托福综合写作精讲 | tpo75-治理海星泛滥




托福综合写作精讲·第23期 | tpo75-治理海星泛滥


托福综合写作精讲·第23期 | tpo75-治理海星泛滥


The reading passage points out there are three way to curb the spread of invasive Northen Pacific sea stars. However, the lecture challenges all the three methods.

Firstly, the reading passage proposes using quicklime as a poison to reduce sea star populations. However, the professor from the lecture believes it is not effective because it harms native sea stars that are critical to maintaining their local ecosystems. After the invasive sea stars are killed by quicklime, when native sea stars move into the area, they would suffer from the quicklime which can stay active for a long time once introduced and die.

Secondly, the lecture also claims introducing parasites that attack the reproductive system of male Northern Pacific sea star, mentioned in the reading, is not a reliable method because male sea stars infected with parasites can still fertilize the eggs of females, and a single female can produce up to 20 million eggs. It is unlikely that introducing parasites into habitats where Northern Pacific sea stars have invaded will have much impact on their population.

Finally, the reading passage argues that sterilizing the ballast water of ships is likely to prevent the spread of Northern Pacific sea stars. However, the lecture also casts doubt on it either, because sea stars can attach themselves to objects around them, such as small boats or fishing equipment, besides ballast water. The lecture suggests that the spread of Northern Pacific sea stars is likely to conintue even if ships sterilize their ballast water.





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