




Part 1 简述题

题目1:Aside from books or articles assigned for school, what book(s), article(s), podcast(s), and or documentary(s) have you most enjoyed in the past year and why? Use 200-250 words.






Aside from books or articles assigned for school, the past year has introduced me to a diverse range of captivating materials that have enriched my intellectual landscape. Among these, the book "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari stands out. Its sweeping narrative through the evolution of human civilization has fascinated me, sparking a deeper curiosity about our collective history. This book not only educated me but also encouraged me to view contemporary issues with a historical lens.

题目2:Describe EITHER an academic/extracurricular achievement OR a challenge that had a meaningful impact on you. What did it take to accomplish the achievement or overcome the challenge and what did you learn from that experience? Use 200-250 words.


A. 描述你为实现这一成就或克服这一挑战所采取的具体步骤、奉献精神和决心。突出你在过程中遇到的任何障碍或困难。

B. 反思你从这一经历中获得的洞见、技能或个人成长。讨论这一经历如何影响了你的性格、价值观或观点。

C. 解释从这一经历中获得的教训如何影响了你之后的行动、决策或心态。分享这一经历如何对你的学业和个人发展产生了影响。

D. 建议学生选择课外类型的成就或挑战,尤其是在读公立学校的学生,可以展示自己在课外活动上的优异表现。这里的“成就和挑战”不仅可以指重大赛事或奖项的参与和获得,也可以通过挖掘一些小事件,体现学生个人的价值。重点是把这个成就或挑战的故事描述好,以及学生从中学习到了什么。其实成就与挑战的关系不是非黑即白,而是相辅相成的,只看重点放在哪一方面。


Through hours of practice, I encountered various challenges–mastering complex compositions, tackling intricate hand coordination, and overcoming performance anxiety. Each hurdle offered an opportunity for growth. Frustration turned into determination as I delved into the intricacies of each piece. The journey revealed the power of patience and the reward of incremental progress.

题目3:Each person has unique characteristics that define who they are. Choose three words that best describe you as a person, and explain how they represent you. Use 200-250 words.


A. 选择三个能够概括你个性的特征词语并且通过经历进行阐述:


B. 结尾可以强调这三个词语的组合如何使你独特。

C. 推荐词汇



My diligence has been exemplified in my academic pursuits. While pursuing a challenging physics project, I consistently invested extra hours to understand complex concepts. Additionally, curiosity has been an intrinsic part of my nature. When exploring a new subject, such as art history, my curiosity drives me to delve deeper into its nuances. Lastly, empathy guides my interactions with others. Volunteering at a local shelter, I listened to the stories of homeless individuals, fostering an understanding of their struggles. This empathy extends beyond volunteering, shaping my friendships and enabling me to provide genuine support during tough times.


Part 2 五选一题目

Choose ONE of these essay prompts and respond in 250-500 words.

1. Explain an event or activity that has impacted your life and or your way of thinking.

2. Explain a time when you made a decision you regretted. Explain why you made that decision. How would you approach the same situation differently if you could now?

3. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? From whom did you receive the advice and how did you apply it?

4. Describe a moment when you felt left out or that you did not fit in well with others. What did you learn about yourself and others? How did you overcome that situation?

5. What is your favorite quote from a movie, book or a line from a song or poem? Please name the movie, poem or song, and tell us what it means for you.

对于这一篇长essay, 我们建议是讲好一个故事, 以下是针对每个题目的建议:

1. 描述一个影响你生活和/或思维方式的事件或活动:

  • 考虑一个有意义的经历,挑战了你的观点或带来了个人成长。

  • 描述这个事件/活动的经过、激发的情感,以及它如何改变了你的看法。

  • 反思你从中获得的教训,以及这些教训如何继续影响你的决策和信念。

2. 选择一个对你的生活产生了重大影响的决定,解释为什么你会后悔。

  • 为情况提供背景,以及你当时的思考过程。

  • 讨论决定的后果以及你从这次经历中学到了什么。

  • 分享如果现在能重新面对相同情况,你会如何不同地处理,应用所学的教训。

3. 回想起对你的生活产生深刻影响的建议。

  • 描述是谁给你提供了这个建议,以及在什么背景下提供的。

  • 解释你如何应用这个建议,以及它如何在你的生活中带来了变化。

  • 反思这个建议如何继续引导你的行动和决策。

4. 描述一个你感到被排除在外或与他人不合拍的时刻:

  • 分享一个让你感到被排斥或与群体疏离的经历。

  • 详细描述在那个时刻的情感以及导致这些感觉的原因。

  • 讨论你通过这次经历对自己和他人有了怎样的认识。

  • 解释你是如何克服这种情况,或者你从中学到了关于坚韧和自我接纳。

  • 这不是一个很好写的题目,慎重选择

5. 你最喜欢的电影、书籍、歌曲或诗歌中的一句话是什么?

  • 选择一句深深触动你的引语,并解释它的重要性。

  • 确定引语的来源(电影、书籍、歌曲或诗歌)和它的背景。

  • 描述为什么这句话对你有意义,以及它如何反映了你的价值观或信仰。

  • 在决定要回答的题目时,考虑哪个主题最能与你的经历、价值观和成长之旅产生共鸣。无论你选择哪个题目,都要提供具体的例子,反思经验或建议的影响,并展示个人见解和成长。

  • 注意不要跟你第一题重复








  • 暂无相关文章!

