3月1日托福考情 托福原题比例大幅提升!




套 1



















套 2

The Nile River Valley 尼罗河



















C 1


C 2

library的data base暂停使用 无法搜索journal

C 3


C 4

music class preapproval学术类 音乐课报名要求

C 5

university tour guide生活类 实习场景

C 6

关于 climate change的课题

C 7

和学校的工作人员约rehearsal place for audition of summer internship6. biology professor聊marine life 讲了蓝鲸为啥比恐龙还大

C 8

在这段对话中,一名学生向校园邮件室经理反映他收到了一本错误送到的杂志。经理查看后确认是送错了地址,并表示会处理,但由于本周人手不足,可能需要一些时间。学生得知邮件室的全职学生助理Ji Bradford正在休假,直到下周一才会回来。学生表示认识J,曾在上学期的英语文学课上与她一起上课。



C 9

一个工作面试 大概讲了面试官的工作经历和对于面试者的要求

C 10


C 11

社团要和student government association合作收衣服

L 1


L 2

天文 free floating star

L 3


L 4


L 5


L 6


L 7

cow boy poems

L 8

中美洲与南美洲 交易 制作工艺品

L 9

(真题库原题)儿童阅读教育,一开始是说孩子们的阅读分数下降 然后研究调查说老师们大声朗读对孩子们的学习和认知有益。

L 10

online shops对于小众商品的好处

L 11



TASK 1独立口语题

Task 1:(套一)

Some people like reading electronic books on computers or on other devices, while some people like reading paper books. Which do you prefer?

Task 1:(套二)

When traveling, some people like to keep a record of their experiences——for example, by keeping a journal or by taking pictures. Other people prefer not to keep such records when traveling. Which do you prefer and why?

Task 1:(套三)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: governments should invest money to art museum.

TASK 2校园题

Task 2:(套一)

- Reading: Exercise Videos on Gym Web Page

University should create some videos of the instructors teaching exerciseclasses and post them on the gym’s Web page.

1.busy Ss can have access to the videos on computers, fit in exercise moves when convenient

2.otherclasses Xtoo crowded

- Listening:

Woman agrees

1.They will have time to do other things such as yoga

2.many Ss go to the gym, they can have other options

Task 2:(套二)

- Reading

set up online tutoring system

- 听力


1. busy during daytime, because of part-time jobs and assignments.freeat night

2. Students live far from the school, so they are willing to join online program.

Task 2:(套三)

- Reading

The "Welcome to Campus" App

1. many orientation materials, beneficial to students

2. cancel some orientation sessions

- Listening

Woman partly agrees

1.the app is user-friendly, she once couldn’t find some building, then a student told her to download this app which was very helpful

2. but join sessions in person, students can make friends, so shouldn’t cancel the session.

TASK 3学术讲座题

Task 3:(套一)

- Reading:If a business has positive social impact, it will receive benefits

- Listening:

coffee shop, used plastic cups, then used recycled material. meanwhile required customersto bring their cups, then, they can get discount. finally,coffee shopbecame popular.

Task 3:(套二)

- Reading:

Vertical migration

Marine animals move up and down in the ocean to avoid predators and obtain food at the same time.

- Listening

There is a type of fish that stays at the bottom of the ocean during the day. It is dark there and it feels safe. At night, it swims to the surface area to get more food while remaining undetected by predators.

Task 3:(套三)

- Reading:

Animals that live in groups feel safer when staying with group members.

- Listening:

Take the example of a pig. When a wild pig is kept in a separate room, it is monitored that the pig's hormones will soar due to nervousness. When it is put together with its companions, it becomes less nervous.

TASK 4 学术讲座题

Task 4:(套一)

2 ways that animals protect themselves while sleeping

1. pay attention to environmental factor

Eg.lizard, stay on branch, when predatorapproach, lizardescape.

2. sleep while staying active

Eg. duck. While sleeping, keep one eye open. When predators come, ducks will drive them away.

Task 4(套二)

2 drawbacks of incentive pay

1. People who get rewarded are not those who contribute.

Eg. In a computer store, one employee introduces the product to customers. Then, the customer buys the computer the next day. The other employee gets rewards.

2. Cause negative competition

Eg. To earn the incentive, senior employees may not want to teach new employees useful skills.

Task 4:(套三)

2 strategies that help small businesses

1. promote specifically to target customers

Eg. music store only advertises on music social media, so it can attract people who are into music, like musicians

2. join business

Eg. music store can cooperate with music school.



Cypress knees are unusual growths that stick up from the water around cypress trees. The reading claims that the unusual structures known as cypress knees serve three functions such as oxygen absorption, providing additional stability, and facilitating methane release. However, the lecturer disagrees with each of these proposed functions based on scientific evidence.

First, the passage mentions that cypress knees may help the trees' roots absorb oxygen, especially important in the low-oxygen soil of their watery habitats. In contrast, the listening demonstrates an opposing argument that cypress knees do not absorb oxygen. To be more specific, experiments reported in the lecture involved placing knees in a container filled with oxygen, where no change in oxygen content was observed, indicating that the knees do not function in oxygen absorption.

In addition, the author states that knees could provide additional stability to cypress trees, helping them stand firmly in soft, wet soil. Conversely, the lecturer asserts that the knees do not contribute to the stability of the trees. According to the listening material, the structural roots that provide stability are vertical, whereas the knees grow horizontally and therefore do not aid in stabilizing the tree. This directly challenges the reading's claim about the knees providing additional support.

Last but not least, the article suggests that knees may release methane gas from the trees' roots into the air, supported by the detection of methane above the knees. However, the speaker doubts this function and points out that methane, while useless to the trees, does not harm them, so there is no evolutionary pressure for trees to develop a feature to release it. Moreover, the listening material mentions that many tiny organisms on the roots can expel methane, further suggesting that the knees are not needed for methane release.





“Ashen Light” is a yellowish golden glow from the nightside surface of the planet Venus, reported by high-powered telescopes occasionally. However, scientists have not determined its source yet. The reading passage proposes three theories to explain Ashen Light, but the lecturer disagrees with the reading and believes that all the theories the reading proposes have problems.

To begin with, the passage mentions that the glow on Venus is due to chemical reactions in its atmosphere, which are triggered by the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation. This radiation can produce highly reactive oxygen atoms that tend to combine into oxygen molecules, releasing energy as weak light. If these reactions happen on a large enough scale, the light would be visible from Earth. On the contrary, the listening material demonstrates the opposite idea that the chemical reactions on Venus would probably not cause the Ashen Light. When free oxygen atoms combine to form a double oxygen molecule, they would give off light in the green part of the color spectrum. However, most observations of Ashen Light gave off yellow or golden lights.

In addition, the author states that Ashn Light is the result of violent lightning storms on Venus. The conditions in Venus, featuring a dense atmosphere and thick cloud cover, enable the planet prone to intense lightning storms, which would cause frequent lightning flashes and generate a yellowish glow. In contrast, the lecturer asserts that the lightning storms on the night side of Venus are too weak to cause Ashen Light. To be more specific, lightning storms mentioned in the reading mostly took place on the day side of Venus, but Ashen Light has been reported from the night side of the planet. Thus, the author is heavily challenged by the lecture again.

Last but not least, the article suggests that Ashen Light could be an observational illusion caused by flaws in the telescopes or by atmospheric conditions. To be more specific, telescopes are complex, and small flaws in their design can create artificial optical impressions. Moreover, observers may mistake light distortions from Earth’s atmosphere for space events. However, the speaker is suspicious of the article and asserts that Ashen Light is a real phenomenon on Venus. This is because Ashen Light is often observed by different telescopes in different locations simultaneously. Therefore, the phenomenon is impossibly caused by flaws in telescopes or local atmospheric conditions.





Scientists have long been intrigued by the phenomenon of play behavior in animals, seeking to understand the underlying reasons and benefits of such activities. The reading claims that animals play for three main reasons: to expend surplus energy, to practice essential survival skills, and to develop social bonds. However, the lecturer disagrees with the reading and believes that these reasons do not fully explain why animals engage in play, providing evidence that challenges each of the claims made in the reading.

Firstly, the reading suggests that animals play to utilize surplus energy that cannot be stored, making play a necessary activity for energy management. However, the lecture challenges this idea by mentioning observations of young seals who continue to play even when they have low energy reserves during periods when their mothers are away hunting. This indicates that play does not necessarily correlate with the need to expend surplus energy.

Secondly, the reading argues that play serves as instinctual practice for vital survival skills, such as hunting. It cites examples of animals like wolves who play in ways that mimic hunting behaviors. In contrast, the lecture presents a study where two groups of cats were observed: one group engaged in play that simulated hunting and the other did not. The results showed no significant difference in hunting skills as they grew older, suggesting that play may not be as crucial for developing hunting skills as the reading implies.

Lastly, the reading claims that play helps animals develop social bonds, using the example of rats that release pleasure-inducing chemicals in their brains during play. However, the lecture refutes this by noting that rats continue to develop social skills even after they have passed the age at which they typically engage in play. This observation suggests that the ability to develop social relationships is not exclusively dependent on play.






  • 阅读&听力:基础水平较好
  • 口语&写作:能够输出、速度快
  • 词汇:词汇丰富,使用灵活


  • 语法基础弱,输出质量不足(阅读+口语+写作)
  • 思路发散性强
  • 对于解题技巧不熟悉


  • 前期夯实语法理论基础,提高语感
  • 通过4项练习,定位发散方向
  • 掌握题型,提高应试技巧
  • 备考周期:1-1.5年



  • 有一定的语法理论基础,
  • 词汇量掌握较好
  • 输出项目结构思路不错
  • 了解一定解题技巧


  • 输入项目水平不错,但仍需加强,
  • 有一定输出、速度和质量但不够
  • 词汇有,文中使用需要加强


  • 前期提高输入:听力+阅读
  • 多进行输出练习,多说多写
  • 熟练应用所背词汇,精准使用
  • 备考周期:1-1.5年









  • 时间不易过长
  • 错题复盘
  • 模考刷题
  • 消除顽疾





2025年CCC 加拿大化学思维挑战竞赛报名已开启!附有竞赛时间以及备考攻略


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