10.26日托福写作考题分析| 政府交通话题+10.19日高分汇报



Doctor Achebe:

This week, we'll be looking at what governments around the world are doing to improve transportation in large cities. Some governments are expanding roadways - adding lanes to highways, widening other heavily used routes, and even constructing new roads. Other governments are focusing on improvements to public transportation by modernizing existing train and bus systems. Which approach do youthink should be the priority in large cities? why?



(2)”to improve transportation inlarge cities.这里给我们限定了是:大城市中的交通问题。

最突出应该是上下班高峰期堵车;还有道路拥挤,人行道少、摩托车乱飞..; 还有交通规划问题,公交车,地铁等是否能足够覆盖所有地区...题目中包含的2个选项,一是扩展道路;一个是提升公共交通。2个还是明显不同的2个方面。大家可以侧重各自的特点进行分析。

(3) 选项分析:--"expanding roadways - adding lanes to highways, widening other heavily used routes, and even constructing new roads. "



① 有利于缓解城市交通堵塞, 尤其是上下班高峰期的堵塞。因为拥堵就是因为有太多的车同时通过。所以拓宽道路,就有利于缓解。

② 能覆盖更多的地区,帮助远郊的人也可以方便出行。


① 可能会起反作用。导致更多地人买车,从长期看拥堵得不到缓解。

②扩展道路会给政府造成巨大的经济负担。因为往往需要拆迁,占据原有道路,在短期内加剧交通问题。(Eva:我相信大家所在的城市应该都经历过这种因为不停修路造成的拥堵和出行不便吧-- ”

improvements to public transportation by modernizing existing train and bus systems.“通过升级现有的火车和公交系统来改善公共交通。”



1. 有利于吸引人们去乘坐公共交通,缓解交通堵塞。

2. 能非常快速地解决交通问题。不会占用道路等,也不会对人们目前的出行造成麻烦。


Echoing xx'sperspective, I firmly believe that modernizing public transportation should be the top priority for city governments.This approach can effectively alleviate traffic congestion faced by almost all major cities

First, one of the main reasons commuters hesitate to use subways or buses is the overcrowding, coupled with waiting times that stretch beyond what most people can tolerate. If the government allocates sufficient funds to expand bus fleets, upgrade subway systems with functioning air conditioning, and extend routes to reach more neighborhoods, people would be much more inclined to take public transportation rather than driving their own cars and facing the risk of getting stuck in traffic. With fewer private vehicles clogging the roads, traffic flow would improve significantly. For instance, in my city, after the local authority established a dedicated bus lane during rush hours to bypass congested areas, over 20 percent of drivers switched to taking buses, resulting in a noticeable reduction in traffic congestion.

Admittedly, expanding roadways may initially seem like a viable solution since it provides more space for vehicles, potentially easing gridlock in the short term. However, in the long run, this approach could actually exacerbate the problem, as broader and faster lanes would likely encourage more people to drive.

In conclusion, it is far more prudent for governments to prioritize the modernization of existing public transportation systems.







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