2月22日托福考情 直接押中三篇原题!太不可思议了!



R 1

Life on Mars (8B原题重现)

R 2

Nile Flood(真题班第二套第二篇原题)

R 3

Equestrian Portraits in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries

R 4

Moon Origins


Fishing,Farming,and the Rise of Civilization in Peru





R 6

Dutch Art and the Middle Class (2025购置新题原题

R 7



C 1

C1 Alice Parker与大学剧院经理Mr.Anderson讨论了莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》剧目排练的安排。首先,Alice提到她的排练时间与舞蹈团的排练时间冲突,Mr. Anderson解释是由于排练软件的故障导致剧院双重预订,建议Alice将排练移到一个较小的剧场。接着,Alice讨论了剧目的技术需求,包括布景、灯光和音效等。她提到在剧中出现哈姆雷特父王鬼魂的场景,并提出用雾霾材料和特殊灯光效果来实现效果。Mr. Anderson建议她与技术总监Ms.Cruz进一步讨论,Ms.Cruz会提供更多的技术细节,并建议Alice与服装设计师Margaret Jackson沟通。Alice还提到剧中的场景涉及乡间的户外和城堡的石墙,但由于预算有限,她担心布景费用问题。MrAnderson解释说,Ms.Cruz可能会建议使用背景画布代替实际的建筑物,以节省成本。最后,Alice决定前往剧院继续与Ms.Cruz讨论,期待排练的开始。


L 1


L2 Stonehenge

L3 地球大气层主要由氮气和氧气组成,其中氮气占约78%,氧气占21%。氮气化学性质稳定,对大气影响不大,而氧气容易与其他元素反应,因此需要不断补充。物、树木以及海洋中的微生物通过光合作用释放氧气,这是地球氧气来源的主要方式。地球在约45亿年前形成初期,大气层中氧气含量非常低。早期的氧气主要通过紫外线作用分解水分子产生,但这种反应不足以氧化大气。约25亿年前,海洋中的微生物开始进行光合作用,显著增加了大气中的氧气含量。然而,大气氧气的波动也与有机物的埋藏有关。约5亿年前寒武纪时期,大量有机碳在海底沉积,减少了氧气与有机碳的反应,进一步推动了氧气的积累。后来,碳时期陆地植物的出现进一步增加了大气中的氧气水平。尽管如此,氧气水平在随后的地质时期有所下降,甚至降至今天水平的一半。此外,埋藏的有机物转化为化石燃料,如煤和石油,但这些资源的开采速度远超其自然再生速度,因此被视为不可再生资源,

C1 part time job,一个marketing专业的学生去学校就业中心找老师问有没有适合她的兼职。然后老师说问她有没有看网站,学生说网站上的工作都太普通了,没有和她专业相符合的,并说自己有一段帮亲戚家公司销售的经历。老师推荐了一个Titan?公司的饮料推广职位,相当于该公司的校园大使。学生说自己需要了解饮料的成分是否真的对运动员有用。老师说这个职位和销售不一样需要很energetic,和校内组织打好关系等等


L1 天文学,与小行星和木星有关

L2 生态学,一个mammal物种的灭绝有两个原因,一个是因为气候变化造成的全球变暖,一个是因为人类migrate到这个物种的栖息地,对这个物种进行了hunting,老师最后说,两个都对,所以现在的不应该继续争论,应该focus在别的事情上。

L4 ancient history,说到一开始是认为M城邦因为气候变化导致农业变化灭亡,但是又发现这和建筑的损毁对不上。后面提到一个什么complex theory,再研究发现是因为M城邦建造了太多人文奇观,建造这些人文奇观需要劳工守卫领导者啥的,反正导致不从事农业生产的人太多,后面农民暴动摧毁了建筑。中间有一段讲到了采集了个什么 data,通过 computer program模拟消亡数据什么的,最后确认是两个原因都有涉及到。


TASK 1独立口语题

Task 1:(套一)

When meeting problems in your daily life, would you like to solve the problem such as conflicts between friends in a humorous way, or would you like to solve it in a serious way? Use specific examples and details in your response.

Task 1:(套二)

Some people think that students learn better through the process of playing educational games in groups in the classroom. Others think that playing games is not a good use of classroom time. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.

Task 1:(套三)

Some people prefer to go to gym every day, while some people prefer to go when they have free time, which do you prefer and why?

TASK 2校园题

Task 2:(套一)

Reading: Cancel the writing center’s walk-in service.

Listening: Opposition: 1. Reduce the number of tutors. 2. If canceled, when students have last-minute issues, there will be no one available to ask.

Task 2:(套二)

Reading: Students majoring in Environmental Science are going to participate in an Arctic program.

Listening: Disagreement.

Task 2:(套三)

Reading: The students believe that the campus newspaper should only hire journalism majors, as this would be more beneficial for them. They could have more articles published because they have already written some as part of their assignments.

Listening: The male student, who is an editor at the newspaper, disagrees. He argues that students from other majors are also interested, and he himself is studying history and might pursue a career in journalism in the future. He points out that publishing articles involves a lot of processes, and due to time constraints, it’s not possible to review more submissions.

TASK 3学术讲座题

Task 3:(套一)

Reading: People decide their behavior based on cost/profit.

Listening: In a parking lot, a car’s headlights are left on. If the car door is open, passersby will help turn off the headlights. However, if the car door is closed, people will ignore it.

Task 3:(套二)

Reading: Find consumers who meet expectations and invite them to appear in the advertisement.

Listening: The health bar targets young working women. The business found a young woman and featured her in an ad showing her eating the restaurant’s food before exercising. The ad was very successful.

Task 3:(套三)

Trial offer: Customers can get the product through phone or online, and after using it for a period of time, they can decide whether to purchase it. If they choose not to buy, they can return it.

The professor shared a personal example. He saw an arm exercise equipment advertisement on TV, claiming that using it would make one’s arms stronger, and that the results were very good. There was a phone number provided at the bottom of the ad. The professor wasn’t sure about the effectiveness, so he didn’t buy it. A few days later, the same product’s ad appeared again. This time, in addition to the phone number, it mentioned that customers could place an order, try it for a month, and if the results weren’t satisfactory, they could return it. If they were happy with the results, they could pay. The professor thought that since he could return it without any loss even if it didn’t work, he went ahead and ordered it. After using it, he found it worked well, so he decided to buy it.

TASK 4 学术讲座题

Task 4(2套)


The professor explains two marketing strategies a small business with a limited budget can use:

1. Narrowing the advertising scope and targeting the right audience

Example: A music store can place ads in social media sections or forums related to music, effectively reaching its target audience at the lowest cost.

2. Collaboration

Example: The music store can collaborate with local music schools for joint promotional activities, helping each business attract customers. This partnership effectively expands influence and saves resources.


Soft-shelled eggs are a special type of egg with a soft and highly permeable shell. This structure helps maintain moisture inside the egg, providing a suitable environment for embryo development.


Frogs: Frog eggs are usually encased in a gelatinous substance, and they lack a hard shell. Instead, they are protected by a soft membrane, which helps keep the eggs moist in water and facilitates necessary oxygen and water exchange for the developing embryos.

Snakes: Many snake species, such as those from the racer snakes and water snakes family, lay soft-shelled eggs. Their shells are soft and elastic, able to adapt to different environmental conditions while maintaining moisture inside the egg to ensure proper embryo development.



Boththe reading and listening are talking about three ways to eliminate velvet trees in Hawaii.The lecturer disagrees with the reading, suggesting all the methods mentioned are flawed.

First, the reading asserts that velvet treescan be directly reduced through manual removal, thereby achieving the goal of eliminating themHowever, according to the lecturer,after the trees are removed, there will be abundant sunlight, which can cause the seeds to germinate. The areas previously shaded by the tree canopies will receive a large amount of sunlight which provides favorable conditions for the tree seeds already present in the soil

Second, the reading suggests introducing a certain type of fungus, a natural enemy of the velvet tree, to serve as biological control. Nevertheless, the lecturer argues that the fungus cannot infect the trees in Hawaii, where occasional droughts occur. The survival and spread of this fungus require specific environmental conditions such as humidity. In arid environments, the fungus has difficulty surviving and reproducing, thus being unable to effectively infect velvet trees.

Lastly, the reading suggests restricting people's behavior of spreading seeds, prevent people from carrying and dispersing seeds around. In contrast,human activities are only one of the reasons for seed dispersal. Animals like birds can also spread the seeds. They consume the seeds and then fly away with them. Since they can fly to many places, the seeds will still be scattered. Due to the wide - ranging activities of birds, they can reach areas where human intervention is difficult.Therefore, preventing humans from spreading seeds cannot completely stop the spread of tree seeds,







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