
In some countries, the criminal trials are shown on the TV and the general public can watch them. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?



那么,在本次作文的审题中,我们发现两个关键词,一是犯罪审判(criminal trials),二是电视播放(shown on TV)。关于电视播放广告的优劣势这样的题目我们不会陌生,但电视里播放犯罪审判又是一种什么样的情形呢?关键是:讨论这样的题目,我们应该从哪里着手开始呢?如果我们将本书多次提出的“三大层次”说,即物质层次、心理层次和社会层次用于“电视播放犯罪审判”这个话题,我们就可得到如下一些可用的观点:





Whether criminal trials should be shown on TV or not has always been a controversial issue. After discussing the advantages of this practice and its disadvantages, I come to believe televising criminal trials is a good thing as long as its negative effects are brought well under control.


Showing criminal trials on TV can serve multiple purposes such as educational, deterrent and regulatory. When watching how criminals are tried and sentenced, TV viewers will learn a great deal about the law and the legal system. In fact, it was from a televised trial that I finally understood it is a violation of law if you do not stop your car when you see a stop sign. Meanwhile, TV trials can help bring down the crime rate. People are fearful of their faces shown on TV after they commit crimes because it is generally considered to be a disgrace to the family. Finally, aware that they are watched by the general public, the lawyers and judges will have to make sure that the law is followed strictly and the justice is done to the highest standards.


Admittedly, TV trials, particularly the live shows, may bring about negative effects as well. Often the TV trials will present a lot of details of the criminal offenses such as killing, embezzling, cheating, so much so that they become a promotion of these crimes. As a matter of fact, many juvenile offenders admit they have been under great influences of TV criminal shows. More importantly, in TV criminal trials, lawyers and judges may often pay more attention to their own personal images to the TV viewers, thus forgetting the real purpose of the trial, which is to find if a person is guilty or innocent and in this way, the justice may be sacrificed.


However, I personally do like the idea of putting criminal trials on TV. Besides telling us right from wrong in a more vivid way and preventing us from committing crimes, TV trials will let us know how the punishment is meted out and how justice is done. This, I believe, is what our basic civil right is all about.   




CAIE剑桥2023年5-6月Alevel大考关键日期Key dates汇总




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