








United States Literature and Art in the Nineteenth Century)

阅读真经19篇/7-16 / Passage 1

United States Literature and Art in the Nineteenth Century

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the United States was a provincial culture, still looking to Britain for values, standards, literature, and art, despite all the rapid improvements in communication—for example, the great growth in the number of magazines and newspapers—that occurred in the United States following independence from Great Britain.

In a famous essay in the Edinburgh Review in 1820, Sydney Smith sarcastically inquired, “In the four quarters of the globe, who reads an American book? Or goes to an American play? Or looks at an American picture or statue?”

Yet interest in the arts and the cultural institutions that sustain them was rapidly growing in America. To be sure, cultural institutions were difficult to create in the South, mainly because the population was so widely dispersed: and in the West, dominated in this era by pioneers, emphasis was on the practical rather than on the literary or artistic. But many eastern seaboard cities were actively building the cultural foundation that would nurture a distinctively American art and literature. During these years, Philadelphia's American Philosophical Society, founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1743, boasted a

distinguished roster of scientists, including Thomas Jefferson, concurrently the president of the United States. Culturally Boston ran a close second to Philadelphia, founding the Boston Athenaeum (1807),an impressive library and reading room containing "works of learning and science in all languages, particularly such rare and expensive publications as are not generally to be found in this country." The North American Review, which became the most important and long-lasting intellectual magazine in the country, was published in Boston. Devoted to keeping its readers in touch with European intellectual developments, it had a circulation of 3,000 in 1862, about the same as similar British journals.

Of the eastern cities, New York produced the first widely recognized American writers. In 1809 Washington Irving published America's first great book of comic literature-A History of New York-a humorous account of life in New York both in colonial times and in Irving's own day. James Fenimore Cooper's Leatherstocking novels (of which The Last of the Mohicans published in 1826 is the best known) achieved wide success in both America and Europe. In these novels, Cooper established the American experience of westward expansion as a serious and distinctive American theme.

It was New England, however, that saw itself as the home of American cultural independence from Europe, a claim voiced in 1837 by Ralph Waldo Emerson in a lecture at Harvard: “Our day of dependence, our long apprenticeship to the learning of other lands draws to a close," Emerson announced. Rather than draw on British models, American artists, Emerson argued, should seek inspiration in the ordinary details of daily American life. Immensely popular, Emerson gave more than 1,500 lectures in 20 states between 1833 and 1860. “The American Scholar", his most famous lecture, carried a message of cultural self-sufficiency that Americans were eager to hear.

Artists in this period were as successful as writers in finding American themes. Thomas Cole, who came to the United States from England in 1818, found great inspiration in the American landscape. Cole founded the Hudson River school of American painting, whose romantic renderings of New York landscapes were frankly nationalistic. Other painters—realists such as Karl Bodmer and George Catlin—drew on the dramatic landscapes and peoples of the American West. Their art was an important contribution to the American sense of the land and to the nation's identity. Catlin, driven by a need to document Native American life, spent eight years among the tribes along the upper Missouri River. Then he assembled his collection of more than 500 paintings and toured the country in an effort to increase the public's awareness and appreciation of Native American life ways. George Caleb Bingham, an accomplished genre painter, produced somewhat tidied-up scenes of real-life American workers, such as flatboat men on the Missouri River. All these painters found much to record and celebrate in American life. Ironically, the inspiration for the most prevalent theme, the American wilderness, was profoundly endangered by the rapid western settlement of which the nation was so proud. Despite such contradictions, the early nineteenth century was the period in which writers and painters found the national themes that defined the first distinctively American literature and art.


Diving for food by birds





Tyrannosaurus rex:Predator or Scavenger?






Carbon Dioxide Levels in the Ocean






Prosperity In British North America

重复 23年冲刺Test7的Passage 1

The British colonies of North America developed at a remarkable pace throughout the later colonial period. Colonial trade with Britain grew by 700 percent in the period 1689-1760, while the population increased from 250,000 to around 1.5 million. At the same time per capita (per person) income rose by at least 0.5 percent a year in real terms, so that the standard of living for most of the population improved by between 50 and 100 percent. The American colonies were one of the first societies to escape the cycle in which increased resources merely stimulated population growth and ultimate decline in per capita income (the total national income divided by the number of people in the nation). The colonies never experienced the kind of severe food shortages which afflicted most European societies through the nineteenth century.

One indication of colonial well-being was the reaction of visitors. In the seventeenth century it was the wild appearance of the continent which drew comment, whereas by the 1750s visitors were impressed by the general prosperity of the inhabitants. Most people had land, and there seemed to be little poverty or unemployment. As a British officer commented, “Everybody has property and everybody knows it.” The general progress was well symbolized by the rise of Philadelphia, a town which did not exist in 1682, but which by 1760 was on a par with Dublin, Edinburgh, or Bristol.

The attractions of living in America were constantly emphasized by Benjamin Franklin. He pointed out how much better off the inhabitants of America were compared with their counterparts in the British Isles. The same points were made by Thomas Hutchinson in his History of Massachusetts. He wrote, “Property is more equally distributed in the colonies… especially those to the northward of Maryland than in any nation in Europe.” The reason, of course, was the availability of land.

More recently historians have also been paying attention to other types of evidence. Documents such as wills, for example tend to support the view that living standards were improving. Whereas in the seventeenth century most inheritances consisted of only a few tools, some rough furniture, and livestock, eighteenth-century inventories reveal a much richer standard of living, including china rather than coarse pottery, silverware, furniture, clocks, warming pans, and other household items designed for decoration or comfort rather than mere survival. Additional evidence can be obtained from the records of colonial imports. After 1700 these increasingly included what earlier would have been considered inessential luxury items: tea, coffee, French wines, Indian silks and calicos, glass, porcelain, and even furniture. Previously colonials had made their own, found substitutes, or done without. The first sixty years of the eighteenth century witnessed a consumer boom which seems to suggest a standard of living 20 percent higher than in Britain, for the middle classes at least.

How was this prosperity achieved? One answer was greater efficiency. Although historians have generally condemned the American colonial farmer for wasteful land usage, improvements did occur through greater knowledge of the climate and terrain. Some modest technological improvements occurred in manufacturing and commerce, though less so in farming. Most colonials were still using tools similar to those of their seventeenth-century ancestors, though implements like plows were now used more widely. In addition the colonial period was generally one in which prices remained stable or actually fell as production methods improved and transport became cheaper, giving settlers greater purchasing power. Throughout the period the colonists continued to enjoy that almost unique combination of abundant land, cheap food, and unlimited fuel.

Lastly, the growth in living standards was ironically fueled by the consumer boom itself. Until the end of the sixteenth century only the upper classes were expected to live opulently as a sign of their rank and a means whereby the social order could be maintained. Ordinary people, it was assumed, would merely be corrupted by such consumption into idleness and vice. By the end of the seventeenth century such attitudes had changed in favor of personal improvement. Now it was argued that many of these same luxuries were items of refinement which could be defended on moral grounds as leading to propriety. This change in attitudes had two consequences. One was a surge in demand. The other was an increase in production, as people sought to improve their standard of living.



第二段:殖民地的生活水平与外界评价访客对北美殖民地的印象从17世纪的荒凉景象转变为 18世纪中期的繁荣景象。大部分人拥有土地,贫困和失业情况较少,费城等城市的崛起象征了这种进步。






Education reform ofUs in the early 20th




- 在潜水的前五分钟,前五分钟心跳下降,和后五分钟,帝企鹅身体的变化各不相同。

- 浮出水面时,心率瞬间变化,展示了不同阶段的生理反应。

- 还提到其他海鸟的羽毛特性,防水的外层和干燥的内层能够帮助它们保持体温。


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TASK 1独立口语题

Some people prefer to make plans with friends for social activities far in advance. Others prefer to be more spontaneous and make plans with friends on the same day they would like to see them. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

有些人喜欢提前很久与朋友们计划社交活动。另一些人则更倾向于随性而为,喜欢在想见朋 友的当天才制定计划。你更喜欢哪种方式?请解释原因。

TASK 2校园题

Reading: Graduate Business Program to Discontinue Summer Courses(研究生商学院计 划停办夏季课程)

Point 1:由于夏季课程的报名人数不足,无法支撑继续提供这些的费用,因此决定 取消夏季课程。

Point 2:这些课程在春季和秋季学期也有开设,所以学生不会因为取消夏季课程而 遇到显著的不便。

Conversation: Man Disagrees(非典型-给观点的不是主说人)(W: Well, I think they are giving up on it too soon. M: Really? I can't say I'm surprised.)

Reason 1: 夏季课程报名人数少,且课程几乎达不到容量,因此不意外课程被取 消。

Reason 2:他认为替代方案(即常规学期的课程安排)时间安排不同,可能无法 满足那些希望通过夏季课程提前毕业的学生的需求。

TASK 3学术讲座题

Reading: Seagoing Fish(远航的鱼)

定义:远航的鱼指的是那些在年轻时生活在淡水中,而在成熟后迁移到盐水中的鱼类。( Thus, certain kinds of fish stay in freshwater when they are young, and then migrate, or travel, to salt water once they reach a certain age. )


科学家的研究发现,鲑鱼在年轻时生活在河流中,因为河水较浅,大多数大型捕食者不会进入 河流。这使得幼鲑鱼能更容易地躲藏在河中的岩石缝隙或植物根部,从而减少受到大型鱼类 威胁的风险,有利于它们的生存。随着鲑鱼的成长,它们会迁移到海洋中,因为海洋提供了更 多的食物资源。等到成熟后,鲑鱼会返回河流繁殖,继续其生命周期。

TASK 4 学术讲座题


Question:2 problems of having employee turnover(员工流动的两个问题)

Problem 1: 员工流动会给公司带来很高的成本——因为需要替换离职员工,这个过 程需要时间,可能导致生产和利润的减少 eg: 在一家家具制造公司,如果一名家具制作工人离职,公司需要找到一位同样熟 练的工人来完成相同的工作,这非常困难。这样一来,公司将无法生产那么多的家 具,也就赚不到那么多的钱。

Problem 2:员工流动会对其他员工产生负面影响——因为他们无法从离职员工那里 获得帮助。eg: 一家广告公司需要具备创意的人来提出新点子。如果一位重要的创意贡献者离开, 其他创意能力较弱的人员就更难提出优秀的广告创意。





The American pika is a small, rabbit-like mammal thatlivesin cold,mountainous parts of western North America.Because pikas are adapted to living in cold temperatureseven slight temperature increases in their habitats canthreaten their survival, Many scientists believe that currentglobal warming trends may result in a severe decrease inpika populations and that pikas may become anendangered species, There are several reasons why globawarming may cause pikas to become endangered.

Air Temperatures

First, rising air temperatures put pikas in danger ofoverheating, Pikas have a thick coat of fur to insulate them

from the cold, and round bodies designed to conserve heat.As a result, they can easily get too hot and die, even intemperatures as mild as 26"C, To escape the heat, many.pikas have migrated to higher elevations, where it is cooler.Howeyer, scientists point out that thls ls only a temporarysolution, Eventually there will come a time when pikas.cannot escape the heat.


Second, pikas gather and store most of the food they needfor the winter during the summer. However, collecting foodis a strenuous activity that may lead to overheating, if the airtemperature is high.lf summer temperatures increase,.pikas may have to limit their food-collecting activities toavoid overheating. As a result, they may not be able tocollect and store enough food for the winter.

Snow Melting

Third, during the winter, pikas depend on a thick layer ofsnow to insulate them from the cold and shield them fromfreezing raln and wind. However,global warming ls causingsnow to melt at a faster rate, Because of the increased rateof snow melting, the thickness of the snow layer in pikahabitats during the winter has decreased. Without sufficientprotection provided by snow, pikas are more exposed tocold and freezing rain in wintertime.


The challenges posed by global warming are not pika as some people believe.

First, it's not necessarily true that pukas will overheat. You have to realize that the temperature can vary considerably across the pikes' habitat. Yes, open spaces do get hot, but pikes spend a great deal of time under rocks and inside openings where it is shady and temperatures are cooler. Some of the reports claiming that temperatures are too high in pike habitats do not take account of temperatures in those shaded areas. Many scientists believe pika populations will remain stable as long as pikas have cooler places where they can take refuge when it gets too hot.

Second, it should still be possible for pikas to collect enough food. The reading passage forgets to mention one important consequence of warmer weather. In warmer weather, animals don't have to eat as much to keep up their internal temperature, So during these warmer summers. pikas eat less, which means they need to collect less food for their immediate consumption. That means they can spend more time collecting food they will store for later for the winter. As a result, pikas may actually be able to store more food for the winter than in years when it was cooler.

Finally, while increased snow melting can hurt pikas during the winter by exposing them to cold has a positive effect. You see, the warmer climate and the faster rate of snow melting mean that the winter ends earlier, the spring arrives earlier, fresh plant food becomes available earlier, and the pike of populations that have suffered through the harsh winter conditions get a chance to recover and start reproducing. In simple terms, increased snow meltingmakes the winter shorter. Giving the pikas a better chance to replenish the population that has been lost during the winter.





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