

Everyone should stay in school until they reach the age of 18. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2022/10/29)







因此,本题要求讨论的,不是教育的重要性,而是是否应该强行要求18岁以下的孩子都在学校学习。老雅的观点是:虽然教育很重要,但强行孩子读到初中(middle school)就行了,至于是否要求他们读高中(high school),则需要具体情况具体分析


Almost all countries in the world today require children under 15 to receive compulsory full-time education, but recently some educationalists suggest that this age should be extended to 18 years old. While receiving more education is absolutely necessary, I do not think all young adults aged from 15-18 must stay at school.

Normally having finished their middle school before they reach 15, most young people are already equipped with the basic literacy skills and general knowledge of the world, so the government should not spend more money on their further education, especially when it has other important investment sectors such as medical care and technological development. In this case, it would be impossible to ask all parents to send their children to high school because many families are so poor that they simply cannot afford the expensive tuition. Even if the government helps to waver the tuition fee, some young adults still cannot continue their education because they are old enough to work and help support their family.

Besides, not all children are interested in going further to high school. Those with academic bend of mind should of course be encouraged to continue their education since with more education, they stand better chances of finding more satisfying jobs, earning more money, and therefore being more successful in life. But for those who are not academically competent, it is pointless to require them to spend another three years in school. Instead, they should be allowed to go to the job market and increase their work experience. Indeed, we have seen many people who did not go to high school but later became very successful entrepreneurs.

In conclusion, I believe young people should be encouraged to receive more education after 15, but it should not become a state policy. Compelling all young people to be full-time students till 18 years old is not only impractical but also unwise.

(315 words)



2023密歇根大学University of Michigan申请要求详解




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