剑18写作范文及解析 | Test3 地图题


The diagram below shows the floor plan of a public library 20 years ago and how it looks now.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

剑18写作范文及解析 | Test3 地图题





开头段 - 改写题目

The diagrams illustrate the transformation of the Central Library's layout over a span of two decades. The most striking change is the modernization of the library to accommodate technological advancements and the evolving needs of its patrons.

主体段1 - 描述20年前的图书馆

Twenty years ago, the library was primarily divided into sections for different types of books and media. The children's section was specifically dedicated to books, while a separate section was allocated for CDs, videos, and computer games. The adult section was bifurcated into fiction and non-fiction books. A reading room was available for newspapers and magazines, and an enquiry desk handled tickets and book returns.

主体段2 - 描述现在图书馆,提及变化

Fast forward to the present day, the library has undergone significant changes. The children's section now exclusively contains fiction books, and storytelling events are a new addition. The adult section remains dedicated to fiction books, but all reference books are now consolidated into a single area. The enquiry desk has been replaced by self-service machines, reflecting the shift towards automation. Notably, the library has expanded its services to include a computer room and a café, catering to the digital needs and comfort of its users. A lecture room has also been introduced, indicating a focus on educational events.


In conclusion, the Central Library has evolved over the past 20 years, transitioning from a traditional book-centric model to a more diverse, user-friendly hub that embraces technology and community engagement. This transformation reflects broader societal changes and the dynamic role of libraries in the 21st century.


Transformation   变化,转变

Span of two decades   二十年的跨度

Technological advancements   技术进步

Bifurcated   分为两部分

Consolidated   合并的

Catering to   迎合,满足(某种需求或期望)

User-friendly   用户友好的

Embraces technology   拥抱技术

Broader societal changes   更广泛的社会变化

The most striking change   最显著的变化

Fast forward to the present day   快进到现在

Undergone significant changes   经历了重大变化

Have been replaced by   已被...替代

Reflecting the shift towards   反映了向...的转变

Expanded its services to include   扩大了其服务范围,包括

Enquiry desk   咨询台

Self-service machines   自助服务机







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