


仰望星空,我看到了天鹅座、大力神和双鱼座,那是旧时文化的遗迹。我聆听海浪拍打沙滩的声音,那是大自然的鸣奏曲。星星是燃烧的星球,电脉冲让生物产生知觉,这难道不令人感到惊奇吗? 我们的世界存在本身就是一个奇迹。


在巴尔博亚,大三和大四学生可以加入五个小型学习社区之一,这些社区已配备相关课程。在大二快结束时,我重新做了选择:第一是最负盛名的法学院,第四是荒野艺术与扫盲协作(the Wilderness Arts and Literacy Collaborative, WALC)。


我最终没有换专业。 除了综合课程,WALC还带学生去自然地区旅行,这不仅帮助学生建立彼此之间的联系,也促进了学生对复杂自然进程和人类所起作用的探索。这些课程也帮我拼凑出了所处宇宙的模样。





我希望能够通过大学各种课程的学习来找到自己的兴趣,并通过相关研究加深对人类的理解,从而对宇宙运行的复杂系统有更深的认识。 点评:托尼的文字帮助我们欣赏他知识广度和好奇心的延展。以下是英文原文——


Gazing up at the starry sky, I see Cygnus, Hercules, and Pisces, remnants of past cultures. I listen to waves crash on the beach, the forces of nature at work. Isn’t it odd how stars are flaming spheres and electrical impulses make beings sentient?

The very existence of our world is a wonder; what are the odds that this particular planet developed all the necessary components, parts that all work in unison, to support life? How do they interact? How did they come to be? I thought back to how my previously simplistic mind-set evolved this past year.

At Balboa, juniors and seniors join one of five small learning communities, which are integrated into the curriculum. Near the end of sophomore year, I ranked my choices: Law Academy first—it seemed the most prestigious—and WALC, the Wilderness Arts and Literacy Collaborative, fourth.

So when I was sorted into WALC, I felt disappointed at the inflexibility of my schedule and bitter toward my classes. However, since students are required to wait at least a semester before switching pathways, I stayed in WALC. My experiences that semester began shifting my ambition-oriented paradigm to an interest-oriented one. I didn’t switch out.

Beyond its integrated classes, WALC takes its students on trips to natural areas not only to build community among its students, but also to explore complex natural processes and humanity’s role in them. Piecing these lessons together, I create an image of our universe.

I can visualize the carving of glacial valleys, the creation and gradation of mountains by uplift and weathering, and the transportation of nutrients to and from ecosystems by rivers and salmon. I see these forces on the surface of a tiny planet rotating on its axis and orbiting the sun, a gem in this vast universe. Through WALC, I have gained an intimate understanding of natural systems and an addiction to understanding the deep interconnections embedded in our cosmos.

Understanding a system’s complex mechanics not only satisfies my curiosity, but also adds beauty to my world; my understanding of tectonic and gradational forces allows me to appreciate mountains and coastlines beyond aesthetics. By physically going to the place described in WALC’s lessons, I have not only gained the tools to admire these systems, but have also learned to actually appreciate them.

This creates a thirst to see more beauty in a world that’s filled with poverty and violence, and a hunger for knowledge to satisfy that thirst. There are so many different systems to examine and dissect—science alone has universal, planetary, molecular, atomic, and subatomic scales to investigate.

I hope to be able to find my interests by taking a variety of courses in college, and further humanity’s understanding through research, so that all can derive a deeper appreciation for the complex systems that govern this universe.







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