


PhD position on combustion instabilities of hydrogen flames

ETH Zürich


The goal of this research isto investigateturbulenthydrogen-air combustion at elevated pressure. This research is relevant for decarbonizing key technologies forpower generation and aircraft propulsionby means of hydrogen combustors.The position is financed by an ERC Synergy Grant (project HYROPE).

Project background

Thesmall-scale turbulence-chemistry interactionand thelarge-scale hydrodynamic and thermoacousticstabilityofpropagating and autoignitinghydrogen-airflamesmust beunderstood for the development of hydrogen combustion technologies.In particular,the influence of the pressure on the combustion physics oftheseflamesneeds to be elucidated.

Job description

Thisresearchworkwill combineexperiments and modeling. Theexperimentalresearch will be performed on alab-scale, high-pressure test facility.Experimental techniques for fluid mechanics, combustion and acoustics will be used,includinglaser-based opticaldiagnostics.The modeling work will consist in the development of analytical low-order modelsof the combustion instabilities,and in large eddy simulations of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations.


You are expected to have aMScdegree in Mechanical Engineeringor Physics. Your MSc thesis is related to one or more of the following disciplines: fluid mechanics, combustion, acoustics. Ideally, you would be available for a start in the beginning of 2025

We are looking for highly motivated, committed, and creative individuals, able to work in a team and with excellent communication skills. Working in a top-level research environment with advanced laboratory infrastructure, the candidate will have a unique opportunity to develop her/his research abilities.

Curious? So are we.

Please submit the following application documents using the ETH online portal:

  • Asingle merged PDF document, titled with your last name and initials as well as the application date (for example: 20240601_MartinJ_application)containing, in the following order, a)Cover letter with a description of your research achievements and research interests, b)Detailed CV, c)Transcripts of all degrees, d)Names and contact information of at least2references.
  • Representative research work (papers, thesis if possible)

Please note that we exclusively accept complete applications submitted through our online application portal. Applications via email or postal services will not be considered.

Questions regarding the position should be directed to Anna Michailidis, email: mianna@ethz.ch (no applications).


Three PhD positions for the ERC project, 'Making Sense of Communities of Arms'

Utrecht University|Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences


Are you interested in how social collectives and political communities are brought together by firearms? Are you particularly interested in how these communities (re)produce power structures through their everyday practices? Would you like to experiment with multisensorial methods? Do you have a background in cultural anthropology or a related discipline and ethnographic research experience in Brazil, South Africa or Germany? If you would like to be part of a dynamic team carrying out research on communities of arms, one of these positions may be right for you.

Your job

ARMIESisa five-year project supported by a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant. The project aims to establish a new research agenda that centralises the firearm as a sensational actant that shapes everyday practices and relations, creates divergent communities, and (re)produces power structures within local and global spheres. The project centres around an ethnographic analysis of the everyday deployment of firearms and their societal impact. It examines and compares the various ways firearms produce communities and focuses on groups that are overlooked in the field of gun studies, such as gun owners' associations and hunting clubs. ARMIES hypothesises that these communities are disruptive and transformative ones that exert tremendous power.

The project members are guided by the following research question: 'How do firearms produce communities, how do these communities relate to one another, and what is their societal impact?' This question will be answered through a comparative and multiscalar analysis of such communities and their members in Brazil, Germany, and South Africa, and global communities, such as international disarmament organisations. Due to the highly embodied, sensational, and affective nature of firearms, ARMIES will use and develop a multisensorial ethnographic approach (and toolkit) that comprises ethnographic methods that explicitly target the senses.

We seek three PhD candidates who have the necessary research experience and language skills to conduct one of the subprojects in Brazil, South Africa and Germany.

Tasks for each PhD candidate:

  • You will conduct ethnographic fieldwork in one of the field sites for at least 9 months.
  • You will write and submit a PhD dissertation, and submit at least one peer-reviewed journal article for publication, within four years. You will write and submit a PhD dissertation and submit at least one peer-reviewed journal article for publication, within four years.
  • You will use and experiment with multisensorial research methods to contribute to the creation of a multisensorial toolkit and public outreach activities.
  • You will actively participate in the meetings and proceedings of the project (such as reading groups, feedback sessions, workshops, etc.) and the wider activities of the Department of Cultural Anthropology's Sovereignty and Social Contestation (SoSCo) research programme.

You will present and share your research results in (international) conferences.

You will collaborate with your team members in comparing the data of the different field sites and engaging in 'team ethnography'.

You will (co)-organize academic events related to the project, such as workshops and public events.

You will be part of team comprising three PhD candidates and the principal investigator (PI). The three PhD candidates will focus specifically on 'communities of arms' in the respective locations (Brazil, Germany, and South Africa). The PI will focus on international communities of arms and be responsible for conducting the comparative analysis of the different research sites. Based on an ethos of team ethnography, the team members will collaborate on addressing larger theoretical questions, developing a multisensorial toolkit, and organising academic events. The entire team is expected to reside in the Netherlands and work from Utrecht for the duration of project, except for the fieldwork periods.

Throughout this project, you will be well guided and supported by your supervisors. Your primary promotor isDr Tessa Diphoorn

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, the PI of this project, and the co-promotors of each respective sub-project areDr. Marlene Schäfers

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(sub-project Germany),Dr Willy Sier

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(sub-project South Africa), andDr Martijn Oosterbaan

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(sub-project Brazil).

Your qualities

We are looking for motivated, collaborative, and flexible team members who are also able to work independently and contribute to the broader team project. Besides that, youmeet the following requirements:

  • an MA degree in anthropology or a related discipline; preferably affinity with political anthropology;
  • demonstrable relevant experience with ethnographic research, ideally in one of the locations (Brazil, Germany or South Africa);
  • experience with multimodal anthropological methods (visual, sensorial, etc.) is appreciated;
  • curiosity towards methodology and willing to experiment with new methods;
  • well-developed analytical and writing skills;
  • excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and one of the languages necessary to conduct the case study, such as Portuguese and German.

Note: If you do not meet the requirements, we encourage you not to apply.

Our offer

We offer:

  • a position for one year - after a positive evaluation, it will be extended for three more years;
  • a working week of38hours and a gross monthly salary between €2,872 in the first year to €3,670in the fourth year in case of full-time employment (salary scale P under the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO NU));
  • 8% holiday pay and 8.3% year-end bonus;
  • a pension scheme, partially paid parental leave and flexible terms of employment based on the CAO NU.

In addition to theterms of employment

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laid down in the CAO NU, Utrecht University has a number of schemes and facilities of its own for employees. This includes schemes facilitatingprofessional development

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, leave schemes and schemes forsports and cultural activities

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, as well as discounts on software and other IT products. We also offer access to additional employee benefits through our Terms of Employment Options Model. In this way, we encourage our employees to continue to invest in their growth.

Apply now

As Utrecht University, we want to be ahome

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for everyone. We value staff with diverse backgrounds, perspectives and identities, including cultural, religious or ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age. We strive to create a safe and inclusive environment in which everyone can flourish and contribute.

To apply, please send the following documentation via the ‘apply now’ button:

  • your motivation letter;
  • your CV, with two references;
  • a brief research idea (max. 1,000 words).In this research idea you should explain how you would design and develop one of the case studies, considering the overall project description, as well as your own expertise, experience, and intellectual interests. For the research idea, we expect you to consult the overall project description. You may obtain a copy by writing to our project manager, Evan Blake, ate.blake@uu.nl.

Interviews will take place in the second week of December. Our preferred start date is 1 April 2025 with some flexibility for international candidates who will require visas.

The application deadline is 15 November 2024.






SAT10月美国场考情回顾:重题较多 还是要注意刷真题!


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