
本期我们特别邀请到了机构纪实摄影、社会人类学方向的导师——Jing博士,Jing博士拥有伦敦金史密斯学院摄影与城市文化硕士学位(MA-Photography and Urban Culture, Sociology department, Goldsmiths, University of London),并获得了威斯敏斯特大学社会学博士学位(PhD-Centre for Social Justice Research, Sociology, University of Westminster),全程由威斯敏斯特大学提供全额奖学金资助,并担任社会公平研究中心的博士研究员。

在学术研究方面,Jing博士不仅在学术会议上取得了显著成绩,论文分别入选了2025年夏威夷国际中国学大会(HICCS 2025)和英国社会人类学会(ASA 2025)。此外,Jing博士的研究成果还在Francis Academic Press发表,为相关领域的学术讨论贡献了独到的见解。她的项目还获得了2023年英国女性纪实摄影基金会(Female Documentary Photography Foundation)资助,进一步推动了她在女性纪实摄影领域的研究和创作。

we are pleased to feature Dr. Jing, an expert in documentary photography and social anthropology. Dr. Jing holds a Master's degree in Photography and Urban Culture from Goldsmiths, University of London, and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Westminster, with full scholarship support. Her research has been recognized at major conferences, including the HICCS 2025 and ASA 2025, and her work has been published by Francis Academic Press. Additionally, her project received funding from the Female Documentary Photography Foundation in 2023, further advancing her work in the field of female documentary photography.


Please briefly introduce yourself and your research experience

我硕士毕业于金史密斯学院摄影与城市文化专业,目前是威斯敏斯特大学社会公平研究中心的博士研究员,并获得全额奖学金资助。作为研究者,我主要关注的主题有华语地区性少数群体的生存状况、东亚移民研究、高等教育机构中的非二元性别群体等。我作为职业摄影师参与了TONG Global的学生住房项目,摄影项目多次获得国际奖项如德国汉堡摄影作品集奖;作为艺术编辑,我自2022年起为画廊和杂志供稿,其中包括雅昌艺术、凤凰网等平台。


此外,我擅长跨学科研究,并将视觉方法嵌入社会学以及人类学的研究问题当中,以此来探索视觉方法和研究问题如何相互影响和回应彼此。我的博士项目通过聚焦于中国女性以及非二元性别酷儿,使用自我民族志(Auto-ethnography)、视觉民族志(Visual Ethnography)、焦点小组讨论(Focusing Group)以及影像发声(Photo-voice)的方法来探索酷儿理论的去殖民/后殖民主义框架,并且在此过程中思考酷儿化(queering)方法论的可能性,同时创新一套适用于中国性少数群体研究的道德审查模式。另外,作为一名从事当代摄影实践的艺术家,我被德国汉堡摄影作品集评论奖评为2024年度100位新兴摄影师之一,并获得Urbanautica(视觉人类学以及文化景观杂志旗下奖项)等国际奖项,我的作品在伦敦、上海、杭州、厦门、贵州等地展出。


I hold a Master's degree in Photographyfrom Goldsmiths, University of London, and am currently a PhD researcher at the Centre for Social Justice Research, University of Westminster, with full scholarship support. My research focuses on the living conditions of minority groups in Chinese-speaking regions, East Asian migration, and non-binary gender groups in higher education institutions. As a professional photographer, I participated in the TONG Global student housing project, and my work has won international awards, such as the Hamburg Photography Book Award. Since 2022, I have contributed as an art editor to platforms like Artron and Phoenix Art.

I believe the most important criterion for a research topic is its "timeliness." In social sciences and art, innovation is challenging, and theories are difficult to update or overturn. Thus, we need to invest in other areas, such as methodology and ethical review, which can ultimately become key elements of a research plan's uniqueness.

Additionally, I specialize in interdisciplinary research, incorporating visual methods into sociology and anthropology to explore how these methods and research questions influence and respond to each other. My PhD project focuses on Chinese women and non-binary queer individuals, using auto-ethnography, visual ethnography, focus groups, and photo-voice methods to explore queer theory in a decolonial/postcolonial framework. I also aim to develop an ethical review model suitable for studying sexual minorities in China. As a contemporary artist, I was named one of the "100 Emerging Photographers" by the Hamburg Photography Book Award in 2024 and received international awards from Urbanautica. My works have been exhibited in London, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xiamen, and Guizhou.

Currently, I am working on two projects. One explores the spiritual world of Chinese diasporic queer women, funded by the Female Documentary Photography Foundation and in collaboration with organizations like QueerChinaUK. The other focuses on female workers in the Yangtze River Delta who were impacted by industrial relocation and unemployment in recent years. I am particularly interested in how minority groups' expressions and voices can impact social change, as well as the challenges they face in this process.


Please introduce your supervisor, and your PhDexperience

我受到Fran Martin、包宏伟教授以及Jacques Derrida的启发特别多。Fran Martin对于中国女性留学生的研究启发了我的博士计划;包教授作为中国酷儿研究先驱者以及仍活跃在酷儿研究领域的学者之一为我做酷儿研究增添了信心,同时也启发了我对于酷儿移民、酷儿媒体研究的思考;Jacques Derrida启发了我将视觉方法嵌入酷儿研究之中。

关于申请博士,其实我是到MA快毕业才决定要继续读博的,出于想要继续留在伦敦和不想自费的愿望,选择了给我全奖的威斯敏斯特大学。申请博士的那一年是我的gap year,在那一年中我一边工作一边忙碌着准备申请材料和撰写research proposal,其实十分辛苦,但是也为我能够顺利过渡到博士研究员的身份奠定了很好的基础,作为博士研究员,我们需要掌握平衡教学、研究和其他工作的方法,需要摆脱学生思维,像一个真正的研究者那样思考自己的项目,学会申请funding,学会和同事们合作,学会有效地将知识教授给学生,这是多重身份带来的挑战,但是也十分有趣。


最后谈谈院校,威斯敏斯特大学是一所很多元的大学,在国内的名气虽然比不上其他QS排名前列的学校,但是它独特的地理位置、背靠Quintin Hogg Trust的资金实力和去精英化的教学让它在英国一众大学中脱颖而出,它对于跨学科背景的学生十分友好,同时学校内部每年也有非常多支持学生项目的funding以供申请;它注重实践,对于学生的就业以及未来发展也十分重视,会经常性地组织校园招聘会为学生们提供全方位的就业机会。

I’ve been greatly inspired by Fran Martin, Professor Bao Hongwei, and Jacques Derrida. Fran Martin's research on Chinese female students shaped my PhD plan; Professor Bao’s work in queer studies gave me confidence and inspired my focus on queer immigration and media; and Derrida encouraged me to incorporate visual methods into queer studies.

I decided to pursue my PhD close to finishing my MA. Seeking to stay in London without paying tuition, I chose Westminster University for its full scholarship. During my gap year, I worked while preparing my application and research proposal, which laid a solid foundation for my transition into a PhD researcher. Balancing teaching, research, and other duties as a researcher was challenging but rewarding.

For applicants, my advice is to read widely but also focus on summarizing and refining your ideas. Narrow your research focus early on to avoid getting overwhelmed. This is especially helpful for students with limited work experience.

Westminster University stands out for its diversity, location, and funding opportunities. While not as well-known as other top UK universities, its interdisciplinary approach, practical focus, and commitment to student development make it a great choice.

机构签约博士导师,均通过教育部留服认证、学校phd alumni/candidate profile、和带官邮的research gate或Google Scholar实名认证博士学位,接受学生或家长的监督。

以上就是机构 博士导师的分享。想要申请的小伙伴要开始着手准备啦!希望能帮助到正在申博的同学~







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