3月22日托福考情 新题和陈年老题混搭 听力难度破防 写作新题突袭!





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除非我们了解一个群体的规模、密度、年龄分布和生育能力,否则很难理解其社会、政治和经济的诸多方面。在当今世界,大多数国家都会定期进行人口普查,以评估其人口现状并规划未来。在 18 世纪中叶人口普查成为常规程序之前,人口估计和统计是零星且通常不准确的。因此,对过去人口的估计,尤其是对非文字社会人口的估计,是一项高度推测性的活动,其中会用到考古证据以及对农业实践和技术生产力的估计。

误差幅度小于 20% 的最早人口估计大概是在 1750 年。人类人口的历史可以分为两个基本时期:一个漫长的时期——几乎涵盖了整个人类历史——人口增长极为缓慢;另一个非常短暂的时期——大约从 18 世纪中叶至今的 250 年——人口增长极为迅速。在农业发展之前,世界各地以狩猎采集为生的人口大约维持在 500 万到 1000 万之间,如果以现代对这类人群的研究作为参考的话。

大约在公元前 8000 年,当植物和动物被驯化之后,世界人口开始增长得更快,但增长幅度仍不大。尽管农业提供了更稳定和更丰富的食物供应,但人口在村落和城镇的聚集会使人们更容易受到疾病的侵袭,从而减少了人口数量。一些历史学家还认为,定居的农业生活也导致了战争的加剧(因为对土地和水源的争夺)以及社会内部等级分化的加剧。

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直到 1969 年,科学家们还在疑惑月球上是否会发生地震,如果会的话,其地震是否与地球上的地震相似。美国的登月计划给出了答案。从 1969 年 11 月开始,在阿波罗 12 号、14 号、15 号、16 号和 17 号飞船着陆期间,人们在月球上设置了地震台站。


与地球形成鲜明对比的是,数百万年来,月球一直是一个静止不变的天体,没有明显的活火山,也没有地壳分裂的区域。因此,当每个月震仪每年平均检测到 600 至 3000 次月震时,这多少令人感到惊讶。大多数月震都很微弱,里氏震级不到 2 级。月球没有大气层和海洋,这意味着其背景环境极其安静,因此月震仪可以以非常高的放大倍数运行,至少是地球上通常可能的 100 到 1000 倍。

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学生不想吃冷冻蓝莓, 她觉得不健康,但是老师说其实冷冻莓更健康因为采摘第一天就冷冻了反而新鲜的运输到超市好几天过去了。后面说女生想当营养师,老师告诉他营养学分两种去医院当营养师要4年学位型。


how interaction Affect children’s development;学生一开始选的是learning through play 后面 想换话题 因为她去她哥那发现 她说哥小孩看电视的时间太长了突然想一个教育学家的观点 小孩子应该Screen Zero time。就和教授讨论这个为什么 zero screen time 更好,因为这个就给孩子有更多的时间 interact,举了banana 的例子进行对比。


图书馆场景。图书管理员给学生介绍一个校园历史事件educational TV broadcast on campus

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Von Thünen提出的一个理论,解释了农田如何围绕城市分布。冯·杜能发现,农田的使用方式与它距离市场的远近有关。简单来说,越靠近城市的农田,种植的作物越容易腐烂或运输成本高,比如水果、蔬菜和奶制品;而离城市越远的农田,种植的作物运输成本较低,比如谷物和牲畜。冯·杜能用一个简单的模型来说明这一点:中心点代表市场,第一圈是水果、蔬菜和奶制品,因为它们需要快速运输;第二圈是木材等重货;第三圈是谷物,因为它们不易腐烂;最外圈是牲畜养殖场,因为运输成本较低。



森林debris对溪流生态系统的影响。很多人认为是有害,但其实不是这样。第一部分就讲了在溪流的debris有什么类型, 比如说, 不容易容易腐烂的容易在溪流形成dam。学生就问这个其实会对migrating的鱼有影响,教授说不是这样的salmon是有法子跨过,它的影响其实好的。

第一个就是可以让其他的树在这些deris上seedling 汲取营养;第二个就是可以形成 pond 由于deris减少流动到pond 的营养,形成了一个小的生态。


考古学,讲解考古理念的变迁,重点讲的post-processual archaeology,案例是土耳其的Çatalhöyü。Çatalhöyü房子排列很紧密,没有门,人们通过房顶上的洞口进入房间;墙壁上有艺术品,艺术品上有灰;会把祖先埋在房子下面。

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讲soil的形成方式和风化有关;风化分物理和化学:物理风化裂缝的成因有 水里面的温度变化从而结冰,这导致风化裂缝扩大,还有植物的root在里面生长。化学风化裂缝也与气候有关,热带比温带快些,成因是岩石的铁与带氧的水产生锈铁反应,第二是分泌物的反应。最后教授说物理风化和化学风化是相辅相成的。


主要关于natural glass“天然玻璃”,案例有:火山形成的天然玻璃,比如黑曜岩(obsidian),形成过程很快,形成的岩石很锋利;一些藻类(algae)可以产生硅质的结构,例如硅藻(diatoms),形成过程较慢;

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一个学生要去卖他上完课的书,他想要全价卖。因为书很新,但是那个工作人员说:只能半价,因为他卖回来的时间已经超过了policy的dealine 不管他condition新不新,都按半价。然后学生接受了, 又出现了一个问题, 他卖的这本书下学期不用这本书了。所以不能收, 不过她可以去联系分销商看有没有人要。


学术类对话。教授跟学生谈论作业要求和建议,作业是关于保护环境的措施起反作用。学生想写机构树种植园(palm tree plantation)的影响,教授建议说不仅要写cons,还要写pros。

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讲的是一个时期,有一个专门服务欧洲贵族的职业叫做T。他本质是诗人,并且是带有娱乐性质,他还教贵族礼仪。后面做T工作的还涵盖了各个行业的人 然后他们还创造了一个文学被教授认为是浪漫主义的雏形。举了一princess的例子,说与当时大环境不同,他们的主题不是宗教而是爱情。


关于黄金分割比例 golden proportion在design中的应用。


TASK 1独立口语题


Do you think government should be responsible for protecting environment?


Do you agree or disagree with the statement that children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are old enough to do so. Please use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (重复2026年6月26日考题)


If you have a misunderstanding with your friend. do you prefer to talk it out in a public place or in a private place ? (重复2019年6月16日考题)

TASK 2校园题


阅读:学校宣布在春假期间关闭食堂(close the dining hall during spring breaks)。理由如下:理由如下:1、春假期间在校学生数量不多, not enough students to justify the costs. 2、学生可以去当地的餐厅(restaurant)或杂货店(grocery store)获取食物。



1、虽然维持食堂运转确实会产生一定成本(cost),但学校可以采取一些措施。例如,每餐只开放一小时,或者提供有限的菜单(offer limited menu),这样既能满足学生的用餐需求,又能在一定程度上控制成本。

2、选择在春假期间留校的学生通常需要work on big projects,比如撰写论文(write a paper)或做研究(do research)。如果让学生去town center买吃的或者做饭,会非常耗时(time consuming),影响学生集中精力(concentrate)利用这段自由时间(take advantage of the free time)。

In the reading, we know that the school has decided to close the dining hall during spring breaks. First, the school argues that there are not enough students on campus to justify the costs of keeping the dining hall open. Second, they suggest that students can obtain food from local restaurants or grocery stores.

In the conversation, the speaker disagrees with the plan. First, he acknowledges that maintaining the dining hall does incur costs, but he suggests that the school could take measures to minimize these expenses, such as opening the dining hall for just one hour per meal or offering a limited menu. Second, he points out that students who stay on campus during spring break often need to work on important projects, like writing papers or conducting research. Sending them to the town center for food or requiring them to cook can be very time-consuming, which may interfere with their ability to focus and make the most of their free time.


建议extend office hours of the computer repair center。


女生同意:1.Students may encounter equipment failures when writing papers. 例子:她之前上学期有个作业,做到一半突然电脑坏了,然后她去了center但是Center没开门,导致这个作业隔天迟了好久才交,分就很低。

2.Provide part-time opportunities for computer science students. 因为现在在学校他们是没有part time job的,一旦提供这个机会,他们以后找工作都会有经验。

In the letter, the student suggests that the university should extend the office hours of the computer repair center. First, students often encounter equipment failures while writing papers. For example, the female student shares a personal experience from last semester when her computer broke down halfway through an assignment. She went to the center, but it was closed, which resulted in a significant delay in submitting her work and ultimately receiving a lower grade.

Second, extending the office hours would provide part-time opportunities for computer science students. Currently, there are no part-time jobs available for them on campus. By offering this chance, the university would help students gain valuable experience that could benefit them when they seek jobs in the future.


取消Poetry Class

1. Declining enrollment in recent years, so it’s not worthwhile to continue offering them.

2. Students can register for a similar course at a nearby university.


不同意:1. Small size made it more worthwhile, not less. 这种类型的课程班级小的话,学生能够获得更多教授的attention,因为很需要写作的feedback和comments。

2. Pretty hard to get there - takes more than an hour on a bus. 大部分学生也没有车,所以会非常inconvenient。

In the reading, we know that the school has decided to cancel the poetry class. First, they cite declining enrollment in recent years, suggesting that it’s not worthwhile to continue offering the course. Second, they mention that students can register for a similar course at a nearby university.

In the conversation, the speaker disagrees with the plan. First, he argues that the small class size actually makes the course more worthwhile, not less. With fewer students, each one can receive more attention from the professor, which is crucial for getting the feedback and comments needed for writing improvement. Second, he points out that traveling to the nearby university is quite difficult; it takes more than an hour on the bus, and most students don't have cars. This makes it very inconvenient for them to access the alternative course.

TASK 3学术讲座题



Co - branding

两家生产不同产品的公司可以合作,共同创造并营销新产品(two companies that produce different products can work together to create and market new products),这对双方都有益。


2、能够吸引更多顾客(attract more customers)


Example:一家生产运动鞋(athletic shoes)的公司想要推出一款能监测运动数据的鞋,但缺乏相关技术。于是,它与一家科技公司(technology company)合作,设计出了一款产品,该产品能够追踪锻炼情况(track your workouts),并将数据发送到手机或电脑(send data to your cell phone or computer)。结果这款产品非常成功(successful),吸引了大量顾客,既包括对技术感兴趣(attract to the technology)的人,也包括热爱运动(into workout)的人。

The reading passage talks about co-branding, which means two companies that produce different products can collaborate to create and market a new product. This partnership benefits both companies by leveraging their strengths and attracting more customers.

In the lecture, the professor uses an example of an athletic shoe company that wanted to launch a shoe capable of tracking workout data but lacked the necessary technology. To overcome this challenge, the shoe company partnered with a technology company. Together, they designed a shoe that tracks workouts and sends data to a smartphone or computer. This collaboration resulted in a highly successful product that appealed to a wide audience, including both fitness enthusiasts and tech-savvy consumers.

Overall, this example illustrates how co-branding can effectively combine expertise and attract diverse customers.



Adjustable Group Size

the number of group members changes temporarily in response to different types of survival challenges the animals face.




Adjustable group size is the phenomenon where the number of group members changes temporarily in response to different types of survival challenges the animal faces.

In the lecture, the professor used the baboons as an example to explain this concept. When the baboons are resting, they usually gather together in a large group. So when there is a predator like a lion is nearby, there is a really good chance that at least one or two baboons will notice the lion so that they can alert the others. However, if there is just one of them resting, it's going to be easier for the lion to sneak up on them. However, during the day when the baboons are searching for food, they usually separate into smaller groups. This is because they eat the flowers from a tree that usually spread out far apart from each other. So it makes more sense for the baboons to spread out in smaller groups.


Startle Defense




The reading passage discusses startle defense, which refers to a defensive mechanism used by certain animals to create an opportunity for escape when faced with danger. These animals can display startling behaviors or exhibit special physical changes that surprise their predators.

In the lecture, the professor provides the example of a grasshopper. Typically, grasshoppers appear brown and gray, allowing them to blend into their surroundings. However, when threatened, they display bright red colors. This sudden change startles the predator, giving the grasshopper a chance to escape. After the threat passes, the grasshopper returns to its usual brown and gray coloration.

This example illustrates how startle defense can effectively help animals evade predators by using surprise as a means of protection.

TASK 4 学术讲座题

Task 4 -1

The professor talks about the two advantages of the new technique for creating maps of archaeological sites. These innovative methods adopted in the fields related to geographical surveying and archaeology have remarkable advantages compared with traditional methods. These advantages are of great significance for improving the work efficiency of mapping archaeological sites and enhancing the quality of the mapping results. The first advantage is that when creating maps of archaeological sites, this new technique is faster than the traditional ground surveying method. Previously, at an archaeological site in Central America, it took more than 20 years of human power on foot to map the site, and only a small part of it was completed as a result. However, later, by using the above new technique, they mapped the rest of that place (which was huge) in less than a week. The second advantage is that the beam of light can detect some landmarks related to archaeological sites that were not previously mapped. It was still that archaeological team that discovered something buried underground at that place, which hadn't been found during the previous on-foot measurement.

Task 4 -2

The professor elaborates on the two key advantages of data collection. For the first example, consider a camera company. Prior to launching a new camera, it wisely invites professional photographers for product trials. These experts, during their hands - on experience, discover that the camera's flash is overly bright. In practical terms, when shooting at night, this excessive brightness washes out the details, making it nearly impossible to capture well - balanced and ideal photos. This kind of feedback from data collection helps the company identify and potentially fix the issue before mass production. Regarding the second advantage in advertising promotion, when testers have an excellent experience with the camera, they become powerful brand ambassadors. Given their passion for photography, they are likely to share their positive experiences with their peers who also have a keen interest in photography. Through word - of - mouth, more potential customers are informed about the product, thereby significantly increasing the product's market reach and sales potential.

Task 4- 3

The professor discusses two different ways in which the pupil shapes of animals have evolved. Firstly, there are animals with vertical pupils. A good example is snakes. Snakes' eyes are highly specialized for focusing on their prey, like mice. Their vertical pupils can control the amount of light entering the eyes precisely. This allows them to accurately judge the distance to their prey in various lighting conditions, whether it's dimly lit under a rock or in the shade of grass. Secondly, animals such as goats have horizontal pupils. The horizontal shape of goats' pupils gives them a wide field of vision, which is extremely convenient for them to notice dangers approaching from different directions. Since goats are prey animals, being able to detect predators coming from the side, front, or even behind is crucial for their survival. This pupil shape enables them to scan their surroundings effectively and be on high alert at all times.



Topic: 在撒哈拉沙漠发现的陨石是否来自于水星(Mercury)The reading and the listening are arguing about whether the meteorite discovered in the Sahara Desert originated from Mercury. The article claims that the meteorite is from Mercury. However, the lecture challenges it and states that the reasons given to support the author are unconvincing.

First, the reading passage asserts that the color characteristics of the meteorite match those of the substances on Mercury's surface. For example, the specific light shade of the meteorite is similar to what scientists have observed on Mercury through astronomical observations. Yet, the professor casts doubt on it and states that although the meteorite is light - colored, this is not a unique feature of Mercury's substances. In the early formation of the solar system, there were numerous protoplanets, and the meteors formed from their materials after a series of evolutions might also have similar light - colored features.

Second, the article contends that the magnetic characteristics of the meteorite are in line with those of Mercury. The unique magnetic environment of Mercury makes the magnetic properties of the meteorite match the expected ones. Nevertheless, the speaker rebuts it and claims that when determining the origin of a meteorite, the chemical composition of the meteor can provide more accurate and direct information. For instance, analyzing the chemical composition of the meteorite can help determine whether there are fundamental differences between its material composition and that of Mercury, so we cannot rely solely on magnetic characteristics to conclude its origin.

Third, the author states that the velocity conditions of the meteorite meet the requirements for it to break away from Mercury and reach Earth. According to astrophysics principles, the velocity of this meteorite is consistent with the theoretical value for escaping Mercury's gravity. However, the lecturer refutes it and asserts that the velocity of this meteorite is much lower than the required speed to escape Mercury's strong gravitational pull. According to physical laws, such a low speed cannot enable the meteorite to break free from Mercury's gravity.





Topic: The Vikings

The Vikings were medieval Scandinavian seafarers known for raiding, trading, and exploring vast areas around the world. The reading presents three possible reasons why Vikings left Greenland, but the listening disagrees and claims these three reasons all have drawbacks.

First, the reading claims that climate change might have made agricultural production in the colony impossible, leaving the Vikings facing famine. From the 10th to the 15th century, there were certain changes in the global climate. The temperature on Greenland might have dropped, causing the crops that could originally be planted to fail to grow normally due to low temperatures, shortened growing cycles, and other reasons, resulting in a significant reduction in the food supply. However, the listening presents a differing argument that climate change did not affect the Vikings who mainly relied on fishing. Although climate change had an impact on agriculture, when the Vikings were on Greenland, fishing was an important source of food for them. The abundant fishery resources in the surrounding waters of Greenland were relatively less affected by climate change. Even if crop cultivation was difficult, they could still make a living by fishing.

Also, the writer asserts that the Vikings were expelled by other species. It is possible that during this period, other competitive species appeared on Greenland, such as some fierce wild animals that competed with the Vikings for living space or posed a threat to the Vikings' livestock, affecting the Vikings' normal life and forcing them to leave. On the contrary, the speaker suggests that there are signs indicating that the Vikings left in an orderly manner rather than being expelled. If they had been expelled by other species, their departure should have been hasty and chaotic. But judging from the archaeological findings, their departure was somewhat orderly, with items placed relatively neatly and no obvious signs of being violently driven away. Thus, the reading is heavily challenged by the professor.

Finally, the passage says that government restrictions on trade with Europe led to the Vikings' abandonment of the colony. The government at that time might have introduced relevant policies to restrict the trade between the Vikings and the European mainland. The Vikings on Greenland relied on trade with Europe for many of their living supplies, such as metal tools and fabrics. After trade was restricted, supplies became scarce and life became difficult, which might also have prompted them to choose to abandon the colony and return to Europe or go to other places. Nevertheless, the listening casts doubt on this theory by saying that a lot of illegal trade allowed the Vikings to continue living in the colony. Even if the government restricted legal trade, the Vikings actually still had many illegal trade channels through which they could obtain the necessary supplies. Their trade with Europe was not completely interrupted, and they could still obtain the necessary living and production supplies.





Topic: 药物上市前做test有没有必要

The reading and the listening are arguing about whether it is necessary to conduct tests before drugs are put on the market. The article claims that drug tests before market launch are unnecessary. However, the lecture challenges this view and states that the reasons given to support the author are unconvincing.

First, the reading passage asserts that drug testing is prohibitively expensive. The high costs involved in research, development, and clinical trials can be a heavy burden on pharmaceutical companies. Yet, the professor casts doubt on it and states that if drugs are released without sufficient testing, the potential harm to patients could be far more costly. When drugs with severe adverse reactions enter the market, they may cause serious harm to the lives and health of numerous patients, leading to not only human tragedies but also huge economic costs in terms of medical compensation and public health emergencies.

Second, the article contends that the results of drug tests are uncertain. Since the clinical trial environment may not fully replicate the real - world situation, there is doubt about the reliability of the test results. Nevertheless, the speaker rebuts it and claims that despite the differences between the test environment and the real world, drug testing is still the most effective means available to evaluate drug safety and efficacy at present. Without these tests, we would have even less knowledge about how drugs will interact with the human body, making the risks of using drugs even more unpredictable.

Third, the author states that the drug testing process is extremely time - consuming. The long - term nature of clinical trials delays the availability of potentially life - saving drugs for patients. However, the lecturer refutes it and asserts that the time - consuming nature of the testing process is crucial for ensuring patient safety. Rushing drugs to market without adequate testing would turn patients into “guinea pigs,” subjecting them to unforeseen consequences. Taking the time to thoroughly test drugs helps to identify and mitigate potential risks, ultimately protecting the well - being of patients who rely on these medications.









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