9.21日下午·托福写作·考情分析| 老题:书和电视哪个影响大?

今天推送的是9月21日· 下午·托福·考题分析.以下思路和范文仅供同学们学习·参考。



Doctor Achebe:

Today, we're exploring the enduring impact of traditional media in our modern society. Despite the emergence of digital platforms, traditional media such as television and books continue to wield significant influence. Now, considering their impact on shaping perspectives and opinions, I'd like your insights. In your view, do you believe television holds greater importance, or do books exert a stronger impact on individuals in today's society? Explain the reasons behind your perspective, considering their respective reach and engagement.


Unlike books that require literacy skills and resources, television offers information readily available to a vast audience. Its audio-visual nature captivates diverse demographics, reaching individuals regardless of literacy levels. For instance, television news broadcasts reach millions instantly, shaping collective perspectives. Its immediacy and visual storytelling also create lasting impressions, influencing opinions and societal views more directly compared to the slower, more introspective impact of books.


Books wield greater influence in modern society owing to their ability to convey specialized and in-depth knowledge. Unlike television, which often presents condensed or generalized information, books delve profoundly into various subjects, providing comprehensive insights and expertise. This depth allows readers to explore diverse perspectives, fostering critical thinking and nuanced opinions based on substantial information.



是一个非常传统的题目, 是一个很老的题目了。也没有太多的限定,难度系数算是比较低了。可行的分论点角度:读书的好处:

1. 有利于更有深度/全面地学习一些知识。比如一些历史,文学作品.. ;相对而言,电视的时间有限,不会提供那么深入的报道,无论是电视剧还是新闻,都比书籍内容少很多。

2. 可以更方便。书比较小,可以随身携带,可以在等人,排队,做地铁的时候随时拿出来看。但是电视就没办法随身携带了。

3. 看书的时候还可以做笔记,记下当时自己的想法。而电视不行。


1. 更有趣。电视节目一般都是精心制作过的,有精心设计的场景,音乐等(可以套用写作团-电子游戏-语料)看起来更有趣。比如 BBC 的关于 地球的纪录片,很形象地展示了地球独特的地貌和生物。比看书更有趣。

2. 电视的选择更多。有访谈,新闻,电视剧,纪录片,还有娱乐等,可以满足我多方面的需求。比如… 但是书籍的选择就少很多了。

👩🏻‍🏫 大家可以根据自己积累的思路和表达来写作。有同学可能想到电视等提供的都是“碎片化的信息”,正确表达是“"Fragmented information”. 如果不会,就不建议在考试中写了。


I prefer watching television over reading books,as TV offers a moreengaging and vivid experience.Television programs, with their dynamic and multisensory presentation, captivate and educate more effectively than books.For instance, BBC's documentary 'Earth' profoundly impacted my understanding of geography.In high school, despite studying geology, the subject felt distant and abstract, especially being a student in a mountainous region. Textbook descriptions of oceans and tropical forests were hard to visualize and comprehend.However, watching 'Earth' on television transformed my perception.The documentary,with its stunning visual imagery, evocative music, and insightful narration,(用电子游戏语料也可)brought thewondersof our planet to life. Complex concepts became accessible and fascinating, igniting a newfound interest in geology.In conclusion, television's ability to combine visual storytelling with educational content makes it more appealing to me than books.It provides an immersive experience that makes learning both enjoyable and effective.(146字)







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