



Wool Industry in Fifteenth-Century Europe


02、Commedia del'Arte

在文艺复兴时期,纯戏剧是另一种同样受欢迎的娱乐形式,与歌剧主要是一种音乐类型相比。这是commedia dell'arte,意大利语中的“艺术喜剧”,意思是“专业艺术家的表演”。它与学术戏剧相反,由非专业人士表演。喜剧团通常由十名演员组成,七名男子和三名女子。他们是巡回剧团,可能起源于希腊和罗马哑剧或小丑。喜剧演员通常表演喜剧,尽管他们有时会表演严肃的戏剧,但“喜剧”一词主要与喜剧有关。

03、Noise in the sea

水下生物最常用的交流方式之一是声音。珊瑚礁的清澈水域可以容纳200英尺的视野。在浑浊的水域,能见度只有 3 英尺。然而,声音在海洋中扩散得又快又远。因此,许多海洋动物依靠听觉来完成各种任务。一些鲸鱼和海豚使用回声定位(反射声音来定位物体)来导航。雄性蟾鱼通过发出嗡嗡声来吸引雌性蟾鱼。然而,船只发动机和其他来源的背景噪音可以掩盖熟悉的声音,使生活更加危险。在2005年的一项实验中,当蟾鱼被囚禁在渡轮中时,它们很难听到彼此的声音。

04、Climate in ancient Sahara

历史上,北非经历了几个湿润的时期,当时撒哈拉沙漠的面积要小得多。但是,除了海岸线和尼罗河谷以外,北非大部分地区已经变得干旱贫瘠。事实上,撒哈拉沙漠在过去的历史中多次扩大和缩小。地质学家发现,公元前19000年左右,也就是更新世时期,撒哈拉沙漠达到了最大规模。当时,它向南延伸到今天西非和中部非洲的热带草原地区。从更新世末期(公元前 9000 年左右)到公元前 3000 年左右,北非经历了一个“湿润阶段”。在这个时期,更多的降雨使撒哈拉沙漠的面积远远小于现在。公元前3000年以后,气候和地貌都明显变小,但气候和地形却变得更加干燥。

Listening 听力





03、The Little Street

艺术讲座讨论了荷兰画家约翰内斯·维米尔的研究,尤其是他的作品《小街》(The Little Street)。维米尔是荷兰黄金时代的代表画家,擅长描绘室内场景,例如缝纫、读信或在厨房工作的女人。然而,学者们一直争论他画的场景是否真实。


学生最近担任兼职记者,撰写了一篇关于海岸侵蚀和沙滩修复项目的报道。他表示打算拍摄修复工作的照片。教授还表示,他希望杰夫能够利用他的一些照片来支持他关于 Brindley Beach 悬崖侵蚀速度的研究文章。



Speaking 口语

01、独立口语 (2016

Some people prefer to review for test in daytime others prefer to review for test in the evening, which do you think is better?


学校取消了早餐,因为没有人吃,还有其他选择。听力中,女生不同意1. 因为他早上有课要上,如果不吃饭,他无法参加。2.备选方案的那个餐厅的食物价格会贵,虽然总体成本合理,但学生们可能没有多余的钱去支付。

03、High/low pricing




Writing 写作


Dr. Achebe: On the day of outdoor classes, students will be transported to local parks. There, teachers will help students explore nature and learn about the environment (for example, plants and animals), environmental problems (such as pollution), and ways of addressing these problems. Do you think that outdoor classes once a month will be a worthwhile use of students' instructional time and school resources?

Kelly:We should avoid burdening teachers with additional responsibilities during instructional time. Teachers are already tasked with delivering quality education and managing classrooms effectively. Adding more duties, such as administrative tasks or non-teaching responsibilities, can divert their focus from teaching. Instead, we should prioritize supporting teachers in their primary role.

Andrew: Hands-on learning outside the classroom can help students understand environmental problems in a tangible way and spark their interest to learn more. For example, measuring air or water quality in local areas impacted by pollution can vividly demonstrate environmental threats. Outdoor learning experiences make environmental issues real to students, motivating them to care about finding solutions.




One of the critics' worries is that once an oil spill is cleaned up, a bacterial population that has grown significantly by feeding on it will remain in the area. There could be serious environmental consequences if the bacteria take over the area and start to outcompete local plants and animals for food and sunshine.


Second, in order for bacteria at the oil spill site to thrive, reproduce, and perform their duties efficiently, they need to be provided with additional nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. The issue is that the excess nutrients may attract and nourish other marine life in addition to leaking outside the spill's affected area. The equilibrium of marine ecosystems close to the spill may be disturbed as a result of the other animals' incredibly quick population development.


Third, oil-transporting businesses may begin to overlook spill prevention if they begin to think that microbes can effectively and economically clean up oil spills. Spills may become more common as a result. Because some toxic oil components are too complex for the bacteria to degrade and persist in the ocean even after a bacterial cleanup, more frequent spills could result in long-term environmental impact.


1.First, once the leak is cleaned up, it is quite improbable that the bacteria will take over the ocean ecology. Oil is the only food that these bacteria have evolved to consume. In the event of an oil spill, they can only naturally flourish in ocean environments that include oil from natural sources. Since crude oil is no longer their primary food source, the bacteria rapidly disappear once they have converted the oil into innocuous compounds.

2.Second, it is true that the ecosystem's equilibrium may be disturbed by nutrients utilized to maintain microorganisms that consume oil. You must, however, weigh this danger against the harm that the ecology will undoubtedly sustain. If bacteria are not used, we will have to rely on slower, more conventional techniques of cleaning up oil spills, which let the hazardous oil remain in the environment long enough to kill off most of the life there. Usually, this harm lasts for a long time. In contrast, harm from too much nutrients is usually less severe. And the afflicted ecosystem reestablishes its old balance sooner.

3. Finally, I'm pretty sure oil transporting companies will remain very careful about preventing spills, even though the bacteria can make the cleanup of the spill faster and cheaper, there are other costs the companies have to cover when a spill occurs. For example, millions may have to be spentcompensating local fisheries for the time they cannot fish in the affected waters. There may beother penalties and payments to compensate for potential loss of tourism and damage to other industries in the area. So the companies will still have plenty of motivation to keep very strict safety precautions to prevent oil spill.







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