最难的雅思口语Part2又出现了? “一句诗/歌词”该如何回答

下面就来看下这两天出现的新题 Part2 一句诗/歌词高分范例

Describe a line (or a few words) that you remember from a poem or song

You should say:

What it is

Which song or poem it is from

How you knew it

And explain how you feel about it


The line I want to talk about is 'Let it be' from The Beatles' classic song. You know, that simple three-word phrase just keeps repeating throughout the whole track. I first heard it when I was maybe 8 years old - my mom used to hum the melody while doing housework. At first I didn't get why she loved it so much, but the words kinda stuck in my head like a catchy nursery rhyme.

我想谈谈的这句歌词是来自The Beatles经典歌曲中的“Let it be”。你知道,那简单的三个字就一直在整首歌里重复。我第一次听到这句歌词时大概是8岁左右——我妈妈在做家务时常哼着这首歌。一开始我不明白她为什么那么喜欢,但那些词就像是一首朗朗上口的儿歌一样,深深地印在了我的脑海里。

What really made me remember it was during my senior year exams. I was stressing out big time, and one night that song randomly played on my Spotify. When Paul McCartney sang 'And when the broken-hearted people living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be' - wow, it hit different. It wasn't just lyrics anymore. It felt like permission to stop overthinking and trust that things would work out.


Now whenever I hear it, especially the line 'Let it be', it's like a warm blanket for my mind. It's crazy how something so short can carry so much wisdom. I even wrote it on my study desk as a reminder. To me, it's not just a song lyric anymore - it's become my personal motto for handling life's messy moments. The beauty is in its simplicity, you know? No complicated metaphors, just pure, comforting truth that somehow applies to everyone.

现在,每当我听到它,尤其是“Let it be”这句歌词时,就像是给我的心灵盖上一条温暖的毯子。真是不可思议,短短几句竟能包含如此深刻的智慧。我甚至把它写在了我的书桌上,作为提醒。对我来说,这不再只是歌词,它已经变成了我应对人生混乱时刻的个人座右铭。它的美丽就在于它的简单,你知道吗?没有复杂的隐喻,只有纯粹的、让人安慰的真理,而这种真理似乎适用于每一个人。


Classic song - 经典歌曲

Repeating throughout - 一直重复

Hum the melody - 哼旋律

Kinda stuck in my head - 在我脑海中留下印象

Catchy nursery rhyme - 抓耳的童谣

Randomly played - 随机播放

Hit different - 刺激/震撼

Permission to stop overthinking - 停止过度思考的许可

Trust that things would work out - 相信事情会变好

Warm blanket for my mind - 心灵的温暖毯子

Carry wisdom - 蕴含智慧

Personal motto - 个人座右铭

Broken-hearted people - 伤心的人

Stop overthinking - 停止过度思考

Handling life's messy moments - 应对生活中的混乱时刻







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