新GRE RC解析:商业史和经济史的区别

文本对应LAB GRE模考网站阅读302篇精讲里的XRCP56,可以先做题,再看下面的逐字分析。

Business historians differ from economic historians on the subject of economic markets.


When analyzing economic progress, many economic historians see markets as central and individual businesses as only incidental.


While entrepreneurs may determine the strategics of their businesses, market competition selects the businesses that pursue the most efficient strategies, thereby determining the patterns of business success and failure.


Business historians, by contrast, have traditionally seen firms as much more autonomous and markets as mainly responsive to firms.

by contrast决定了后面讲分歧的B方,可以试着预判。意思:相反,商业史学家传统上认为公司其实要独立自主得多,市场主要只是在被动回应公司。

Until 1980, under the influence of Alfred D. Chandler. Jr., business history focused heavily on the evolution of the modem corporation.


The study of markets was, to some extent, reduced to the study of the marketing activities of large firms—their creation of demand through salesmanship and advertising, and their use of first-mover advantage to gain monopoly power.


Since 1980, however, there has been significant convergence between economic and business history, although a considerable gap remains.


For example, both economic and business historians have examined the history of antitrust, the regulation of utilities, and the evolution of modem financial markets from broadly similar points of view.


1. The author mentions "their use of first-mover advantage to gain monopoly power" most likely to

题目问作者提到先行优势获取垄断权力这种操作的目的。定位到The study of markets was, to some extent, reduced to the study of the marketing activities of large firms—their creation of demand through salesmanship and advertising, and their use of first-mover advantage to gain monopoly power. 破折号就意味着后面在对前面的marketing activities做解释,这句话本身又是具体展开B方的观点,强调跟A方的不同。所以选C

  1. criticize certain business historians for the narrowness of their focusA方向上是说批判,但这句话以及这篇文章作者批判的态度都不是很明显;其次就算有narrowness,跟Climited对应,也不是普遍意义上地批判他们研究狭隘。作者只是说他们在研究市场的时候只关注了特定商业行为,可以说研究市场的时候相对狭隘了,不能说商业史学家总的来说研究就很狭隘。)
  2. show how some firms can gain an unfair advantage over others B说一些公司获得的优势是不公平的,首先作者没有说这算不算公平;其次这不是作者想具体讨论的问题,作者的重点不在公司,而是在说商业史学家如何以公司来研究市场,作者在第二层。)
  3. provide an example of the limited topics related to markets examined by business historians prior to 1980 C说给个例子,例子是关于1980以前的商业医学家研究的跟市场相关的有限话题。首先前一句话就是说1980以前大家的研究状况,所以时间没问题;其次也确实是关于商业史学家,而不是经济史学家,所以主体也没问题;也确实是跟市场研究相关的话题,而且是例子,所以逻辑正确,核心问题有关。唯一可能会犹豫一下的limited这个词,这能对应上focused heavily onreduced to就是研究市场的时候没太管其他的,就只关注了这些活动。)
  4. identify a topic that has become increasingly popular among the newest generation of business historians D说新一波商业史学家对这些话题越来越感兴趣,这反了,这讲的是1980以前的传统,不是新的。本身however后面才讲到新的套路,如果题目问作者为什么要提到对公共事业管理的研究或者反垄断研究,D方向勉强可以。)
  5. point out an area of convergence between business and economic history (类似于D,方向错了。题目问的是先行垄断,还处在商业史和经济史区别的区间。however后面才说了两个领域的重合。)

2. The passage implies which of the following about "the influence of Alfred D. Chandler. Jr."?

题目问关于ADC的影响,文章暗示了什么。定位到Until 1980, under the influence of Alfred D. Chandler. Jr., business history focused heavily on the evolution of the modem corporation. 就是说受他影响,商业史研究公司,又因为前面是说经济史研究市场,前面整个也都是讲两者区别。所以选C

  1. It is now greater among economic historians than it is among business historians. (注意五个选项里的it都只带的是influenceA的意思是这个1980年前在商业史里面很威风的人现在在经济史学家里排面超过了在商业史学家里的,没有这个对比关系。最多只能说现在在商业史里影响没那么大,但未必相应在经济史里影响很大,可能在经济史一直都没什么影响。)
  2. It has led many business historians to examine the history of antitrust and the regulation of utilities. B前面的因果关系没问题,确实是这个人的影响导致商业史学家做了一些事情,但研究的不是选项后面的说的反垄断和公共事业管理,这两者是商业史和经济史后来新的重合领域,而ADC的影响是导致商业史和经济史研究得不同。所以B反了。把选项的the history of antitrust and the regulation of utilities改成their creation of demand through salesmanship and advertising, and their use of first-mover advantage to gain monopoly power. 会更好)
  3. It has been one reason that business history has differed in significant ways from economic history. CADC的影响就是商业史和经济史很大不同的原因之一,首先influence所处的区间就是作者想说两者区别的地方,其次reason这个因果关系有对应,under the influence of Alfred D. Chandler. Jr就是在他的影响之下商业史只研究了一些东西,跟经济史不同。)
  4. It has led recently to a renewed interest among business historians in the history of the modern corporation. (这个人和他的影响属于商业史研究的传统,没讲recently和复苏。)
  5. It has led many economic historians away from an emphasis on markets and more towards an interest in the individual firm. E后面是对的,确实导致一些人不强调市场而强调个体公司,但人错了,是导致business historians,而不是导致economic historians。原文没有说这个人对于经济史学家的影响。)

3. It can be inferred that the economic historians discussed in the passage would probably agree with which of the following regarding the "creation of demand through salesmanship and advertising"? (题目问可以推论出,文章中的经济史学家关于通过推销术和广告创造需求有什么看法?定位到The study of markets was, to some extent, reduced to the study of the marketing activities of large firms—their creation of demand through salesmanship and advertising, and their use of first-mover advantage to gain monopoly power. 因为这句话是在讲跟经济史学家对立的商业史学家的研究焦点,而且恰恰是强调差异的区间,所以经济史学家对这事的态度不会很好。答案是A。具体原因见选项。)

  1. It is not as important to business success as many business historians have tended to think. (文章第一句就是在说双方的不同,后面的展开也能看出不同在于什么才是经济市场上最重要的主体,相应也就是研究时候的关注焦点。经济史学家关注市场本身,但是商业史学家关注个体企业和他们的操作比如推销术,可见经济史学家觉得市场更重要,推销术之类都是小事,所以选A。经济史学家认为,通过推销术和广告创造需求对于商业成功来说没有商业史学家想的那么重要。)
  2. It has not been actively pursued by as many businesses as business historians have tended to think. B方向是对的,也是在否定商业史学家的一些想法。但经济史学家和商业史学家的区别在于什么才是研究的焦点,什么才是经济市场的主要主体,而不在于一个具体的商业活动是多还是少。他们的分歧不在于这个具体行为普遍与否。经济史学家可能觉得就算这些推销术创造需求被企业很大程度上使用了,依然不是关键。)
  3. It has helped some firms gain monopoly power. (垄断权力和推销术是两个平行的例子,原文没有说推销术导致垄断,只说了先行优势可能导致垄断。所以C错在强加因果关系。)
  4. It has led to a number of unfair and deceptive business practices. (原文只说了推销术和广告创造需求,但没说是否会有不公平和欺骗性的结果。)
  5. It would, if adequately studied, shed light on the evolution of modern financial markets. E首先方向上有问题,经济史学家觉得这些东西不重要,但E说这些操作能有启发,所以反了。另外金融市场是最后讲共同点才出现的概念,而题目现在问的是差异部分的事情,所以也无关。)


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