

Many students find it harder to study when they are at the university or college than when they were at school.Why is this?What can be done to solve the problem?



Many students struggle more with their studies at university or college compared to their experiences in school. This shift in academic difficulty can be attributed to several factors, including increased academic independence, greater workload, and a more challenging curriculum. However, practical steps can be taken to help students adapt and overcome these difficulties.


Firstly, at university or college, students are often required to take greater responsibility for their learning. Unlike in school, where teachers typically provide structured guidance and regular feedback, university students must manage their time, complete assignments independently, and engage in self-directed study. This sudden transition can leave many feeling overwhelmed, especially those who are not used to managing their time effectively.


Secondly, the academic workload at universities is typically heavier than at school, with students expected to read more extensively and complete more in-depth assignments. The complexity of the material is also higher, requiring critical thinking, analysis, and the ability to integrate knowledge from various sources. For students who are used to rote learning or less intensive workloads, this can pose a significant challenge.


To address these issues, universities and colleges can offer better support to students. Time management workshops, study skills seminars, and access to academic advisors can help students develop the skills they need to succeed. Mentorship programs, where senior students offer guidance to newcomers, can also be beneficial in easing the transition. Additionally, universities could provide more structured support in the first year, gradually reducing it as students become more accustomed to the academic environment.


In conclusion, while the academic demands of university are higher than those in school, students can be better equipped to handle the challenges through targeted support programs. With the right strategies in place, universities can help students succeed and thrive in their studies.








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