10月19日托福考情 原题多难题也多 ETS还是太全面了




















C 1






L 2




C 2



L 3




TASK 1独立口语题

Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities. One is well-known and offers excellent academic programs, but its tuition is expensive; while the other university is less well-known but offers you a scholarship. Which one will you choose?

TASK 2校园题

Reading Passage:

The school has proposed not allowing students to stay in the residence halls during winter break in order to save resources and reduce maintenance costs. The reason for this proposal is that the occupancy rate of the dorms drops significantly during the break, as many students return home or go on vacation.

Listening Passage (Rebuttal):

The male student disagrees with this proposal.

1. Even if the dorm occupancy is low, the school could consolidate all the remaining students into one building.

2. Although students can stay at nearby hotels, the cost of accommodation may be a considerable expense for students. Additionally, taking taxis from the hotel to campus would incur extra transportation costs, which could be a financial burden for students on a tight budget.

TASK 3学术讲座题

Distinction Bias

Reading Passage: Project Premortem

A project premortem requires team members to envision a future scenario where a project has failed and explore the possible reasons for its failure. This method differs from a postmortem, which occurs after a project has failed. The goal of a premortem is to identify potential risks ahead of time, allowing preventive measures to be taken, thus increasing the likelihood of project success. It encourages team members to consider possible issues and develop strategies to address them before the project begins. (Unlike a postmortem, which happens after the fact, a project premortem attempts to determine beforehand what could lead to the failure of the project.)

Listening Example:

A chain of Italian restaurants was planning to open a new location near a university campus. Before implementing this plan, they used the project premortem strategy. They considered possible reasons why the new restaurant might fail, such as students potentially not wanting to wait for table service. Based on this insight, the owners decided to offer fast-food options at this location, like takeout pasta and pizza, so students could get their food quickly. This strategy proved highly successful, as the restaurant met students’ demand for quick service and gained strong support and popularity from the student community.

TASK 4 学术讲座题

The benefits of swamp areas for crop cultivation:

1. Ensures a stable water supply

2. Provides essential nutrients for crops




The British Library owns a fourteenth-century handwritten book containing four poems considered to be among the finest of the English Middle Ages. The unknown author is referred to as the Pearl Poet after the title of one of the poems in the manuscript. Several theories have been put forward about the Pearl Poet’s identity.

John Massey

One theory suggests that the Pearl Poet was John Massey. John was known to have lived in northwest England, where the poems of the Pearl manuscript were produced. Moreover, the surviving manuscript of John’s poem, “Saint Erkenwald,” is in the same handwriting as the British Library’s manuscript of the poems of the Pearl Poet. These facts make a good argument that the Pearl Poet was John Massey.


According to a second theory, the fourteenth-century poet known as little Hugh authored the poems. Historical records indicate that Hugh wrote a poem called “The Adventure of Gawain,” which some have hypothesized is the same as one of the four Pearl Poet poems, “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.” The poems of the Pearl Poet make extensive use of alliteration – pairs of adjacent words that begin with the same consonant sound (for example, large lake) – and it is known that Hugh wrote alliterative verse. The shared subject matter and use of alliteration support the identity of Hugh as the Pearl Poet.

No single author

A third theory argues that the four poems in the manuscript were in fact written by several authors rather than a single one. The only thing all the poems have in common is that they mention places in the same region of England. So perhaps the manuscript represents a collection of poems by several authors from the same region.


Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.

While the suggestions for the Pearl Poet's identity may sound plausible, once we consider all the facts, they are not convincing.

First, John Massey. It's true the manuscript of John Massey's poem, St. Irkenwald, and the manuscript of the Pearl Poet are in the same handwriting. But this does not mean that their author was the same person. In the 14th century, books were reproduced by copying. And so, most handwritten books from that period are, in fact, not the original documents written by their authors, but copies made by professional copyists. So all that the handwriting similarity means is that John's poem and the Pearl Poet poems were copied by the same person.

Second, it's true that Hugh and the Pearl poet both used alliteration and wrote a poem about a character called Gawain. But, despite this connection, they were probably not the same person, since their poems were written in different dialects of English. At the time, people from different regions of England used quite different varieties, or dialects, of English. All of Hugh's surviving poems are in the regional dialect spoken in Yorkshire. But the pearl poet wrote in a very different dialect of English from a different region of England, so Hugh was probably not the writer of the pearl poet poems.

Finally, there probably was a single pearl poet. The similarity among the poems goes beyond mentioning the same places. The poems of the Pearl Manuscript also share the same vocabulary. There are some very uncommon words that appear in two or more of the poems. Some of these words appear in no other works of literature. It's very unlikely that several different writers would have used the same unique words. The shared vocabulary is a strong indication that all four poems were written by a single author.

Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge the specific theories presented in the reading passage.


Doctor Achebe: In this unit, we will be learning about effective strategies for increasing student motivation. Let's begin by discussing one common concern shared by many high school teachers: some of their students typically aged 14 to 18, seem to be bored or uninterested in learning. In your view, what strategy should teachers use to increase high school students' interest in learning? Please explain why you think this one particular strategy will be effective.

Claire: I believe teachers should incorporate more group work activities into their lessons. While completing tasks in groups or teams, students will have an opportunity to share their opinions and learn from their peers. Having a sense of belonging is important to teenagers, so being part of a team will likely make them more interested in learning.

Kelly: In my opinion, teachers should explain how the lessons they teach in the classroom have a connection to events in the world outside high school. Students will likely become more interested in learning once they understand that the lessons can help them be better prepared for future university studies and work.





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