

1 定语:大量的(a lot of)很多同学在写作中喜欢用lots of/a lot of,这实际上是个偏口语化的表达,可以用在书信等非正式的场合,但是不宜用在议论文说明文这些正式书面语写作中。


①an abundance of/a multitude of/a host of这一组词偏中性。其中,an abundance of后面接可数或不可数均可。

Large cities boasts an abundance ofemployment opportunities, making them a magnet for the young.大城市有大量的就业机会,这使得大城市很吸引年轻人。

Set againt the substantial benefits of artificial intelligence area host ofpotential risks.跟人工智能的大量好处相对的是大量潜在的风险。

②a wealth of/a treasure trove of这一组词后面接好的事物。a wealth of后面通常接信息、知识、经验。

如:a wealth of valuable knowledge(大量有用的知识) | a wealth of technical experience(丰富的技术经验)。

a treasure trove of表示(贮藏珍宝/知识的)宝藏,宝库,可以用于描述某个地方富含某物,常用作表语中。

如:The internet is a treasure trove of useful information but also a hotbed of rumours.互联网是有用信息的宝库,同时也是谣言的温床。

| Museums,a treasure trove ofancient sculptures, paintings and other forms of art, play an essential role in passing down culture from generation to generation.博物馆是古代雕塑、绘画和其他艺术形式的宝库,对将文化代代相传起重要作用。

③all manner ofall manner of表示各种各样的,强调种类之多,相当于a wide variety of。注意,不要写成了all manners of。

【例句】Being a salesman involves communicating with all manner of people.做销售需要与各类人沟通。(all manner of people=people from all walks of life)

④an avalanche/flood of这组词很有意思,也很好记。avalanche/flood本义都是表示自然灾害:雪崩/洪水,强调一个短时间迅速发生。


如:Since its debut last year, the hit gameBlack Myth: Wukonghas receivedan avalanche/flood ofpraise, both at home and abroad.自从去年发布以来,黑神话悟空这款热门游戏在海内外都获得了大量的好评。

2 动词:大量

①be teeming with/be peppered with/be dotted withbe teeming with一般表示充满移动的人或物。

如:The bustling streets are teeming with vehicles and pedestrians.繁忙的街道充满了车辆和行人。

be peppered with/be dotted with表示表面布满了某物。可以与pepper(胡椒粉)/dot(小点)进行联想记忆。

如:The grassland is peppered/dotted with sheep grazing peacefully.草原上遍布着悠闲吃草的羊群。

②be bombarded with/be inudated with/be swamped with/be overloaded with这组短语主语通常为人,表示接受到太多的某物,以至于不能应付(比如信息),带有一点贬义的色彩。中文有时翻译为“对...应接不暇”。这组短语也可用于主动语态,变成主动语态,主语就成事物了。

Internet users are oftenbombarded withnotifications and useless information, distracting their attention from study or work.互联网用户经常接收到大量的通知和无用信息,分散了他们的注意力。

In an exam-oriented education system, students tend tobe overloaded withknowledge from as early as the elementary school.在应试教育体系中,学生从小学开始通常就被灌输过多的知识。

③be riddled with/be fraught with/be rife with这一组短语用作贬义的语境,表示充满了不好的事物。如:The road to success is always fraught with difficulties and setbacks.成功之路充满荆棘。

| Riddled with disinformation and rumours, the Internet can have a detrimental effect on children, who are unable to distinguish truth from falsehood.互联网充斥着虚假信息和谣言,可能对无法分辨真假的儿童有害。

③abound/be manifoldsth abound表示某物大量存在。如:Reasons for global warmingabound, but several stand out.全球变暖的原因有很多,但是有几个原因格外突出。

abound还可用作abound with/in大量包含,如:Wetland normally abound with wildlife.湿地通常有大量野生动植物。表示某物有很多也可以用Sth are manifold.


如:The benefits of online shoppingare manifold.网购的好处有很多。







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