




A chaotic sense of sickness and filth unfolds in an overcrowded border station in McAllen, Texas. Through soundproof windows, migrants motion that they have not showered in weeks and children wear clothes caked in mucus and tears. The humanitarian crisis at the southern border exists not only in photographs published by mainstream media, but miles from my home in South Texas.

As a daughter of immigrants, I have heard countless stories of migrants being turned away by a country they desperately seek to love. After seeing the abhorrent conditions migrants face upon arriving in the U.S., I began volunteering with Loaves and Fishes, an organization that shelters and provides necessities to undocumented immigrants. This year, my experiences collecting donations and working at pop-up soup kitchens have made me realize that the communities in South Texas promote true American values of freedom and opportunity. The U.S. government, however, must do better.

During my university career, I aspire to learn how our immigration system can be positively reformed by considering the politics and economics that shape policy- making. Particularly, classes such as Institutional Design and Institutional Change will prepare me to effect change in existing institutions by analyzing various methods to bolster the economy.

Additionally, I hope to join the Yale Refugee Project that volunteers at the southern border and prepares asylum cases for court. With the numerous opportunities offered by YRP, I will be part of a generation of activists and lawmakers that builds a more empathetic immigration system.



作为移民的女儿,我听过无数移民被他们拼命想要热爱的国家拒之门外的故事。在看到移民抵达美国后所面临的恶劣条件后,我开始在 “饼与鱼 ”组织做志愿者,这是一个为无证移民提供庇护和生活必需品的组织。今年,我收集捐款和在临时施食处工作的经历让我认识到,南得克萨斯州的社区倡导自由和机会的真正美国价值观。然而,美国政府必须做得更好。





“The A.I. Winter.” The first time I heard that phrase, I got shivers. It sounded like a phrase right out of a doomsday science fiction novel. And I learned that it was just about that. A PhD student in the neuroscience lab I worked in explained to me that there was a period when society lost interest in artificial intelligence. Scientists stopped imagining robots walking around, talking, looking like us, and helping us make society better.

And yet today, we live our lives around robots all the time. We keep artificial intelligence in our pockets and I’m writing this essay thanks to many versions of A.I. My neighbour lost a limb in a car accident and can walk because of a computerized leg. My father can’t wait for a driverless car to replace our commute. What happened between that A.I. winter and the technology boom today?

I’m interested in how society relates to these technologies. What made it possible for us to obsess over A.I. in the 70s, then “forget” about it for a while, and now return to it with new ideas and philosophies driving us? I hope I can use college to study Cognitive Science or even the History of Science and Medicine in order to better understand our brains and the machines that might increasingly resemble them.


“人工智能的冬天” 第一次听到这句话时,我不寒而栗。听起来像是末日科幻小说里的一句话。后来我才知道,原来是这么回事。我所在的神经科学实验室的一位博士生向我解释说,曾有一段时间,社会对人工智能失去了兴趣。科学家们不再想象机器人会走来走去,会说话,看起来像我们一样,并帮助我们让社会变得更好。


我对社会与这些技术的关系很感兴趣。是什么让我们能够在上世纪 70 年代痴迷于人工智能,然后 “忘记 ”它一段时间,现在又带着新的想法和理念回到它身边?我希望自己能利用大学时间学习认知科学,甚至是科学史和医学史,以便更好地理解我们的大脑和可能越来越像它们的机器。



The first time my parents dropped me off at Hindu Heritage Summer Camp, I was furious. I didn’t want to spend my summer in Rochester, New York, with a bunch of other Indian kids. I wanted to go to theatre camp. I wanted to play Anita in West Side Story. But by the end of the summer, I’d changed my mind.

Growing up with mostly white friends, I’d never been comfortable wearing a bindi or a salwar kameez. I quit my Kuchipudi classical dance classes when I was twelve and the teacher moved thirty minutes away. I replaced them with tap, jazz, and eventually some hip hop. But at HHSC, the days were filled with Indian things that, for the first time, didn’t make me feel strange. My grandparents had tried to teach me slokas and yoga when I was younger, and I’d always preferred to watch TV. But when I was surrounded by other desi kids my own age, I didn’t mind the prayers and pujas, and I actually loved yoga, the way it slowed down my constantly moving brain.

HHSC isn’t a constant community, because we always have to leave it. But I’ve gone back to be a counselor since, and I’m always in touch with some of my best friends from each summer. More than anything, HHSC taught me that the Hindu community in the U.S. is a home you can carry with you all year.


父母第一次把我送到印度传统夏令营时,我非常生气。我不想在纽约罗切斯特和一群印度孩子一起度过暑假。我想去戏剧夏令营。我想在 “西区故事 ”中扮演安妮塔。但暑假结束时,我改变了主意。

从小到大,我的朋友大多是白人,我从来都不喜欢戴宾迪(bindi)或穿莎尔瓦卡米兹(salwar kameez)。十二岁时,我放弃了库奇普迪古典舞课程,因为老师搬到了三十分钟车程以外的地方。取而代之的是踢踏舞、爵士舞,最后还有一些街舞。但在 HHSC,每天都充满了印度风情,这让我第一次不再感到陌生。小时候,我的祖父母曾试着教我唱经和瑜伽,而我总是喜欢看电视。但当我身边有其他同龄的德西孩子时,我就不介意祈祷和法事了,而且我其实很喜欢瑜伽,因为它能让我不断运动的大脑慢下来。

HHSC 并不是一个固定的社区,因为我们总是要离开它。但我后来又回去当了辅导员,而且我总是能和每年夏天的一些好朋友保持联系。最重要的是,HHSC 教会了我,美国的印度教社区是一个你可以整年带在身边的家。



Freshman year, my Political Thought and Speech teacher decided our final exam would be a United Nations style forum. We’d all represent one country, and we’d discuss issues both serious and silly—from nuclear proliferation to the possibility of alien invasion. Our job was to understand what another country would have to say about a given issue.

It was funny to watch all of my classmates—myself included—fumble to try on a non- American centric attitude. As China, was I supposed to feel differently about climate change policy, since I might think it was my “right” to pollute? After all, the Western countries had their chance. Was my best friend, aka Russia, right to say Ukraine was “her” territory?

I think before I can even commit to studying a given issue, I want to be a part of a generation that talks about global issues, well, globally. I don’t see how we can begin to solve them if we can’t see how others see them, in other parts of the world.

I hope I can use my college experience to begin to see new perspectives. Yale’s diverse student body, its study abroad opportunities—yearlong, summer, and even spring breaks, and its extracurriculars, from the Globalist magazine to the Yale International Relations Association, are all amazing chances for me to expand my own borders in order to help break down others.



看着我所有的同学--包括我自己--努力尝试不以美国为中心的态度,我觉得很有趣。作为中国人,我是否应该对气候变化政策有不同的看法,因为我可能认为污染是我的 “权利”?毕竟,西方国家有过机会。我最好的朋友,也就是俄罗斯,说乌克兰是 “她的 ”领土,这样做对吗?





When I was young, my dad used to bring work home with him. As a high school science teacher (physics and chemistry), he’d ask me questions he’d been teaching his class that day. I learned about velocity and electrovalence sitting around the dinner table. One of my favourite memories is the time he taught me how to make a toy car go in a full circle using just a rubber band.

As a high schooler I got involved in a summer program called Investigations in Engineering. I learned about what it might actually mean to apply science to everything from making bridges to making driverless cars.I’m applying to Yale to study environmental engineering because I think the most urgent thing scientists can pay attention to today is climate change. It’s too late to solve a lot of what’s gone wrong, but there are things environmental engineers will need to fix, like safe passageways in flood zones after natural disasters, or clean drinking water in areas polluted by fracking.

When I visited Yale, I walked up Science Hill and saw the amazing Kroon Hall. It was my favourite building on the campus. I’m excited about courses like Green Engineering and Sustainable Design and the chance to do research with teachers like Professor Michelle Bell, whose work on climate change’s health impacts really fascinates me.



高中时,我参加了一个名为 “工程调查 ”的暑期项目。我了解到将科学应用于从制造桥梁到制造无人驾驶汽车等一切领域的实际意义。我申请去耶鲁大学学习环境工程,因为我认为科学家们目前最需要关注的是气候变化。现在要解决很多问题为时已晚,但环境工程师需要解决一些问题,比如自然灾害发生后洪水泛滥地区的安全通道,或者受压裂污染地区的清洁饮用水。

当我访问耶鲁大学时,我走上科学山,看到了令人惊叹的克罗恩厅。这是我在校园里最喜欢的建筑。我对绿色工程和可持续设计等课程感到非常兴奋,还有机会与米歇尔-贝尔(Michelle Bell)教授等老师一起做研究。








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