
最近给跑团同学改作业的时候,发现大家在“论证原因和结果”的时候,用到的句型无非就是“the reason/factor is that"


The argument that…rests chiefly on the fact that…这个论点基于这样的一个事实,即....

这个表达里面比较难理解的是rest,其实rest 除了休息这个意思之外,还有“依赖,依靠”的意思,所以rest on 在这个句型结构里,有点像base这个词的的意思。

比如:The argument that increasing renewable energy sources will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions rests chiefly on the fact that renewable sources like wind and solar produce little to no emissions compared to fossil fuels提高再生能源的使用将显著减少温室气体排放’这一论点主要基于再生能源,如风能和太阳能,与化石燃料相比几乎不产生排放这一情况

2. sth strengthens the casefor进一步支持了某个论点或观点


比如:Recent studies showinga decline in air pollution levels in cities that have implemented stricter emission regulations strengthen the case for adopting similar policies in other urban areas最近的研究表明,那些实施了更严格排放法规的城市空气污染水平有所下降,这进一步支持了在其他城市采用类似政策的论点

这句话里面的主干:Recent studies strengthen the case foradopting similar policies... 其余showing,和that have... 都是做修饰补充成分的。

如果要表达“sth加强了反对……的理由”,可以说:sthstrengthens the case against…

比如:The increasing number of health issues linked to excessive sugar consumption strengthens the case against the widespread useof sugary drinks in school cafeterias与过度摄入糖分相关的健康问题日益增多,进一步说明了反对在学校餐厅饮用含糖饮料的论点

3. Something/Somebody is to blame for “某事物/某人应该为……负责”或“某事物/某人是造成……的原因”。

这个短语用于指出某个问题、 错误或不良后果的根源或责任人

比如:Rising levels of air pollution in urban areas are largely to blame for the increase in respiratory illnesses among city dwellers, highlighting the urgent need for stricter environmental regulations and more sustainable urban planning城市地区空气污染水平的上升在很大程度上应对城市居民呼吸系统疾病的增加负责,这突显了对更严格环境法规和更可持续城市规划的紧迫需求

4.Sth is a recipe for sth某事会导致另外一件事情

这个类似于to be likely to cause a particular result ,且 短 语 的 常 见 搭 配 是 sth is a recipe for disaster/trouble/success/happines

比如这个新闻报道里面就用到了a recipe for sth

比如:Neglecting regular physical exercise and maintaining a diet high in processed foods is a recipe for poor cardiovascular health and increased risk of chronic diseases忽视定期锻炼和维持高加工食品的饮食是导致心血管健康差和慢性疾病风险增加的根本原因



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