

Young people who commit serious crimes, such as a robbery or a violent attack should be punished in the same way as adults.  To what extent do you agree or disagree?





这是一道观点类大作文,聊的是年轻人犯罪处罚的问题。审题时需要注意两点,一是讨论对象主体是“young people”,论证时需要注意这个群体的特性;二是题目中明确了“commit serious crimes”,需要考虑这种情况。下面,月半鸭和大家一起来看下具体观点。











In recent times, there has been a marked escalation in the ratio of adolescents apprehended and conclusively implicated in grave felonies. Some contend that it would be excessively severe to subject these underage individuals, who are not yet 18, to the same punitive measures as adults. However, my perspective aligns more closely with the belief that the punishment meted out should be commensurate with the type and intensity of the crime committed, potentially equating to adult sanctions.

The majority of legal frameworks dictate particular protocols concerning the handling of youthful offenders. These young culprits are typically sentenced to probation, house arrest, or relocation to foster care. Occasionally, social workers are deployed to mentor these juvenile delinquents, providing them with essential life skills and social acumen, in hopes of steering them away from a life of crime. These strategies are generally presumed to effectively rehabilitate the offenders and dissuade them from recidivism.

Regrettably, in the interim, the rates of violent crimes committed by juveniles have surged, almost doubling the rate of adult crime. A plausible explanation for this worrying trend is tied to the aforementioned specialized procedures. These processes create an illusion of invincibility in the minds of these young offenders, making them feel impervious to the reach of the law. This lends credence to the assertion that stringent penalties, rather than lenient ones, must be enforced, specifically for those guilty of severe offenses such as robbery or violent assault.

Moreover, subjecting minors to the same punitive measures as adults will compel them to bear the weight of their actions and their consequences. This will catalyze profound introspection about their illicit deeds. Living under the wings of excessively protective parents and ensconced within their own insulated microcosms, these young individuals exhibit indifference towards ethical norms and are unencumbered by remorse. Their actions are further propelled by their self-serving desires, leading them to undertake risks that most mature, accountable adults would eschew under normal circumstances. The intervention of law enforcement and the looming threat of penalties enable these young individuals to shatter their illusions and mold them into responsible members of society, guided by righteous values.

In conclusion, the specialized treatment meted out to juvenile offenders often falls short of tangible reality, unless they personally endure severe punishments. Subjecting them to equivalent punitive measures as adults serves dual purposes—it aims not only at rehabilitation but also at retribution and deterrence.


Marked escalation   显著增长

Commensurate with   与...相称

Potentially equating to   可能相当于

Dictate particular protocols   规定特定的协议

Steer them away   引导他们远离

Dissuade them from recidivism   劝阻他们从重犯罪行为

Worrying trend   令人担忧的趋势

Feel impervious to the reach of the law   感觉无法被法律所触及

Stringent penalties   严格的惩罚

Compel them to bear the weight   强迫他们承担重任

Catalyze profound introspection   催化深入反思

Exhibit indifference towards   显示对...的冷漠

Unencumbered by remorse   没有被悔恨困扰

Self-serving desires   自私的欲望

Undertake risks   承担风险

Looming threat of penalties   迫在眉睫的惩罚威胁

Shatter their illusions   打破他们的幻想

Guided by righteous values   由正义的价值观引导

Dual purposes   双重目的





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