的作品显示出更精细的细节,这在技术上较为复杂。为了理解这些细节的制作过程,艺术历史学家如克里夫兰艺术博物馆的帕特里夏·格里芬(PatricicGriffin)* 进行了一系列实验考古项目,她通过调整法印斯混合物的成分和磨细程度发现更细致的作品来自于更细磨的混合物和高钙含量的配方,这可能也是古埃及工匠通过实验发现的。

Lecture 2



科学家们曾尝试用高科技仪器追踪冰川融水的流向,但设备在冰川裂缝(moulin) 中消失了。于是,科学家们决定使用便宜的黄色橡胶鸭子作为替代品,这些鸭子能耐受低温和高压力,并且带有联系方式。尽管至今没有鸭子被找回,但科学家们仍对这种方法抱有希望。

Lecture 3



Lecture 4



TASK 1独立口语题

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Learning anything well, whether it's knowledge or a skill, requires a good teacher. Use examples and details to support your opinion.

TASK 2校园题

The reading proposes that students and visitors should not be allowed to access the botanic garden anymore for the protection of plants that will be used for research purposes. And since there are a few parks in town near school, students still have ample opportunities to enjoy nature. However, in the conversation, the man doesn't like this proposal. He thinks it's way too extreme. They should start by letting students know there's the need to protect the plants. Actually, a lot of students don't even know they're doing experiments there. So if they are better informed and know the rules, they will definitely be really careful and follow the rules. They won't disturb anything. Also, it's actually very far to walk to the town parks from campus without a car, which most students don’t have, to make things worse, there’s no public transportation to get there either. So students really rely on this beautiful spot on campus. If that's taken away, they don't have many options left.

TASK 3学术讲座题

Mullerian Mimicry is a biological phenomenon where two or more toxic species evolve to look similar, providing a form of shared protection from predators. The idea is that when a predator encounters one of these toxic species and learns to avoid it, it will also avoid any species with a similar appearance. In the lecture, the professor illustrates this concept with the example of imitator frogs. These frogs have developed bright orange and blue coloration that mimics a nearby toxic species. When predators like snakes encounter the toxic species and have a negative experience, they learn to stay away from anything that looks similar, including the imitator frogs. This mimicry ensures that both species benefit from the predator's learned avoidance, reducing the risk of predation for both the imitator and the original toxic species. It's an effective survival strategy through shared visual warning signals.

TASK 4 学术讲座题

In a business lecture, two different negotiating approaches are discussed. The first approach focuses on maximizing one's own interests and standing firm without any room for adjustment. While this method may seem beneficial for one party, it often leads to frustration for the other side, potentially causing them to reject the deal altogether.

The second approach, however, emphasizes not only achieving the desired outcome but also considering future cooperation and long-term relationships. This method allows for compromise within reasonable limits, ensuring both parties benefit from the negotiation. This approach is particularly useful when the ongoing relationship is important.



The writer believesthat agrave has been discovered in the UK, which is believed to belong to King Raldward. However, the professor’s lecture casts doubt on the reading.

To begin with, it is discoveredthat the year of the coins inside is the same as the year of the king's death. The professor in the lecture challenges the opinion, for the reason that there is a problem with the year of discovery,because the king's death was 25 years earlier.

In addition,the tomb is very magnificent and spectacular, so it presumably belongsto the king . However, the professor maintains an opposite opinion that some famous tombs have been stolen, and there are also some small tombs that go unnoticed. The king's tomb may be among them.

In the end, the writer holds the viewthatthe name of a Christian prophet was engravedon the spooninsidethe tomb, and the king was the first king to believe in Christianity . Whereas, the professor in the lecture believes, on the contrary of reading, the spoon may have been a gift from a Christian to the king.


Your professor is teaching a class on economy. Write a post responding to the professor's question.In your response, you should do the following.

Express and support your opinion.

Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

An effective response will contain at least 100 words.


When discussing parenting methods, some parents give their children pocket money every week.And some parents believe that giving their children pocket money has no benefits.Which viewpoint do you support?


Giving pocket money to children can cultivate arithmetic skills.


This is not a sensible idea. Because different children have different pocket money.Children may compare themselves and have disputes with their parents due to their limited pocket money







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