

题目:Some argue that the spread of multinational companies and the resulting increase of globalization produce positive effects for everyone. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

开头段:Nowadays, more companies are establishing branches all over the world. Some people believe that the globalization as a result of this trend might cause potential harm for people in different nations because it would make it easier for dumping products to other countries. However, from my perspective, the improved economic development as well as encouraged international communication arising from globalization can contribute to substantial advance in living quality of citizens on Earth, boosting the advance in academic and pollical fields.

主体段1:Admittedly, globalization would lead to a reduction in the trade protection policies which involves cutting down tariff or reducing limitations for importing goods and this would inevitably causing surplus or deficit of trade, in turn, benefiting those countries which produce high added value products but damaging those which import high amounts of commodities as their local industry development would be obstructed. Nevertheless, the positive impact of increased multinational company cannot be ignored considering the enhanced collaboration between countries and the greater efficiency of production as a result of the better allocation of tasks for manufacturing goods. More specifically, different countries have varied leading industries, so they can focus on different stages within producing consumer goods. For example, countries with abundant metal resources can concentrate on smelting and producing metal with high quality and relatively low price. By achieving a higher cost-effectiveness, price of products would be reduced, which stimulates purchase of customers, thus, leading to economic development worldwide. Therefore, as more products of improved functions while maintaining reasonable price available, people can enjoy a higher living quality.

主体段2:Furthermore, stronger economic activities between nations offers more chance for communication on both academic and political level. Not only can the cutting-edge technologies and theories be shared more freely, but also it allows the cooperation between researchers, utilizing the combined abilities and knowledge so greater contributions can be made. As for diplomacy, improved relationship between countries reduces the difficulty in reaching consensus and signing agreements, especially in urgent issues such as environmental preservation. Thus, it can be deduced that globalization is beneficial for the harmony of international community.

结尾段:In conclusion, establishment of stronger economical bonding of different countries can bring better material condition for all the citizens around the globe with the leap in economic development and the concordant relationship constructed within nations.


1、任务完成度(Task Achievement):


1. 辩证思维的完美平衡

先让步承认全球化可能导致贸易逆差("reducing limitations for importing goods... damaging local industry"),再通过"分工提升性价比"("countries with abundant metal resources can concentrate on smelting")进行有力反驳,展现批判性思维的高阶能力。


2. 具象化的例证能力

用"金属资源国专注冶炼"案例替代泛泛而谈,体现具体场景思维(specific scenario thinking)。


3. 主题升华的战略高度

将经济发展与"国际和谐"("harmony of international community")绑定,呼应"everyone"的广泛受益,展现宏大格局。


2、连贯与衔接(Coherence & Cohesion)


1. 隐性逻辑链构建第二段通过"reducing trade protection → surplus/deficit → high added value countries benefit"的因果链,替代简单连接词堆砌。

可学习技巧:用"this implies" "as a consequence"等学术化连接词替代"firstly"。

2. 段落间的有机呼应

第三段"academic and political level"与首段"academic and political fields"形成首尾闭环。

可学习技巧:使用"keyword repetition with variation"(如development → growth → progress)。

3. 论证节奏的专业把控



By [方法], [主体] can [动作], leading to [结果], which in turn [影响]."

3、词汇资源(Lexical Resource)


1. 学术语境的精准适配

"cost-effectiveness"(性价比)、"cutting-edge technologies"(尖端技术)等术语体现专业度。


主题 经济类 科技类
全球化 comparative advantage digital collaboration

2. 近义词的创造性替换

"enhanced collaboration"与"cooperation"交替使用,避免重复。

可学习方法:使用Thesaurus.com进行主题词汇拓展,如"communication"可替换为"dialogue", "interaction", "exchange"。

3. 搭配的地道性

"bridge the gap"(缩小差距)、"reach consensus"(达成共识)等高频学术搭配信手拈来。

可学习工具:通过COCA语料库查询"动词+名词"高频组合(如"implement policy", "allocate resources")。

4、语法准确性(Grammatical Range & Accuracy)


1. 复杂句式的自然嵌套

"Not only can the cutting-edge technologies be shared, but also it allows cooperation between researchers"(倒装+并列复合句)。

可学习技巧:每周仿写5个《经济学人》复杂句式,如:"While X may seem Y, Z suggests that..."

2. 非谓语结构的灵活运用

By achieving a higher cost-effectiveness, price of products would be reduced"(分词短语作状语)。


"Through [动作-ing], [主体] can [结果]."*

3. 时态的精准控制

全文以现在时为主,例证部分使用"can concentrate"等情态动词,体现学术客观性。



1. 问题化思维:将题目"positive effects for everyone"转化为"如何通过全球化实现普惠性发展"。

2. 数据化直觉:虽未使用具体数据,但"high added value products"等表述隐含对经济规律的深刻理解。

3. 跨学科视角:将经济学的"比较优势理论"与政治学的"国际合作"结合,展现学术广度。


1. 论证的"钻石结构

定义:观点(Point)→ 解释(Explanation)→ 例证(Example)→ 影响(Impact)


"分工提升效率(P)→ 各国专注优势产业(E)→ 东南亚电子元件制造(E)→ 降低全球电子产品价格(I)"*

2. 学术词汇的"三级跃迁"

初级:solve → 中级:address → 高级:tackle


3. 复杂句的"乐高式构建"


主句(Main Clause)+ 从句(Subordinate Clause)+ 非谓语结构(Participial Phrase)


原句:Governments should invest in education.

升级:*By allocating sufficient funding to public schools, governments can ensure equal access to quality education, which is crucial for reducing social inequality


1. 《经济学人》专栏:"Business"板块的全球化议题文章2. 学术写作神器:

Hemingway Editor:检测句子复杂度


3. 官方语料库:British Academic Written English (BAWE)





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