👉托福写作·冲刺刷题团【随到随学】| 老师手把手带你刷题!
开头段:阅读提到了3个理论theories advanced by历史学家们about古埃及王国collapse的。但是,听力认为这些理论都有问题problem。
1:阅读认为the revolt of the governors 导致了王国的崩溃。听力提供了新的信息来质疑challenge这个理论。因为有substantial rewards 给for loyal governors. 所以,即使even if they revolted, governors would not have had too much to gain. In any cases, 有中央army能could crush governors who 想要tried to revolt.
2: A second theory concerns changes in rainfall and their probable effect on Egypt's food supply. 但是听力指出了其中的问题,那份documents来自region is east to Egypt, 跟古埃及有着has不同的weather systems. 所以有可能那个地方是it might have been a drought,但是古埃及还是有had 很多降雨。
3: A third theory is that the collapse was caused by a fight over succession to the throne of the Old Kingdom. 但是,听力认为这个理论is not believable, 因为有similar cases,并没有导致崩溃. 毕竟,the last major Pharaoh 并不是was not the only long living Pharaoh. 还曾经有一个不同的Pharaoh, 活到96岁,也留下儿子争夺王位.
Doctor Diaz:Long school breaks offer students a valuable opportunity to rest and recharge. However, some educators believe that schools should assign work during these breaks to help students stay engaged with theilstudies and retain knowledge, What do you think? Should schools assign homework during long school breaks?
Kelly:I think schools should assian some homework during long breaks. but itshould be work that interests students and isn't boring. This way students can stay engaged and reinforce what they've learned withoutfeeling overwhelmed, This keeps learning fun while still helping themretain important knowledge durina the break.Andrew:I don't think schools should assign homework during long breaksbecause if students run into problems, they won't have access toteachers for help lf a student is struggling with a math problem andhas no one to explain it, they might waste a lot of time without learninganything.
西一. 这道题重复了24年8月17日题目。难度中等。
(2). 可行的分论点:
- 巩固之前学习印象.solidify/consolidate
- 有利于让假期更有意义Instructive. 比如让学生去做一些参观博物馆,制作一些小的工艺品…
- 不利于学生放松。学生都已经学了一个学期了,已经很累了。还要做作业,就无法好好放松。比如家人本来安排了长途旅行,结果因为要完成作业,所以玩得不开心/放弃了旅行。
- 给父母增加了负担。老师布置的一些任务,比如参观博物馆等,都需要父母带领。而父母没有假期,就需要请假….
In agreement with Claire’s perspective, I firmly believe that teachers should assign homework during long breaks to make these periods more instructive and beneficial, particularly for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Without structured activities, students might waste their valuable time on unproductive entertainment. For instance, boys might spend entire vacations playing video games in isolation, while girls could become absorbed in browsing YouTube or TikTok, following celebrity news. These activities contribute little to their development.
This is where thoughtful assignments can make a significant impact. Teachers, with their deep understanding of educational content and student development, can design meaningful projects that not only engage students but also enrich their learning experience. For example, my high school teacher once assigned us to document the growth of a puppy through daily journal entries. This task was so captivating that I eagerly attended to my dog each day, noting every detail. It not only expanded my knowledge of animals but also fostered a sense of responsibility.
Therefore, it is prudent and responsible for teachers to assign tasks during long breaks, ensuring that students use their time productively.
3)P和M都居住在澳大利亚,M在和P的competition中不能successful to survive
教授:All governments must make difficult decisionsabout how to spend their money and whichprojects to prioritize in place of others. Forexample, some governments have programs thatfocus on space exploration.
They spend greatsums of money to train astronauts and buildspacecraft that can travel beyond Earth'satmosphere. Do you think that space explorationis a good use of a government's money andresources? Why or why not?Kelly:I don't think that governments should fund space exploration because it will be too costly to build spaceships and develop related technologies.
Though space exploration tech costs billions, it doesn't offer direct benefits to most people, which makes its funding a controversial issue.
Andrew:University education is a superior choice due to its comprehensive and specialized nature. While certification programs offer quick training, universities provide a more in-depth understanding of a subject. They encourage critical thinking, research skills, and a broader knowledge base. University degrees often lead to higher earning potential and career opportunities.
(1). 这道题重复了刚考过的25年3月1日的原题。这道题的考题分析老师在公众号里第一时间推送过,看过的老师公众号的同学应该幸运了。
(2). 审题注意点:
1.Do you think that governments should fund space exploration? Why or why not?比较传统的利弊题型。
2. government fund:联系团里讲解的政府投资思路/语料。
👩🏻🏫:这个题目从正面去写space travel的内容,需要有大量的知识储备,反而从政府角度会容易一些。
3. space travel:满足人类的好奇心。
4. space exploration:比如探索金星,火星上是否有生命,他们是如何变成现在这样的。是否有人类需要的资源:能源,空间资源。人类是否可以移民过去….
I agree with Kelly's perspective that governments should not allocate funds to space exploration.First, these ventures require massive financial investment, often running into billions, which would unduly strain a government's budget.For instance,developing a single advanced spaceship involves the collective expertise of numerous scientists, engineers, and builders, working for years and requiring highly specialized equipment and materials.
Second, the issue of budget constraints.Governments operateon limited budgetsand mustprioritize sectorsthat directly impact the well-being of their citizens,such as education, healthcare, and environmental protection. Allocating significant funds to space projects would inevitably mean reducing investment in these critical areas. This would have real-life implications;for instance,underfunded educational systems could affect the future prospects of young people relying on student loans, and insufficient healthcare could endanger the lives of vulnerable populations.
In conclusion, although space exploration is an exciting endeavor, it should not be a priority for government funding, given the immediate needs and financial constraints faced by most nations.Therefore, it is prudent for governments to defer such ambitious projects until more urgent needs are met.
金星上的Ashen Light形成的三种理论
1. 原文:太阳紫外线和金星大气层反应,一个氧原子形成两个氧原子的时候会产生这种光 听力:这种化学反应观测到的光应该是yellow或golden而不是观测到的green;
2. 原文:可能是storm产生的闪电;听力:storm多聚集在进行的day-side,但是观测到的Ashen Light在night-side,而且storm太weak不足以形成Ashen Light;
3. 原文:可能是望远镜有flaw,听力:很多天文学家在不同的地方用不同望远镜都看到Ashen Light了,不可能是望远镜的问题)
教授:人们更愿意选择place to live的地方去工作, 还是work environment好的公司工作。Claire暂缺Paul暂缺审题注意点:(1). 这道题应该是道新题。不过还需要同学们更精准地回忆。 希望考到的同学在下方留言区回忆,帮助老师校准题目哦。
(2). 审题注意点:
1. 这是一道关于,选择工作,的选择题。 难度系数中等。
2. work environment好:题目中应该对此进行了定义,因为“ work environment好”包含了很多方面:比如工作设备,公司文化,薪资待遇等等。
- 有利于工作职业发展。比如一个好的公司可以提供更多的培训,晋升机会等。虽然这些公司位于大城市,比如上海,硅谷,香港,房租等虽然高,但是薪水和发展很多,吸引了很多人去。
- 有利于提升工作满意度。比如,公司比较自由,尊重年轻人,不加班,也会提升工作满意度 job satisfaction.
3. place to live:应该指的是“方便生活”的地方工作。这里同学回忆不够清晰,应该指的的是: 居住环境(比如设施齐全的小区),生活质量,舒适感,生活成本等。
- 有利于生活幸福。比如很多人喜欢住在温暖的沿海城市,比如厦门,三亚等。