






01、Common App最新7大文书题目全解析

Today I'd like to give you an overview of tackling the Common App essay. The first place to start developing your Common App essay is the list of the Common App Prompts from the website. Let’s begin by going through each prompt for the current application year.

今天我想给大家介绍一下如何应对Common App里面的大学文书,那么要准备写Common App文书,首先咱们逐一来看Common App网站上本申请年度的题目。

The very first prompt is some students have a background identity, interest or talent that is so meaningful. They believe their application would be incomplete without it. If it sounds like you, then please share your story. 


This prompt is open ended,but it is actually one of the most popular. However, you should still choose one topic in detail that is still highly important understanding you, not just share your whole life story or your resume.  Do not choose a topic that is adequately covered in other parts of your application either. 



The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?


This is also very common,but this prompt can actually be tricky because you must be careful to not paint yourself in a negative light. Instead, tell a story of a unique challenge that will ultimately show your positive traits. That means avoiding very common challenges such as dealing with classes that are difficult or learning English or something along those lines. Find something unique,and then make sure this essay end on a triumphant positive note。

解析:这个是Common App文书里面的第二题,这个题目也非常多,学生喜欢去选择这个题目,但是这题目有一点小陷阱,就是要小心尽量别用负面的方式来描绘自己,你应该要去讲述一个会展示你的积极正面特质的故事,形容你是如何去克服困难,而且重点不要去写一些陈词滥调,不要说曾经上过特别难的课程,或者学英文好难,因为很多学生都会这么去写。这个故事一定要为最终揭示学生的积极特质服务,要以获得某种程度的成功或者战胜困难结尾。


Number three is:Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?


Now this essay is actually one of my favorite prompts. This essay is best used to demonstrate your personal or intellectual growth or curiosity over time. You need to describe a specific belief and then share the story of how you questioned that belief,whether it's your own belief or others'.



Number four is another one of my favorites:  Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happier or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?


Now this is a newer prompt,which means that they are less likely to have read many essays like this. And really everyone should be able to think of something that might work for this prompt and it's especially strong if it can be tied into some type of motivation that pushed you to accomplish something really positive. And overall,it will always have a positive ending.



Number five:Discuss an accomplishment,event or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.


Now,this is so broad. It can almost cover every topic you can imagine, but you should choose this prompt if you have an event or accomplishment that is that truly sparked meaningful growth. Meaningful means you have to give tangible examples of that new understanding. Avoid cliches like growing up,going to high school,learning a new language,things like that. Your topic and that spark should still be unique and personal to you。



Number six: Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?
第六题:描述一个让你沉迷其中,甚至忘记时间的话题、想法、理念。它哪里吸引你? 当你试图去了解更多的时候,你会求助于什么样的帮助?

Really for this one,keep in mind those follow up questions: why/ what/ who/ when. Answer as many of those as possible  throughout your essay, while it's tempting to talk about a potential major or something like that here,this must still be an essay about YOU.

解析:这个题目大家仔细看的话,就会发现它其实是一系列的小问题,就是英文的4个W,why what who when,什么,做了什么,谁做了,和什么时候。尽可能地多回答这些问题。 当然有些学生可能会很想要写跟未来大学想念的专业有关的东西,不过你要确保你除了写跟专业有关的东西之外,这仍然是一篇必须要跟你自身相关的文章。


Finally number seven: Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.


This can be really tempting when a student feels like they know exactly what they want to write or maybe they have a shortcut they can use an essay they already used for school. However,if you choose this route,you should still actually write your own prompt and type it up at the top of your document to keep yourself on course and help to fully develop a unified theme for your essay.  Do not use this prompt as an opportunity to write an open-ended stream of consciousness that’s not a cohesive story.


02、选择Common App文书题目的策略

After those seven prompts,there are countless essays each student could write. But choose carefully. Picking a topic and promt is an important part of this process. This is because what you choose to say matters just as much as how you say it.


This essay is the only part of the application where you get to speak solely in your own voice. You get to choose exactly what you share with the admissions committee in 650 words that shows what your priorities are,what you really want to make sure they know about you.


So say you choose a topic,there are still many ways you can write on that topic,even multiple prompts from the list of common app prompts that will suit your topic.

For example,you want to write about football since it's your favorite activity. But what do you write? A general description of your entire football career? The single best game of your life? The greatest Challenge?The way that it shapes your thinking, showcases your leadership as a captain? Or maybe even how you solve the problem related to your time on that team?


I had this exact scenario a few years ago. We then had a Chinese client whose passion was football and we combed through his experiences and decided on a particularly dramatic game which showcased his leadership and talent as an athlete. But we had to play up the challenge aspect and ended up changing the essay to make it more exciting and give him more opportunities to share his uniqueness。He ended up getting accepted to Cornell.


Many times I find that students actually have two topics in mind and they try to decide between the two topics,one that is more personal and one that is maybe more activity based.


I had a student with two essays actually completely written out a couple of years ago, because we just could not decide. She felt very torn between them. And sometimes a personal story is actually best told by weaving it in with a more concrete activity. This is exactly what I suggested,blending the two essays together,back and forth to provide a montage type structure which ultimately strengthened both stories. She ended up going on to attend Harvard。


Along the lines of deciding between various topics,many times my students actually have a variety of different topics and can't choose between them and have a very hard time selecting exactly what is the best way to portray themselves. But what matters the most is not necessarily which is truly the most important to you or feels the most true version of you. Sometimes what actually the best is which of those can provide the best context for admissions,which is actually the best essay for the Common App essay.


For example,I worked with a Chinese client who attended high school in America. He wrote many versions of his essay,at least ten completely different drafts. He had a lot of different ideas,but he could not decide which was the most important to him. We evaluated each one and compared the benefits of each. Eventually we chose a story that highlighted his most impressive experience while also demonstrating positive traits like humility,maturity and nuanced view of the world。He went on to attend Vanderbilt。



Next I want to talk about the importance of telling a story,common app essays work best to capture their attention when you focus on some type of story or anecdote from your personal experience. Now many people will recommend that you try to show a reader what you mean rather than tell. This cliche advice is indeed true in this case. 


But what it means for the essay is that you give an example of your most positive traits through telling the story of a challenge you faced or a lesson you learned or something important about yourself through action or event,things actually happening. That's what makes up a story rather than a general description. And that's what captures showing a reader versus telling. Then the reader believes it more thoroughly than if you were to just kind of list things or provide a summary.


For example,you can write an essay about how much you love helping others, how important it is to you,how beneficial. But it's more convincing and makes a greater impact if you demonstrate that you love helping others through a story about a time that you actually did help others. The more details,the greater the impact that example has on the reader,the more convincing it is。


For example,I had a student who had a passion for both writing and math. And in his first draft,he explained that passion explain the different types of thinking, talked about how important both of those subjects were to him. But that was not very exciting. It was not very engaging. So instead we showcased detail stories from his experiences. In those stories, he demonstrated the growth of his passion over time and incorporated other people and actions. These are important story elements to make it more interesting to read. He went on to attend Yale.


Besides convincing the reader,the other reason it's important to tell a story is because it keeps the reader engaged. It's hard to imagine how tedious as the reading becomes for these admissions officers. They read literally thousands of essays per year and the repetition of topics and themes is frequent. A story with action verbs, a clear story arc -- meaning from the beginning middle and end. This also makes the reader more likely to enjoy and remember your writing, which is very important making sure you get accepted.


For example,I had one student who had been very active in a certain sport over her entire life for well over 10 years. She didn't even know where to start to tell that story without it seeming flat and almost like a resume description. Instead,I encouraged her to frame it around a particular story with her father,teaching her that sport so that it would feel personal and could focus on vivid memories and events to show her change and growth of time. She went on to attend Princeton。


The final point I want to emphasize is that your essay must be clean and clear before submission,and they should be clean and clear of the following: Distracting grammar errors,informal references,unnecessary filler words,and negative Information about yourself. Now the first few are easy if you know your English. But sometimes students don't know what might be perceived negatively by admissions. It's important to examine your messaging carefully.


For example,I worked with a very talented student with excellent scores and grades who was very strong had a very strong profile in economics and wanted to be a businessman. He was clearly qualified for a Top school,but his first essay draft had subtle elements that painted him as materialistic and overly confident. I recommended that he eliminate these elements because to admissions officers this can come off as negtive. Instead,we want to find ways to turn each of those negative characteristics into a positive. Once we reframed the essay,he was a leader,he was driven to achieve. He was humble, but he still got to explain all of those positive accomplishments. Herecognized instead how lucky he was to have so many gifts,always painting himself in a positive light. He went on to attend MIT.


College essay can be daunting,but also there are an incredible opportunity to set yourself apart. You are more than just a number of score, a grade. Use this common app essay to show colleges the many other positive qualities you possess and will bring to their campus.



Q: Now the first question is mentioning my academic interest and strength in the common APP essay a must?


A: Definitely not. In fact,you don't need to talk about your academic interests in the common episode at all. Though sometimes it can be a good place to tell a personal motivation story related to your intended major. Most typically,students have plenty of room to talk about academics in their supplemental essays. 


For example,I had a student who wrote her comment essay about her ballroom dancing competition. She did not mention academics or other activities,anything like that whatsoever. It was all about dancing and she actually went on to attend U Penn Wharton School of Business。So the only place she talked about her academics was in the supplemental essays and she was still very successful.


Another great example is an Asian male student who ended up studying biomedical sciences at Stanford. He wrote his common app essay on football because he served as the assistant Coach for his football team, absolutely no mention of his research or awards or academic strengths in the common app essay。Instead it was an opportunity to show a very unique and fun layer of his personality.


Q: The next question is,what sorts of things should I avoid writing about in the Common App essay? 


A: A good question. I already covered most of this in my previous discussion, but first of all,would be painting yourself in a negative light, restating the same academics that you will cover in the supplements and also avoid a big general summary of yourself and your resume. Don't make it an overall big pot of biographies or a general story. Also avoid cliche topics like I mentioned before,studying abroad,learning English,growing older, general sports game. Those are too common.


Q: The next question is what key points should I include in my Common App essay? 


A: And the answer is there really is no single one key point. The versatility of the common app essay means you should instead use it to fill in gap or weaknesses. that you might have other places of your application. Or infuse your application with a new personality to mention that would be the more unique paired alongside of your academic interest.


Q: The next question,if the student isn't super exceptional,meaning they don't have awards,they are not particularly good at sports,but they have a good GPA. How should they craft their college essay so that it will stand out for admissions officers?


A: Now in this case,being memorable and passionate are crucial. I don't have as many examples for students like this,but I did have one who had a similar profile. She had a volunteer experience over the summer that we were able to dig deeper into and align that with her academic interest which happened to the psychology. Thus we built that story to make it really memorable with lots of emotion and action and characters to bring her to life。She ended up attending NYU.


Q: This next question is should parents advise their kids on their colleges or is it better for parents to stay out of it?


A: And I really can't say 100% yes or no. Because I have seen it work both ways. I worked with at this point over 200 students who are applying to Top 30 Top 40 universities in the United States. I see it work both ways.  On occasion, a parent remembers the story that the students didn't. But other times it's more personal and easier and more efficient to work without the parents there. But both ways can be a effective. It's just important to be flexible and realize what is working and sometimes try different things.


Q: Next question,if a student gets a certificate through an online course like a 12 week online course,how helpful is that for college applications?


A:So it can be helpful in terms of building your academic narrative as it complements the other aspects of your application,maybe it feeds into your research or another class or an internship. But it's really not about the certificate itself。It's more so about the content of the actual course and what we're able to learn whether or not that would be a significant contribution to your application.


Q: Next question is for the college essay,can I only write about what happened while I was in high school?


A:And so while you can write about things from earlier. And many students do have plenty of stories and things they want to talk about from earlier in life. It's best to make sure that your final take away is still grounded in the high school years because who you are today is the person that they are evaluating. I did have a student who had several stories from middle school that he really wanted to be able to incorporate. What we ended up doing is having another montage of multiple stories so we could show growth overtime and the final story was in high school and he ended up going on to Stanford.








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