3.29雅思写作考情解析 题目不难的 小作文table数据居多

Task one:Task 1: The table below gives information about the amount of tax collected (as % of GDP) in five countries for 4years between 1975 and 2005.


1. 整体来说,税收对于GDP的贡献都是在上升的

2. 整体来说,瑞典对于税收的贡献比例比其他几个国家都要高

3. 美国在1975年的税收对GDP的贡献是第二多的,后面被日本超越,和土耳其一样

4. 韩国,日本和土耳其在1975年的时候,比例相似,指导80年代后,三个国家的税收贡献比例上升参考范文:

The table presents data on the percentage of tax revenue collected as a proportion of GDP in five countriesover four years: 1975, 1985, 1995, and 2005.

Overall, Sweden experienced asteadfast(稳定的) andsignificant(显著的) increase in its tax-to-GDP ratio, whereas the USA’s figures remainedrelatively(相对地) stable. The other countries, including Korea, Japan, and Turkey, exhibitedvarying degrees【不同程度】of growth over the period, with Japan seeing the most notable increase among them.

Sweden consistently had the highest percentage of tax revenue, starting at 46% in 1975 and steadily rising to reach 70.1% by 2005. This marked the most substantial growth in the table. In contrast, the USA maintained a relatively stabletax-to-GDP ratio【税收GDP比例】, beginning at 25.1% in 1975 and showing slight fluctuations,culminating【最终达到】at 27.4% in 2005.

Korea and Turkey followed somewhatsimilar patterns【相似的模式】. Korea’s tax revenue sharply increased from 15.1% in 1975 to 27% by 1985, after which it remainedlargely(大体上) unchanged, finishing at 27.3% in 2005. Turkey, initially starting at 16.4% in 1975, experienced a decline to 15% by 1985, but then saw a steady rise to 27.4% in 2005, whichwas equivalent to【和。。相等】the USA's figure for that year.

Japan demonstrated the mostremarkable(显著的) shiftafter Sweden. Beginning at 15% in 1975, its tax revenue increased gradually, peaking at 32.1% in 2005, reflectingasubstantial(大量的) riseover the period.

Task two:应当保护在城市和乡村有历史意义的老建筑,你多大程度上同意和不同意


Agree (同意)

Preservinghistorically significant buildings【有历史意义的建筑】in both urban and rural areas is crucial for maintaining a connection to the past. These buildings serve astangible representations【有形的代表】of a community's heritage andcultural identity, {文化认同}offering future generations a sense of continuity and pride.

Historical architecture embodies uniqueartistic styles【艺术形式】and craftsmanship, {工艺} which can often be irreplaceable. By safeguarding these buildings, we are protecting not just structures, but alsoinvaluable cultural knowledge【无价的文化知识】and creativity, {创造力} which can inspire future generations.

From a tourism perspective, the preservation of historical buildings can be a significant driver for the local economy.Iconic landmarks【标志性的地标】attract visitors, fostering growth in the hospitality and service industries, {服务行业} contributing to the vitality of the community.

Disagree (不同意)

While historical buildings may hold sentimental and cultural value, they often representoutdated【过时的】architectural styles that may no longer meet the needs of modern living.Retaining such buildings【维持这些老建筑】might hinder urban development and the creation of more functional spaces. {功能性空间}

The costs associated withmaintaining and restoring【修复】old buildings can beprohibitively expensive【贵到令人望而却步】. Given limited resources, these funds could potentially be better spent on morepressing issues【紧急问题】, such as education, healthcare, or public infrastructure. {公共基础设施}

In certain cases, preserving old buildings might limit the potential forurban renewal【乡村改造】. Redeveloping an area for modern use could lead to more efficient land usage and better accommodation for a growing population. {土地利用}

Some historic buildings are located in areas prone to natural disasters orother hazards【其他危险】, and their preservation could present safety risks to residents. The high maintenance costs and the potential danger may outweigh the benefits of keeping such structures intact. {潜在危险}







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