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今天来赏析2024年哈佛大学录取的学生Lauren的Common Essay。


Lunch and recess were opportunities to ‘play’ Stephen Sondheim’s Sweeney Todd, so we murdered our friends. We’d bake the dead into meat pies and scream cacophonously, “WE ALL DESERVE TO DIE!” Nine-year-old me even teased my hair, donned my Mrs. Lovett costume for Halloween, and rambled on about Australian penal colonies and how dead fiddle players make for “stringy” meat. You cannot imagine my disappointment when everybody thought I was Frankenstein’s Bride.Like Gypsy Rose Lee, my siblings and I spent our formative years at rehearsals and performances, where I was indoctrinated into the cult that worships Sondheim. In our household, Sondheimian theatre was a religion (I’m not sure how I feel about God, but I do believe in Sondheim.) My brother and I read Sondheim’s autobiography, Finishing the Hat, like the bible, reading the book cover to cover and returning to page one the moment we finished. At six, he introduced me to Sondheim’s West Side Story, which illustrates the harms of poverty and systematic racism. Initially, I only appreciated Jerome Robbins’ choreography (Sorry, Mr. Shakespeare). When I revisited the musical years later, I had a visceral reaction as I witnessed young adults engaging in deadly gang rivalries. Experiencing Tony’s gruesome death forced me, a middle-class suburbanite, to feel the devastating effects of inner-city violence, and my belief in the need for early intervention programs to prevent urban gun violence was born.

I began to discover political and historical undertones in all of Sondheim’s work. For example, Assassins whirlwinds from the Lincoln era up to Reagan’s Presidency. Originally, I simply thought it was hysterical to belt Lynette Fromme’s love ballad to Charles Manson. Later, I realized how much history I had unknowingly retained from this musical. The song “November 22, 1963” reflects on America’s most notorious assassination attempts, and alludes to each assassin being motivated by a desperate attempt to connect to a specific individual or culture to gain control over their life. Assassins awakened me to the flaws in some of our quintessential American ideals because the song “Everybody’s Got the Right” illustrates how the American individualism enshrined in our Constitution can be twisted to support hate, harm, and entitlement. I internalized Sondheim’s political commentary, and I see its relevance in America's most pressing issues. The misconstrued idea of limitless freedom can be detrimental to public health, worsening issues such as the climate crisis, gun violence, and the coronavirus pandemic. These existential threats largely stem from antiquated ideas that the rights of the few outweigh the rights of the majority. Ironically, a musical about individuals who tried to dismantle our American political system sparked my political interests, but this speaks to the power of Sondheim’s music and my ability to make connections and draw inspiration from unlikely sources.

Absorbing historical and political commentary set to music allows my statistical and logical brain to better empathize with the characters, giving me a deeper understanding of the conflicts portrayed on stage, almost like reading a diary. Theatremakers are influenced by both history and their life experiences. I internalize their underlying themes and values, and my mindset shifts to reflect the art that I adore. I’m an aspiring political changemaker, and Sondheim’s musicals influence my political opinions by enabling me to empathize with communities living drastically different lives from my own.I sang Sondheim melodies before I could talk. As I grew intellectually and emotionally, Sondheim’s musicals began to carry more weight. With each viewing, I retained new historical and political information. This ritual drives me to continue studying Sondheim and enables me to confidently walk my own path because Sondheim’s work passively strengthens my ethics as I continue to extrapolate relevant life lessons from his melodies. Sondheim’s stories, with their complex, morally ambiguous characters, have solidified my ironclad set of morals which, together with my love of history, have blossomed into a passion for human rights and politics.译文:

午餐和课间休息是我们“扮演”斯蒂芬·桑德海姆的《理发师陶德》的机会,所以我们“谋杀”了朋友。我们把死去的人做成肉派,大声尖叫:“我们都该死!” 九岁的我甚至梳起头发,穿上了万圣节的洛维特夫人(Mrs. Lovett)戏服,一直絮絮叨叨地谈论澳大利亚的刑罚殖民地,以及如何把死去的提琴手做成“筋道”的肉。你无法想象,当大家都以为我打扮成了弗兰肯斯坦的新娘时,我有多么失望。

像吉普赛·罗丝·李(Gypsy Rose Lee)一样,我和兄弟姐妹们在排练和演出中度过了成长岁月,在那里我被灌输了对桑德海姆的崇拜。在我们家,桑德海姆的戏剧就是宗教(我不确定我对上帝的感受,但我确实相信桑德海姆)。我和哥哥把桑德海姆的自传《完美之帽》当作圣经,从头到尾读完后立刻又重新开始。六岁时,他向我介绍了桑德海姆的《西区故事》,这部作品揭示了贫困和系统性种族主义的危害。起初,我只欣赏了杰罗姆·罗宾斯(Jerome Robbins)的编舞(抱歉,莎士比亚先生)。几年后,当我重温这部音乐剧时,我目睹年轻人卷入致命的帮派冲突,内心深受震撼。目睹托尼(Tony)的惨死让我这个中产阶级的郊区居民真切感受到城市暴力的毁灭性后果,也因此让我产生了预防城市枪支暴力的早期干预项目的想法。

我开始在桑德海姆的所有作品中发现政治和历史的暗示。比如,音乐剧《刺客》把观众从林肯时代带到了里根总统任期。最初,我只是觉得唱莉内特·弗罗姆(Lynette Fromme)对查尔斯·曼森(Charles Manson)的情歌很搞笑。后来,我意识到自己从这部音乐剧中不知不觉学到了很多历史。歌曲《1963年11月22日》回顾了美国最臭名昭著的刺杀事件,并暗示每个刺客都是出于对某个个体或文化的迫切渴望而试图掌控自己的生活。《刺客》让我意识到一些美国核心理想的缺陷,因为歌曲《每个人都有权利》(Everybody’s Got the Right)展示了美国宪法中所赋予的个人主义如何被扭曲,用来支持仇恨、伤害和特权。我内化了桑德海姆的政治评论,并且看到它在美国当前最紧迫问题中的现实意义。这种被误解的无限自由观念对公共健康有害,加剧了气候危机、枪支暴力和新冠疫情等问题。这些生存威胁很大程度上源于过时的观念,即少数人的权利凌驾于多数人的利益之上。讽刺的是,一部关于试图推翻美国政治体制的人的音乐剧激发了我的政治兴趣,但这恰恰证明了桑德海姆音乐的力量,以及我从不太可能的来源中建立联系并汲取灵感的能力。通过音乐吸收历史和政治评论,使得我的统计和逻辑思维能够更好地同舞台上的角色产生共鸣,深入理解冲突,几乎就像在阅读日记一样。剧作家受历史和生活经历的影响,我内化了他们的潜在主题和价值观,并且我的思维模式也随之改变,以反映我所喜爱的艺术。我是一名有志于政治变革的青年,而桑德海姆的音乐剧通过让我与生活迥然不同的群体产生共情,影响了我的政治观点。



Stephen Sondhei,斯蒂芬·桑德海姆,1930年3月22日-2021年11月26日,美国作词人、作曲人,号称概念音乐剧鼻祖。

曾获得奥斯卡奖1次、托尼奖8次、 格莱美奖多次、普利策戏剧奖1次,及托尼奖戏剧终身成就奖,截至2021年11月27日,是获得托尼奖次数最多的作曲家。他知名的作品有:《伙伴们》、《春光满古城》、《理发师陶德》和《拜访森林》等。他曾在1973年到1981年期间担任美国剧作家协会主席。他的著名作品改编的电影包括《西区故事》《理发师陶德》《魔法黑森林》等,且电影获得奥斯卡奖等多项奖项。在纽约百老汇有一座剧场以其名字命名。



这篇common essay呈现了一个引人入胜和独特的故事,在多个方面都表现得非常出色。
















总结:这篇common essay通过将个人兴趣与智力探索相结合而脱颖而出。学生能够反思童年经历并提炼出更大的社会洞见,展现了成熟和深度。该文章不仅在结构上严谨,还在内容上丰富,提供了一个充满成长、好奇心和批判性思维的引人入胜的叙述。幽默、创造力以及在不同学科之间建立联系的能力,使这篇文章成为一篇独特且有说服力的申请作品。







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