2024 年上半年托福写作总结

2024 年上半年托福写作总结

自 2023 年 7 月 26 日起,托福写作进行了改革,取消了现有的独立写作,替换为 “学术讨论写作”,综合写作部分保持不变。


2024 年上半年托福写作总结

2024 年上半年托福写作总结

2024 年上半年托福写作总结



01╱ 教育类 ╱

教育类话题在上半年的托福写作中占比较大,如 1 月 13 日的 “young student(5-11)和 older students(14-18)谁更受益于小组学习”,1 月 27 日的 “大学应不应该免费”,以及 2 月 27 日的 “老师让学生去参观博物馆写论文以加深知识” 等,这些题目主要探讨了不同教育方式、教育资源分配等对学生学习和发展的影响

02╱ 工作职场类 ╱

例如 1 月 6 日的 “交流工作时是愿意跟别人面对面沟通还是打电话发邮件沟通”,该话题涉及到工作中不同沟通方式的优缺点以及适用场景,需要考生结合实际情况进行分析和阐述

03╱ 社会类 ╱

如 1 月 24 日的 “榜样和舆论制造者在社会中的重要性”,此类话题较为抽象,要求考生思考榜样和舆论制造者在社会价值观塑造、公众观念影响等方面的作用,对考生的思维深度和广度有一定要求.

04╱ 环境类 ╱

像 1 月 20 日的 “城市里要建个工厂,可以带来更多工作机会,但同时会带来更多污染,是否应该允许建厂”,需要考生综合考虑经济发展与环境保护之间的平衡关系,体现了对社会热点问题的关注.


01Spring 2023╱ 旧题改编╱

部分写作题目是对以往旧题的改编,如 1 月 13 日的关于不同年龄段学生小组学习受益情况的题目,以及 1 月 27 日大学是否应免费的题目等,虽然题目有一定的熟悉度,但在具体要求和侧重点上可能会有所不同,需要考生仔细审题

02╱ 贴近生活和实际 ╱



01╱ 学术讨论写作 ╱


02╱ 综合写作 ╱


2024 年 9 月 1 日上午场托福写作范文

题目:Do you think there should be an environmental tax on air travel? Why or why not?

I am inclined to agree with Paul's perspective that environmental taxes on air travel will not significantly curb air pollution. This is because the primary patrons of air travel are the wealthy upper class, such as billionaires and high-income businesspeople. Imposing environmental taxes on air travel is likely to have little impact on their travel habits, as they can afford to pay the additional costs without much hesitation. Consequently, the reduction in air travel demand due to the tax may be minimal, and thus the expected positive environmental effects will not be achieved as desired.Moreover, airlines may not necessarily respond to the tax by making significant efforts to become more environmentally friendly. Instead, they might simply pass on the tax burden to passengers in the form of higher ticket prices, without taking substantial measures to reduce emissions or invest in greener technologies. In this case, the environmental tax becomes a mere financial burden on consumers rather than an effective incentive for airlines to improve their environmental performance.In contrast, alternative measures could be more effective in addressing air pollution. For example, governments could invest more in the research and development of clean energy sources for aviation, or provide subsidies and incentives for airlines to adopt more fuel-efficient aircraft and operational practices. These approaches would directly target the root causes of air pollution in the aviation industry and have a more significant and long-term impact on environmental protection.





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