Your professor is teaching a class onparenting. Write a post responding to the professor'squestion.
In your response, you should do the following.–Express and support your opinion.–Make a contributionto the discussion in your own words.An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Dr. Achebe
Let's continue talking about consumer behavior. We have been discussing different wayspeople go about choosing what products to buy, and there are many potential sources ofinformation and advice for consumers. In your opinion, which is the better strategy formaking purchasing decisions, relying on advice from friends and family, or depending oninformation from online sources? Why?
Asking friends and family members for product recommendations might seem like an easieroption, but it might take too much time to get all the information you need. An internetsearch would be much more efficient. There are many consumer magazines available onlinethat compile lots of data to compare the advantages and disadvantages of one productversus another.
The last time I bought a computer, I just watched a few videos online to make a decision, andnow I regret that. My friends could have advised me better because they know my preferences and the kind of features that I am interested in. Consumers should get advice from the people around them to find the most suitable products.
Your professor is teaching a class onenvironmentalsociology. Write a postresponding to theprofessor's question.
In your response, you should do the following.–Express and support your opinion.–Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Dr. Gupta
We are looking this week at different ways businesses market their products and services,especially nontraditional methods. One thing that marketers pay close attention to is onlinereviews of their products. A business might include customer reviews on their website orcarefully monitor the reviews on third-party sites. I would like you to discuss your ownexperiences with online reviews. Do you find them useful when deciding whether or not tobuy a product or service? Why or why not?
I think online reviews are a great source of information because they are written byordinarycustomers who are like me. For instance, when I read a restaurant review by professionalfood critics, I'm not interested in some of the details that are included, like how the food isprepared. I'm more interested in aspects like the quality of the food and the service, whichregular customers usually comment on.
To me, online reviews have some real problems. First people are more likely to post reviewsafter a bad experience than after a good one. As a result, what you read is often weightedtoward the negative. Also, you have no way of knowing whether reviewers know what theyare talking about or even if they actually bought and used the product they are reviewing
1. Some people like to keep old objects with them while others throw old stuff away. Which do you prefer? Why?
2. Do you agree with the following statement? To become successful at a sport, a person's talent is more important than his or her hard work.
3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: if children play sports a lot, they will be aggressive in life.